Chapter 0234 - The Nine Realms God King Ready to Surrender!!

With the current Asgard having changed its name and surname, and the god kings in the other planes have fallen into such a deep heaviness.

"Are we going to choose to surrender?"

As the king of the frost giant, he is now discussing with the high-level people one after another.

Do they need to choose to contend with the Great Qin who occupies Asgard now, or do they have to take the initiative to choose to surrender just like that?

In this regard, the king from the current frost giant couldn't help but say at this moment.

In the face of the current Frost Giant's words, the high-ranking members of the Frost Giant looked at each other like this: "I think we can completely choose to join Daqin." "

"Although the strength that Daqin possesses today is very strong, I believe that the big guys have seen it."

"At least Daqin, he didn't really kill him."

"The king in Daqin chose to accept those civilians from the entire Asgard today, and since the kings in the large group can choose to accept civilians from Asgard, why can't they just accept us?"

At this moment, a high-ranking member of the current ice man couldn't help but speak.

"We're exactly the same as those guys in Asgard 727, and if they can all choose to surrender, why can't we just surrender?"

"You must know that Asgard still fought with the so-called Great Qin, but even so."

"The king of Great Qin still chose to accept the surrender from Asgard, and those civilians in Asgard survived."

"In that case, it doesn't seem impossible for us to choose to surrender like this."

The high-level who was currently from the ice giant couldn't help but speak.

Listening to the words of the current high-level, at this moment, the other high-level among the ice giants one after another, he nodded slightly.

"I think it makes a lot of sense."

"Since Asgard can survive after choosing to surrender, we can too!"

At this moment, a high-ranking member of the ice giant couldn't help but speak.

Listening to the words of the high-level of the ice giants one after another, at this moment, the king of the ice giants was deeply silent for a while, and after Kung Fu, he could only speak with that helpless tone: "Since the big guys have chosen to surrender like this." "

"Then we will submit to the king of Daqin later."

"The big guy must be honest later."

"I believe that you have more or less understood the strength of Daqin."

"The strength of those generals who come from Daqin is no longer something we can compete with."

"So not to mention the king of Daqin, let's be honest."

The king of the current ice giants also said to the group of guys behind him.


The high-level members of the current ice giants naturally had no opinion at all.

Indeed, they had seen all the battles they had between Daqin and Asgard from beginning to end.

The strength from Asgard is very strong, yes, and even the strength that Asgard has is even stronger than before.

But sorry, it seems that Daqin's strength is even stronger than Asgard.

Those soldiers in Daqin completely hung and beat the Asgard soldiers, and the most important thing was that the strength of those generals in Daqin was trembling even if they saw it!

Those generals in Daqin are not something they can compete with

"Let's go, while Daqin has just taken down the entire Asgar, let's go and surrender like this first."

"Otherwise, when Daqin really attacks us like this, we can't surrender if we want to."

At present, the king of the ice giant slowly spoke.

Listening to the words of the king of the ice giant, those high-ranking people had no opinion, because they also approved of the words of their current king.

In this way, the king of the current ice giant led the high-level of the entire ice giant directly to Asgard, of course.

The current Asgard has a new name, that is, the Great Qin Heavenly Court.

As the king of the ice giant began to lead the high-level of the entire ice giant towards the direction of the Great Qin Heavenly Court, the god kings in the other interfaces also began to lead all the high-level people in their race to prepare for the Great Qin Heavenly Court.

Facing such a powerful Daqin, they no longer had the arrogance they had before.

Because if they continue to maintain the pride they used to have, they are likely to die completely!

In the face of staying proud and dying and leaving their pride to survive, they do not hesitate to choose to drop their pride.

In this way, the entire Nine Realms except for Asgard's already atrium began to send messengers and even the God King among them to personally dispatch.

"And the winning government at this moment is beginning to come to the treasury of Asgard, rumbling..."

As the door of Asgard's treasury slowly opened, the scene inside the treasure house was completely in the field of vision of winning at this moment.


That treasure light began to bloom in the treasure house.

Faced with the treasure light that began to bloom in the entire treasure house, the eyes of Ying Zheng, who was currently entering the treasure house, carried that deep satisfaction.

"Good, good!"

"Very good!"

After Yingzheng looked at the treasures one after another, he felt a sense of satisfaction in his eyes.

"At that time, you can completely reward these treasures, and then you can also turn these treasures into some weapons for the Legionnaires to use."

At this moment, Yingzheng couldn't help but nod when he looked at the treasures in the entire Asgard treasury.

Obviously, for the treasure in the Asgard treasury, Yingzheng is very, very satisfied.

After all, this villain also belongs to the treasure personally harvested by the former god king Odin, you must know that the former mythical Odin is also a famous existence in the entire universe, so the treasure in the treasure house he has is a flood?

However, the treasures collected by the former god king Odin can only be so cheap as the current Great Qin Emperor.

Who let Daqin win that war?

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