Chapter 0235 - Iron Man Who Studied the Anti-Great Qin Warframe!!

And just when the current winner led the Great Qin fleet to occupy the entire Asgard and began to change its name, Thor, who is currently on Earth, began to get a reply from Nick Fury.

"After the discussion from the Security Council, we are next ready to bring together all the superpowers that the entire planet has!"

"In order to face the next attack of Daqin, we are ready to let you serve as the instructor that this team has."

"I hope you can train them well, not to let them defeat the Great Qin from the universe, at least let them have a trace of self-preservation power."

At this moment, Nick Fury's eyes had an unprecedented seriousness, and the only people they could take out on the planet seemed to be those superpowers.

As for technology?

Using their technology on Earth to compare with the group of guys who have it at the cosmic level?

Isn't this a joke?

No matter how advanced the technology on their earth, it cannot be compared to the current cosmic civilization!

Since the technology on their earth cannot be used, the only thing they can use seems to be the super-powered beings they have on the earth.

At the very least, the power possessed by those superpowers is quite strong, and if they can be thoroughly developed, then they may really belong to a strange force.

Listening to the reply from Nick Fury, Thor asked you to have that absolute confidence in your eyes!

"Don't worry about this!"

"I will definitely be their instructor!"

"I will definitely train all of them as much as possible to surpass the Asgardian soldiers in the limited time!"

At this moment, the previous thunder god Thor said with a serious opening in his eyes.

Thor can also understand that the technology on the earth is definitely not comparable to the technology in Daqin.

After all, the technology on the earth is not comparable to their Asgard technology, so how can it be comparable to Daqin at this time?

The only thing that can be taken out of the earth seems to be the only one superpower.

For all these superpowers with great power, as long as he can burst out all the power in the bodies of these superpowers in a limited time, then maybe he can compete with the existence possessed in Daqin, at least it will not leave them without the slightest strength.

On the one hand, there is passive beating, and on the other hand, there is more or less a trace of resistance.

The current Thor God said that he would definitely train all these superpowers from Earth in a limited time, and increase their strength to surpass the ordinary soldiers of Asgard!

Listening to the reply from Thor, Nick Fury nodded with satisfaction.

At the very least, compared to them, they are completely unfamiliar with the so-called Daqin, and the thunder god who fought with the so-called Daqin is very important.

At the very least, the other party can understand what kind of existence Daqin belongs to, and at the same time, the other party has really fought with Daqin, but they can only see the battle that Daqin and Asgard have from afar.

Their understanding of Daqin can only be said to belong to zero.

But fortunately, they have Thor here, the god of thunder who fought with Daqin.

"We Earth believe in you!"

"Show your confidence!"

The current Nick Fury also said slowly.

"Leave this to me!"

I saw that the current Thor God of Thor patted his chest and replied confidently.

Just when the current Thor received the request from S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury, just when Thor was preparing to train those superpowers, Tony, who is currently the smartest in the Marvel Universe, began to soak in his laboratory.

"According to the words told by Thor, the strength of those guys in Daqin is very strong."

"Their abilities seem to belong to the Berserkers that have emerged in recent years."

"Then I can completely base on the current berserker, and then develop an anti-Daqin battle armor like this."

Tony, who was currently in the laboratory, had a deep seriousness in his eyes...

In the face of the crisis that may be faced next, it is impossible for him to continue his spending time and drink at this time, right?

Sorry, he unfolded purely without any danger.

Now that the entire earth is about to face a major crisis, he can't just continue his flower life at this time, right?

Sorry, Tony's heart is not that big yet.

So all he needs to do now is to prepare to develop an anti-Daqin battle armor

"Jarvis, the most powerful metal materials known on Earth have all been mobilized."

"Oh, by the way, bring some vibranium by the way."

The current Tony said with a slight thought.

Since the soldiers in Daqin belong to the same as the berserkers in the novels that have emerged in recent years, then their attacks must be similar to those berserkers.

So vibranium seems to be very important.

As for the price of vibranium, it is very expensive?

Excuse me, but as the richest man in the world, how could Tony be short of money?

He is a serious arms dealer!

The arms dealer belongs to the most profitable, so his Starkey Group is not short of money at all, and he has no idea what it feels like to lack money.


In the face of Tony's order, Jarvis naturally replied so respectfully, as the current Jarvis was ready to acquire the most special materials on the planet, Tony at this moment began to open the description of what those berserkers had.

Although he had never been in contact with the Daqin soldiers, at least he could only see what it was like through the berserkers closest to the Daqin soldiers.

In this way, Tony began to study his anti-Daqin mecha, and Thor began to bring all the superpowers sent by the world's major powers to a desert at this moment.

At the very least, this place is deserted, and it is completely possible to directly train these so-called superpowers here.

In this way, the progress of both sides seems to be in full swing.

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