Chapter 0232 - Capture Asgard!!

Just when the current Earth and the others began to prepare for action, the current Daqin fleet also came outside the current Asgard.

"Is this what is called Asgard?"

The current winner was sitting on the Emperor battleship, and he couldn't help but nod slightly when he looked at Asgard, who was no different from the future.

Although the technology that Asgard has is no different from the science fiction movies shot on the map, even more science fiction than science fiction movies, from this aspect, you can understand how powerful Asgard's power is in the face of the words told by Win Zheng, and Loki, who is standing honestly next to Win Zheng, does not dare to say anything at the moment.


"It's over."

When the current Loki looked at Asgard, where they had arrived at the present, Loki's eyes also had that helplessness in his eyes.

They Asgard are going to be destroyed.

Just when the current Daqin warships descended over Asgard, all the 27 guys in the entire Asgard looked at the current Daqin fleet with that heavy gaze.

"This, this..."


At the same time, the group of guys who came from Asgard one after another felt completely forced and incredulous.

Under the leadership of their god king Odin, they were actually defeated!?

When their fleet in Asgard no longer exists, when this strange fleet appears in the sky above their Asgard, at this time, the guys from Asgard can realize that they are absolutely defeated even if they are stupid!

Friga, who was currently in the palace, looked deeply at the strange fleet that appeared in the sky.

Now as the god of Asgard, she now understands the result she can have in the end.

"So defeated."

The current Asgard God Queen began to sense that there was no breath of the god king Odin he was familiar with on the Great Qin battleship, and even the breath of Thor, the god of thunder, as the great prince, although it was said that there was the breath of Loki.

But what is already certain is that now that they have lost Asgard, Loki is probably a prisoner.

Because in addition to Loki, there are one Asgard warrior after another, but the situation they are currently in seems to be very bad, and some of the guys have a very weak breath as if they may die at any time.

In this regard, as the god of Asgard, she is now completely sure of the result that she can face at present.

They lost Asgard.

Just when all the guys in the entire Asgard saw the entire sky with that desperate gaze, the warship from Daqin slowly fell at this moment.


As the large warships continued to fall, there was a deep fear in the eyes of all the guys in Asgard.

Their god king Odin and all the warriors in Asgard have been defeated and even some have died, and at this time, it seems that they can only be so honest.

As for going to fight Daqin just like that?

Sorry, they did.

But thoughts are ideas, and the strength of the group of guys who come from Daqin is definitely not comparable to them.

The most important thing is that they are not combatants either!

They are equivalent to those ordinary civilians, maybe their strength is more or less, but their strength in the soldiers in Daqin seems to be ordinary civilians, a group of civilians want to resist the heavily armed army?

As long as you are not stupid, you will not have such an idea.

"Arrest all the people in all of Asgard, and shout out."

Xuan's order fell slightly.


In an instant, the Daqin soldiers who were on one ordinary battleship immediately respectfully understood.


The mighty fleet fell completely at this moment.

When the mighty fleet fell so completely, the soldiers from the current Daqin also frantically poured out from the ordinary warships.

"The whole army advances!"

"Arrest all the guys in this so-called Asgard, one officer after another gave a slight order."


One soldier after another respectfully understood.

Soon, the densely packed Daqin soldiers captured all the guys in the entire Asgard.

In the face of the capture of the soldiers from Daqin, the group of guys from Asgard had no strength to resist at the moment.

The wolf-like appearance of those Daqin soldiers recently was not a joke with them.

Who dares to resist arrest at this time?

Then there is probably only one ending they have, and their end is death.

Soon, all the guys in the entire Asgard began to be surrounded by the soldiers of the Great Qin on the largest square in the entire Asgard.

And one after another Daqin soldiers began to surround all the guys in the entire Asgard.


One after another, when the Great Qin soldiers wrapped all these Asgard guys in it, they also began to emit that powerful aura, intimidating this group of Asgard guys and preventing them from doing something irrational.


That earth-shattering murderous aura frantically gushed out from the bodies of one Great Qin soldier after another.

As the group of guys from Asgard faced this terrifying murderous aura exuded by the soldiers from Daqin, all the civilians in Asgard subconsciously felt a burst of paleness.

Because of the horror and deadly threat they detected from the murderous aura emanating from those Daqin soldiers.

One Asgard guy after another calmed down.

The figure of winning the government also appeared in the mid-air at this moment.

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