Chapter 0231 - My Dad Is Dead!!


With a burst of explosions in the distance, Tony, wearing Iron Rogue armor, also came to the top of the current Stark Building at this moment.

"Oh, you're finally back!"

Faced with Tony's return, Torra, who is currently at the top of the building, is so deeply excited.

Regarding this friend on earth, Thor still recognizes his friend.

If nothing else, just relying on the wisdom possessed by his friend is enough to make the current Thor God of Thor have such admiration for the other party.

In the face of Thor's words, the current Thor, smiled slightly: "Say, it's not good that you are a big prince in Asgard, why did you suddenly come to Earth?" "

"Was it the battle that broke out outside the galaxy that brought you over?"

Facing the current Thor God, Tony at this moment directly speaks to the subject.

That is about the arrival of Thor, the god of thunder, is it about the layer of battle that erupted outside the solar system?

In the face of the words from Tony, Thor, who originally had that joy in his eyes at this moment, now carried a deep heaviness.

"Yes, the main reason why I came to your earth this time is for the battle that broke out in the starry sky of the universe, that is, outside your atrium, of course, according to your words, outside the earth."

"That battle that broke out outside the earth!"

At this moment, Thor said with that heavy opening in his eyes.

"Asgard is down."

I saw Thor say with that desperate tone.

Faced with the words from Thor, the current Tony just wanted to say something, but was suddenly completely shocked by the words told by Thor.

"Wait, what did you just say?"

"Asgard is down?"

At present, Tony's eyes are so incredulous to look at Thor, the god of thunder.

"Don't tell me that the battle that broke out outside that solar system before was a battle between you Asgard and that unknown cosmic power."

Tony's eyes looked at Thor with that confusion.

Although he said that he also knew that Asgard, as a Norse mythology, belonged outside their earth, he really did not know where it was outside of their earth.

Well, the current Thor God of Thor told him so clearly that Asgard no longer exists.

Because according to what they knew, the battle was a battle that belonged to one of the forces in Asgard and the Otaku Dynasty!

The most important thing is that Asgard lost!

This is the most critical and critical issue than ever before.

"Although I don't want to admit it."

"But it's true."

"My father is dead."

"Asgard's army was also completely destroyed by Daqin!"

"The only one in the whole of Asgard that can be regarded as a strong person seems to be the only one left."

"I want to avenge Asgard!"

At present, Thor, the god of thunder, said with a serious opening in his eyes.

Just as Thor's words fell, Tony, who is currently Iron Man, just wanted to say something, but saw Nick Fury, who is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., take the elevator to the top of the building.

At the same time, Nick Fury also heard the words that had just come from Thor, the god of thunder.

"Is what you just said true?"

Nick Fury, who came from the current, looked at Thor at the moment with that nervous look.

Facing Nick Fury, who was full of deep tension in his eyes, Thor continued to say with that heavy tone: "That's right."

"It was Asgard who broke out that fight."

"The cause of the matter is that when my father sensed that the enemy was invading the Nine Realms, he was ready to lead the army of Asgard to deal with those existences."

"According to their own title, they call themselves Daqin."

"Of course, that's not the point."

"The point is that the strength possessed by this Great Qin is unprecedentedly strong!"

"The strength of the group of guys in Daqin is far greater than that of Asgard, and my father, as the god king of Asgard, has fallen under that battle."

"Before my father died, he teleported me from the battlefield with the last shred of power in his body, bringing me to the earth..."

"My younger brother Loki is already on the battlefield, I'm afraid he has already suffered misfortune, the current Thor God of Thor said with a heavy opening in his eyes."

This is really no less than a heavy blow for Thor, the god of thunder at this moment.

However, at this moment, S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury and the current Iron Man Tony Stark listened to the words of the current Thor God of Thor.

The two guys just looked at each other.

They all saw that unprecedented heaviness in each other's eyes.

Because if it is said that the one who fights in the universe belongs to Asgard and the unknown one in that universe called Daqin.

Yes, that's really not the point.

The point is that the current Asgard is defeated.

The force called Daqin that comes from the universe has probably occupied the whole of Asgard.

At the same time, there is another point, the strength that the other party has is very strong!

Will they attack the entire planet just like that?

The current Tony's eyes carried that deep heaviness.

Even Nick Fury on the side had an unprecedented solemnity in his eyes.

Because the current situation is so on the surface.

That so-called Daqin cosmic civilization is likely to attack their earth next.

"1.7 Report this matter to the council, this is no longer something that can be solved between you and me."

"This must be the condensation of all the global forces before it can resist the so-called Daqin."

"It's even a bit of an exaggeration, but at least we have to have a self-preservation power."

At this moment, the current Iron Man Tony also slowly opened his mouth and said to Nick Fury.

"I understand."

The current Nick Fury nodded heavily in understanding.

Indeed, this is no longer something that S.H.I.E.L.D. can solve, this is a crisis that belongs to the entire planet, and this must be reported to the Council.

"The earth is in danger."

There was a heaviness in Tony's eyes.

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