Chapter 0233 - Asgard Falls, Great Qin Heavenly Court Stands!!


"Probably you all already understand what your end is now."

"In this regard, then Xu will not make a superfluous explanation."

"From now on, you only need to understand one thing."

"That is, you are civilians who belong to the Great Qin!"

"You are no longer some Asgard being, from today onwards."

"You are civilians who belong to the rule of Daqin."


"Asgar's has been completely destroyed!"

"Instead, it belongs to Daqin!"

"Daqin, from today onwards it will belong to your country."

"And all you need to do is to support this country, and if anyone dares to put something in this country, then the end of facing you will belong to death!"

"Daqin established the country by law!"

"Whoever dares to violate the laws of Daqin, then your end will be extremely tragic."

At this moment, Yingzheng's eyes said loudly with that seriousness in his eyes as he looked at the civilians of Asgard one after another.

And at this moment, all the commoners from Asgard looked at the victory standing in the sky, sitting on that throne, and the eyes of all the commoners in Asgard had a deep heaviness in their eyes.

From today onwards, they will no longer belong to the civilians in Asgard?

Have they completely broken away from Asgard?

In this regard, the current group of guys very much want to say no!

They will always belong to civilians in Asgard!

But when they looked at the Daqin soldiers whose seats surrounded them all, they didn't have the guts to say this sentence at all.

Because Daqin belongs to the winner!

They Asgard belong to the vanquished!

The winner has absolute right to deal with the vanquished.

Therefore, for the words told by the Lord of Daqin, although it is said that the group of guys from Asgard are very unwilling, this is a fact that belongs to the Eight Classics.

"From today onwards, will we be civilians in Daqin?"

The current Asgardian civilians felt a deep heaviness in their hearts.

At the same time, as the original god of Asgard, she looked so deeply at the direction in the sky at this moment.

She looked at the powerful strength that Daqin had in winning the government, and at the same time looked at the strength of the twelve guys standing in the current winning government.

"Sure enough, Asgard's defeat was not without reason."

"With the current Great Qin having such a great power, what will Asgard take to contend with?"

The eyes of the former Asgard's divine queen were so filled with a deep helplessness and grievance.

If nothing else, just relying on the power displayed by the current Great Qin is no longer something that belongs to their Asgar to compete with.

The power that Daqin is currently displaying can be described as terrifying.

Since he has such a terrifying and powerful force in Daqin, it seems that it is not impossible for Asgard to be defeated like this.


"From now on, we will belong to the civilians of Daqin?"

The god who is currently in Asgard also has a deep confusion in his eyes at this moment.

As the god queen of Asgard, she is now going to become a commoner in Daqin, and she feels more or less that something is wrong.


"It looks like you can only accept the facts."

The current former Asgard god queen Frigga shook her head helplessly.

And at the same time that the civilians of Asgard, who were standing in place surrounded by the soldiers of Daqin, were talking to themselves in their hearts.

At this moment, Yingzheng also continued to speak at this moment.

"While your next identity belongs to the civilians of Daqin, the name of Asgard also needs to be changed."

"Next, this area is called the territory of Daqin Tired Court!"

"From today onwards, this belongs to the Heavenly Court, and his name is Daqin!"

At this moment, Yingzheng just said to the guys in Asgard one after another.

Listening to the words from Win Zheng, all the guys who currently have in Asgard can only silently choose to accept it.

How else would it be?

Is it possible to choose to continue to fight?

Excuse me, but they Asgard have completely lost the power to fight.

They now have no other choice but to surrender.

"From today onwards, you also need to learn the culture and writing of Qinzhong× as well!"

"Because from today onwards, it will be your words and culture!"

The current winner issued this order indifferently.

If you want to make all the civilians in the entire Asgard completely become civilians in Daqin, then this step must go to the internship.

Because only when the unity of culture and customs is achieved can the area be truly and completely unified.

Otherwise, if they only occupy their territory and make them forcibly become civilians in Daqin, but their writing and culture are not erased in this way, then they will still remember that they belong to Asgard civilians, not civilians to Daqin.

In order to avoid this situation, Winzheng naturally needs to free up its hands to solve this problem.

Erase the words and culture of Asgard!

From now on, Asgard will need to learn the characters and culture of their Daqin!

Because from now on, the writing and culture in Daqin will be their own writing and culture.

Listening to Victory's words, the current former god queen of Asgard closed her eyes in despair once again.

"I agree on behalf of Asgard."

At this moment, the current she can only choose to agree in the name of the Queen of Asgard.

She naturally knew the intentions of this order given by the current winner, but for the sake of the whole of Asgard.

She could only choose to agree to the current order to win for the whole of Asgard, at least now they are all alive.

Listening to the words of the Asgard God Queen at this moment, Yingzheng nodded with such satisfaction.


"So much for that, from now on."

"From now on, you will be the voice of the civilians in Dazhong!"

Ying Zheng ordered with a wave of his hand.

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