Chapter 0223 - Great Qin Baiqi vs. Battle God King Odin!!

"Damn it!"

God King Odin couldn't help but scold.

For the current God King Odin, but when he looked at the group of soldiers in Daqin who attacked the soldiers of Asgard like this, the only thought in God King Odin's mind now was anger.

This group of damn Daqin people who don't talk about martial virtue!

That's right, in the current God King Odin's opinion, this guy in the current Daqin doesn't talk about any martial virtue at all!

They actually beat up in groups!

In this regard, Odin, who is currently a god king, said that no matter how strong the strength he has in Asgard, he can't defeat the current group of existences just like that!

Especially when he saw that the overall strength of those soldiers from Daqin was stronger than his Asgard, then the god king Odin at this time naturally felt a heaviness.

It's just that although the current God King Odin said that he felt very, very heavy, when he faced the general from the Great Qin opposite him standing in front of him like this, what Odin at this moment could only put away some of the anger he had in his heart.

"You're not the same person you used to be!"

When the current God King Odin looked at the murderous white rising opposite him, a huge stone was instantly suspended in the heart of God King Odin.

Because according to the current God King Odin's induction, this powerhouse of the same level in front of him is not the powerhouse who burst out of the powerful aura before, which means that there are a total of two powerhouses of the same level in Daqin, which is not good news!

If let him fight one-on-one against this strong man whose strength belongs to the same level as him, then God King Odin may still be able to compete.

But if there are two strong people from the enemy who belong to the same realm as him, then this is not good news.

At least at the moment, he really felt an unprecedented solemnity.

At this moment, God King Odin looked at Bai Qi opposite him.

Facing the words from the god king Odin, Bai Qi at this moment said so calmly: "Is it and what? "

"All you need to think about now is whether you can survive under my hands."

At this moment, Bai Qi's eyes looked at the so-called God King Odin opposite him with that calmness.

About another breath that God King Odin perceives?

Bai Qi also knew that it was their Great Qin Zhuang who won the government.

But does it matter?

This is not important at all, instead of thinking about whether there is another strong person of the same level in his Daqin, it is better to think about whether the current so-called God King Odin has the force that is strong enough to survive under his hands!

He is not a weak man.

Although the strength of the god king Odin opposite him was also quite strong, Bai Qi said that he was not afraid at all!

In the face of Bai Qi's words, the current God King Odin's eyes looked at Bai Qi with an unprecedented solemnity.


God King Odin held the Eternal Spear and looked deeply at Bai Qi opposite him.

"Then come, let me see how powerful the power you have really is!"

At the same time, as the words of God King Odin fell, a pair of armor directly wrapped the God King Odin at this moment.

"Then let me see how powerful your power really is!"

At the same time, the current God King Odin's eyes carried a serious look towards Bai Qi opposite him.

In the face of this Bai Qi, who seemed to belong to the God of War level, the current God King Odin sensed that sense of threat at Bai Qi's body.

It is precisely because of the sense of danger conveyed by the current Bai Qi's body that God King Odin understands that Bai Qi definitely does not belong to the main gods he once dealt with, and the current God King Odin will begin to fully explode all the power in his body.

"Yes, then come on!"

"Then let me see how powerful your power is!"

The white eyes holding a sword carried that bright red killing intent.


In an instant, an unprecedented murderous aura directly began to erupt in Bai Qi's body.

As that unprecedented murderous aura began to erupt from Bai Qi's body, a vast and incomparable power also began to emerge under this river of stars.

In the face of Bai Qi, who erupted with murderous aura all over his body, the current God King Odin naturally would not choose to ignore the other party just like that.

"Then let me see your power!"

As the words of God King Odin fell, the same powerful force exploded in the current cosmic galaxy, but in the face of the power that burst out from the vigorous white qi, the point that emerged in the current God King Odin's body was more or less with a trace of sunset.

In the face of the aura that erupted from the current two Mahayana realm powerhouses, Yingzheng, who was inside the Emperor battleship, squinted slightly at the battle at this moment.

Compared to the battles that those other Great Qin generals and those Great Qin soldiers had, at this moment, Ying Zheng began to set his eyes on the battle between those two Mahayana realms.

Because his realm also belonged to the Mahayana realm, he wanted to see if it was the power that Bai Qi possessed or the power of that god king Odin.

Instead, he wanted to see what level of power this Mahayana realm possessed.

Just when the current winner began to look his power at the battlefield of Bai Qi and Odin, Bai Qi and Odin at this moment also fully burst out the full power in their bodies at this moment.


Waves of qi began to spread around them.

As that wave of qi began to spread around Bai Qi and Odin, the soldiers on both sides who were currently fighting on the battlefield also began to be impacted by that strong and incomparable wave of qi.


One after another, the soldiers in the Great Qin directly began to be completely blown away by the aura that erupted on the battlefield, and even those soldiers from the God King Odin began to be blown away by the terrifying aura that these two guys had erupted at present

"Is this the true power that belongs to the father?"

At the same time, Thor, the god of thunder who was fighting with the general of Daqin, had an unprecedented incredible man in his eyes.

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