Chapter 0229 - Asgard's fleet is destroyed, and the nine realms change into heaven!!

"Damn Loki, you traitor!"

"You betrayed us Asgard, you betrayed us Desa gods!"

In an instant, I saw the Asgard warriors around him cursing at Loki.

Although Loki, the second prince of Asgard, is not very valued on weekdays, the other party is also the prince of Asgard!

With the death of Odin, the god king of present-day Asgard, and when Thor, the eldest prince of Asgard, is banished without knowing where to go, Loki, as the second prince, must be able to bear the task of all the Asgardian warriors on their battlefield!

The result?

Loki, who is currently the second prince of Asgard, chose to surrender without hesitation!

This is simply stepping them on the ground in Asgard!

How can this be endured by the current soldiers?

One Asgard general after another and one Asgard soldier after another directly accused Loki of breaking his mouth.

"You Asgard scum!"

"This traitor!"

One word after another reached Loki's ears, but in the face of that sentence after sentence, the current Loki chose to treat it as if he hadn't heard.

At this time, he understood that what he needed to do now was to honestly put him behind Daqin 707.

Since he chose to surrender, then at this time, he absolutely could not make any orders that disobeyed Daqin.

Otherwise, it is very likely that he will die at that time.

Loki, he doesn't want to die!

Since he didn't want to die, in the face of the guys who were cursing him one after another, the current Loki directly chose to ignore it.

And at this moment, those Daqin generals just looked at the behavior of one Asgard general and soldier after another cursing Loki, but at this moment they said slightly with a disdainful smile: "How? "

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to live, but please don't hinder this one who wants to live!"

"Get rid of all these people!"

In an instant, one after another Great Qing generals quickly beckoned those Great Qin soldiers and arrested all these so-called Asgard soldiers!

"If you resist, there is no amnesty for killing!"

As the tough words fell, the current Daqin soldiers quickly rushed forward and captured the generals and soldiers from Asgard.

"Go and die, you!"

However, in the face of the capture of the soldiers in Daqin, some Asgard soldiers had that anger in their eyes, and they directly picked up the weapons in their hands and stabbed at the Daqin soldiers one after another.


As the weapons in the hands of one Asgard soldier after another pierced the Daqin soldiers, the weapons in their hands stabbed the armor of those Daqin soldiers so fiercely, and immediately made a burst of sounds.

"Damn it!"

Faced with this scene, the soldiers in the Great Qin looked at these so-called Asgard existences with that killing intent on their faces.

Originally, they might have chosen to let this group of guys survive, but now that this group of guys has chosen to attack them, don't blame them for killing them.

"Kill all these resistances!"

One division commander after another ordered without hesitation.


As the orders of the division commanders captured by those organizations fell, many officers currently under the division commanders did not hesitate to take up arms and slash at the soldiers of Asgard who resisted.


Suddenly, one after another powerful forces began to emanate from the weapons of the soldiers one after another.

As it surged out of those weapons, it struck hard at the soldiers of Ace and Ade.

"Poof, poof..."

It was the sound of a blade passing through your chest.

One by one, the Asgard soldiers looked at the penetrated appearance on their chests, and now they opened their mouths and pointed at what the soldiers in Daqin wanted to say.

"Plop plop..."

One after another, Asgardian soldiers who dared to resist fell in place, losing their breath.

"Those who dare to resist, kill without amnesty!"

One after another, the Great Qin officers looked at the Asgard soldiers with eagle-like eyes.

In the face of the warnings of the officers in this Great Qin after another, the next Asgard soldiers also felt a slight trembling.

Soon, one Asgardian soldier after another was captured, and of course there was no lack of some daring to resist.

However, these dare to resist have been solved by the soldiers in Daqin.

Yingzheng, who was currently sitting in the battleship Emperor, also nodded slightly when he looked at the scene he had on the current battlefield.

"Good, let's get ready to march into Asgard!"

"Let Asgard completely become the territory of the Great Qin Heavenly Court!"

"All we need to do is spread around Asgard."

"Let the Daqin Black Dragon Banner fly in the sky above many civilizations in this universe, and there is a firmness in the eyes of the victorious government."


The eyes of one soldier after another at present were filled with that deep excitement.


As the battlefield was cleaned up, one after another Daqin soldiers soon began to escort all the prisoners to the battleship, and finally the mighty Daqin fleet began to advance towards the wanxiang who looked at Asgard.

As the mighty fleet headed in the direction of Asgard, the god kings of the other realms who were currently in the Nine Realms all looked at each other with a trembling expression.

They had thought that maybe Asgard would be defeated, and even if Asgard won, it should be a crushing victory.

After all, the strength possessed by the Great Qin fleet could be comprehended even if they did not go to the battlefield, but what about the result now?

Now they looked at the Great Qin fleet, which currently looked as if there was no damage, and then at the fleet of Asgard, which had been annihilated by the entire army.

At present, the god king in the nine realms understands a truth, the nine realms are about to change the sky!

Even the whole universe is about to change!

Even the many top forces in the earth, after watching the battle that broke out in that universe, many forces in the entire earth fell into a heavy burst.

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