Chapter 0230 - The God of Thunder Who Appeared on Earth!!

"Where are they going now?"

The current S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury looked at Tony beside him with a heavy gaze.

Faced with the words from S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick Fury, Tony replied with a heavy opening in his eyes at this moment: "I don't know." "

"I really don't know the news about where the fleet that appeared in that universe is going."

"However, the known news is that the strength of the current victorious fleet is very strong - large."

"Even the strength of the defeated fleet is not comparable to us, but the victorious side can completely destroy that fleet without much effort."

"This is enough to show that the victorious side has a strong strength."

"The most important thing is that although the place they are going to is not known where, they can also know that it should belong to a different space, a territory owned by the defeated party."

"And the place that the defeated side has is not far from our earth!"

"It's not far from our solar system!"

"So, next, our earth will face the surveillance of a cosmic civilization, and Tony at this moment said with that heavy opening in his eyes."

This is a fact that is on the surface, so the current Tony, even if he doesn't want to admit it, must understand that the current situation has happened, and all they need to do is think about how to solve the current crisis.


In the face of the words from Tony, the current Nick Fury fell silent for a while.

If this happened on their earth, then they have the power to stop it from happening, and even the power to face the next crisis.

But the problem is that this war is taking place in the universe, and the forces at war on both sides are not comparable to their earth.

Now, all they need to do on Earth is to beware of the current powerful force.

Because the other party refuses that the solar system in which their earth is located is not far away, what will be the view of the earth in the solar system?

No one knows, but one thing is certain.

That is, that unknown world must have a little opinion about the earth, after all, their earth is the only living planet that belongs to the planet they know and know!

"It's a big trouble."

Nick Fury's eyes had a heaviness in them.

Just when Nick Fury's eyes carried that heaviness, a spatial crack appeared in the air where he was currently in a desert in the beautiful country

"Click, click..."

As that spatial crack appeared, a figure currently fell directly from that spatial crack.

"Ahem, ahem..."

When the figure at this moment fell from the spatial crack, he couldn't help but cough slightly at this moment.

And at this moment, this existence that fell from the space rift is Thor, the god of thunder who was teleported to Earth by the god king Odin on the cosmic battlefield


Thor, the god of thunder, looked in the direction of the universe with an unprecedented heaviness in his eyes.

He understood that his father was dead, and that it was very likely that all of Asgard had been completely buried.

That could well be the last surviving being in Asgard.



Thor, the god of thunder, knelt down and wept in the direction of the universe.

"No, I can't watch Asgard fall like this"

"I must take revenge!!"

I saw that the current Thor God of Thor had a firmness in his eyes.

The current Asgard has been completely solved by the so-called Great Qin, but he definitely can't just watch Asgard being solved!

He must do something!

"Oh, by the way, go find Tony, go find Nick Fury!"

In an instant, Thor also sensed that the place he was now in belonged to the atrium, so what he needed to do now was to unite all the forces on the earth to jointly resist the Great Qin that appeared in the universe!


At the same time, the current Thor had a serious look in his eyes.


I saw Thor turn into thunder and fly towards the direction of Stark Tower.

As Thor, the god of thunder, flew towards the direction of Stark Tower, Nick Fury and Thor, who were in S.H.I.E.L.D., looked at the current sirens...

"It seems that an uninvited guest has come to our earth, as if this price is very similar to the previous one."

The current Tony looked at Nick Fury next to him with a calm gaze, it was obvious who this guy was?

Both of them know it.

"Let's go, go meet the Grand Prince of Asgard."

"His coming to Earth this time should be related to the battle that broke out outside the solar system."

At this moment, the current Nick Fury arched his shoulders slightly.

"Let's go, he should land on my territory."

At this moment, Tony at this moment has also received the news.

That is, according to the current situation, the current thunder force should land in his Stark Tower next.

"Let's go, then go and meet the great prince of Asgard."

The current Nick Fury arched his shoulders.

"Click, click!"

In Nick Fury's envious gaze, Tony quickly put Iron Man on his body.

"I'm waiting for you on my territory."

As Tony's words fell, I saw that Iron Man armor instantly flew into the sky

"Brush brush brush..."

In an instant, as the Iron Man armor flew into the sky, the current Nick Fury could only shake his head helplessly.

"Get to Stark Tower as fast as you can!"

Soon, a helicopter flew at the fastest speed to see the Stark Tower.

And Thor, the current thunder god, has also landed on the top floor of the current Stark Tower.


When the current Thor God Thor landed on the top floor of the Stark Tower, there was a sense of doubt in Thor's eyes at this moment.

"Is Tony there?"

In the face of Thor's words, Jarvis, who was currently in the Stark Building, also calmly replied at this moment: "Our boss will arrive soon." "

"Please sir, wait a moment."

As Jarvis's words fell, the current Thor was waiting for Tony's return on the top floor of the Stark Tower at this moment.

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