Chapter 0224 - Thor's One Dozen Five!!

"Is Father's power actually so powerful?"

The eyes of Thor, the current god of thunder, have such an incredulity in their eyes.

In the eyes of Thor, the god of thunder, maybe the strength he has cannot be compared with his father just like that, but at least his strength is definitely not too weak, right?

This is what Thor has always firmly believed before, he thinks that his strength may not be as good as his father, but the strength they have between them will definitely not be too different.

But now what?

Sorry, when the current Thor God of Thor looked at his father who burst out of his full power, the current Thor saw all the power that his father possessed for the first time.

Thunder Shento also understood that the power possessed by his father was so powerful, and the difference in the power possessed by the two of them was simply the difference between disgusted lands.

At the same time, Thor, the god of thunder, felt a burst of ridicule for the idea he once had.

How could he compare his strength with his father's?

His father's strength was definitely not something he could match.

"Since my father has such great strength, he will definitely not disgrace you!"

The current Thor God of Thor held Thor's hammer and looked at the 867 generals of Daqin who surrounded him one after another.

Perhaps the previous Thor God Thor felt very worried, even very heavy, after all, the strength of these Great Qin generals belongs to the same level as him, although the weapons that the other party has may not be as good as his Mjolnir.

But when the strength between the two of them belongs to the same level, and the number of the other party is more than him, then the opportunity for the outcome they have between each other can already be doomed.

But sorry, the current Thor God said that he will definitely not live up to his father's expectations!

He is the Great Prince of Asgard!

He is the future successor of the Asa God Clan!

He will definitely not allow him to be defeated!


In an instant, I saw that the current Thor God Thor directly began to mobilize all the power in his body with the Thor Hammer in his hand.


A wave of terrifying thunder power began to erupt wildly in all directions centered on the current Thor God Thor.

As that terrifying thunder force began to erupt centered on the current Thunder God Thor, the eyes of those Daqin generals who were currently surrounding Thor God Thor had an unprecedented seriousness in their eyes

"Sure enough, it is worthy of being called the existence of the God of Thor, and it can afford this title with the power of this Thor."

At this moment, the eyes of the surrounding Daqin generals were all so serious with an unprecedented seriousness.

If nothing else, just by virtue of the powerful force that erupted from the current Thor God Thor, it can already represent the current Thor God of Thor, which can fully deserve the title of Thor.

It is precisely because the simple Thor God Thor can fully deserve the title of the God of Thor, that the eyes of the Daqin generals who are currently surrounding Thor are all like this with that serious gaze.

"Thor, let's see how powerful your Thor is!"

One after another, the Great Qin generals also burst out their strength without reservation.


Strands of scarlet murderous aura frantically emerged from the bodies of one Great Qin general after another.

Along with that terrifying murderous aura began to frantically emerge in the bodies of those current Great Qin generals, the gap between them was also completely blended with each other at this moment, and finally completely condensed into that crazy murderous cloud.

If the power that Thor erupted from the thunder god Thor belongs to condensing a dark cloud in the cosmic galaxy, and then bursting out the power of thunder and lightning, the power that these current Daqin generals burst out can condense a murderous cloud composed of murderous qi in the cosmic river.

They are shrouded in a murderous cloud, and the power they erupt can be blessed.

"One strike of ten thousand thunders!"

Thor held Thor's hammer and attacked the Daqin generals one after another!



A terrifying thunder force began to erupt in the dark clouds in that cosmic galaxy.

In the face of that terrifying thunder force, many of the current Daqin generals also unreservedly burst out all the power in their bodies at this moment: "Kill the gods!" "

In an instant, one after another Great Qin generals fused all the murderous aura in their bodies, and then attacked the opposite thunder god Thor without reservation.

As for the power of thunder that attacked them just like that?

Excuse me, do you really think they are going to watch them accept this bombing?


In an instant, the murderous aura directly condensed into one protective position after another, and began to wrap all the Great Qin generals one after another.


When the protective shield condensed with that terrifying murderous aura wrapped these Daqin generals in it, the thunder power condensed from the thunder god Thor also bombarded those protective shields condensed by the murderous aura at this moment.


The terrifying power of thunder slammed into those protective shields condensed by murderous qi, and at the same time that a burst of noise began to sound on that protective shield in an instant.


In the face of the power of thunder that symbolized the arrival of the sun in heaven and earth, the protective shield condensed by the murderous aura naturally could not resist for too long.

In this way, the protective shield condensed by the murderous aura of those Great Qin generals was naturally completely shattered.

With those Great Qin generals condensed from the murderous aura, the protective shield was shattered, and the killing god slash they broke out also violently towards the current thunder god Thor at this moment.


That terrifying attack directly began to cut through the current space of the cosmic galaxy, but when the attack after attack cut through this space, it then erupted fiercely towards Thor the God of Thunder.

"Ten Thousand Thunder Protective Body!"

I saw that the God of Thunder held the Hammer of Thunder and began to mobilize one huge thunder force after another to wrap him in it.


The killing god slash released by many Daqin generals and the thunder power wrapped in Thor collided instantly, resulting in an earth-shattering explosion, and the battle situation on the entire battlefield completely entered the white-hot stage.

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