Chapter 0228 - The Surrender of the Second Prince of Asgard!!


"You're doing a really good job."

The current Yingzheng looked at the current Baiqi with satisfaction.

Being able to solve an Odin of the same realm, this alone can give Bai a big credit.

In the face of the appreciation from Yingzheng, Bai Qi shook his head slightly at this moment: "Our strength belongs to the same level, which is purely caused by the so-called God King Odin being too arrogant." "

"As long as he can carefully observe the Eternal Spear, the final outcome will not end up with this result."

At this moment, Bai Qi shook his head slightly.

He believes that this is not because his strength is too strong, but purely because the so-called god king Odin is too big-hearted.

You know, the god Odin just now threw the Eternal Spear to him, although he was firmly caught every time, but could it be that the god king Odin did not have that worried idea?

At the very least, isn't there that one, for example, is there anything wrong with his Eternal Spear or something?

Don't even have time to check the Eternal Gun?

Even just a slight scan will not end up with this result, so Bai Qi did not feel any happiness at all about the situation that the God King Odin had solved at this moment.


"That's part of the fight."

"In the end, you still won this battle!"

The current Yingzheng smiled slightly in response to Bai Qi at the moment.

If nothing else, just by virtue of Bai Qi's behavior that this god king Odin was able to solve at this moment, this credit is indelible.

"Start leading the soldiers in the zombie army to solve all those so-called Asgard soldiers!"

"It's time for this battle to end."

"That so-called Asgard also needs to become the territory of Daqin!"

There was that seriousness in Ying Zheng's eyes.

Since Odin, who is the god king of Asgard, has been completely solved by his Daqin Baiqi, and Thor, the thunder god who is the great prince of the god king Odin, no longer knows where he was banished by the god king Odin.

At that time, Asgard had no resistance at all, so they could attack the entire house with the current Asgard as the center.


At the same time, the current Bai Qi immediately nodded respectfully after listening to the order given by Yingzheng.


As Bai Qi's figure disappeared into the field of vision of Win Zheng, Win Zheng at this moment also looked at the Eternal Gun that Bai Qi took back.

"Yes, this gun is very good."

"At that time, you can completely melt this so-called eternal gun into some knives and guns and distribute them to those who have meritorious people."

When Yingzheng looked at the Eternal Gun in his hand at this moment, he immediately thought about the future use of this Eternal Gun.

That is the eternal spear, and what needs to be done in the future is to belong to the sword that dissolves into one after another, and finally reward it to those who have meritorious people.

And just when the current winner began to appreciate the eternal gun in his hand, the current scene on the battlefield also began to change dramatically.

Those soldiers in Asgard watched their god king Odin be completely killed by Bai Qi from Daqin, and their eldest prince of Asgard, Thor, did not know where to go.

As for the second prince Loki?

Sorry, as the second prince of Asgard, Loki, his strength cannot be recognized by those soldiers in Asgard.

So in the face of the current situation, all the soldiers in Asgard were completely confused.

Because they didn't know how to fight for a while.

In this way, when all the soldiers of Asgard fell into a burst of confusion, could the soldiers from Daqin choose to stop the attack just because the soldiers of Asgard were confused.

"Go and die!"

One after another, the soldiers in the Great Qin did not hesitate to carry the weapons in their hands and attack the Asgard soldiers opposite them.

As the current second prince from Asgard, Loki faced the generals of Daqin who were attacking him one after another, and Loki did not hesitate to raise his hands: "I choose to surrender." "

"Please also ask the generals of Daqin to spare my life."

"I am the current second prince of Asgard, and I am useful to Daqin!"

"Please spare my life!"

In an instant, the current Loki chose to surrender without hesitation.

That's right, in the face of one murderous Great Qin general after another, the current Loki chose to surrender without hesitation.

No way, at this time, he relied on his own strength to compete with these guys in the big play!

If his father hadn't died, and his eldest brother Thor, the god of thunder, hadn't had any accidents, Loki would never have had the idea of surrendering just like that.

After all, this is a fight for Asgard!

At least for the current Loki, this is one of the best ways to gain the approval of everyone in Asgard.

But the problem is that his father has died in battle, and Thor, the god of thunder, who is recognized by everyone in Asgard, does not know where to be teleported by his father at this moment.

Even the current Loki has that resentment in his heart.

Also as a prince of Asgard, why did his father directly teleport his eldest brother away, but let him stay here to face those soldiers in Daqin, for the sake of his own life.

Loki chose to surrender without hesitation.

When the generals in Daqin, who attacked like Loki, listened to what Loki said, they frowned slightly and looked at Loki at the moment.

"Since this guy is the so-called second prince of Asgard, it should be more or less useful."

"Leave him behind first, and then hand it over to Your Majesty to deal with."

One after another, the generals began to arrest Loki.

Faced with the capture of those generals, Loki did not dare to resist at all.

"Damn Loki, you traitor!"

Just when Loki was captured by the generals in Daqin, the surrounding Asgard warriors looked at Loki with that angry tone and yelled at Loki,

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