Chapter 0245 - Thor's Last Blow, Transformed into the Sea of Thunder!!

In this way, surrounded by many Great Qin generals, the casualties of Thor God Thor became more and more heavy, and the blood he shed out was increasing, and the breath of Thor the God of Thunder began to become weaker at this moment.

When Thor, the god of thunder, noticed the strangeness he was now having, he exhaled deeply.

"Even if I die, I want you to feel the last wrath from Asgard!"

At the same time, I saw Thor directly raise the Hammer of Thor in his hand, and then instill all the power in his body into the Hammer of Mjolnir.

"Thunder Origin!"

"In the name of Thor!"

"Crush evil!"

For a moment, I saw Thor, the god of thunder, with an unprecedented heaviness in his eyes, and then roared loudly at the many generals of Daqin one after another.


A wave of terrifying thunder power directly began to erupt in the body of Thor God.

With the terrifying power of thunder, when it began to erupt madly in the body of Thor God, the dark clouds in the entire sky also began to undergo earth-shattering changes.

The dark clouds in the sky also began to fill with that powerful thunder force.


The dark blue thunder began to roll continuously.


The power of thunder from the bucket continued to roll in the clouds, and when the power of thunder at the bucket continued to roll in the clouds, the current thunder god Thor seemed to be strengthened.


The power of thunder with the thickness of the bucket bombarded the Thor hammer currently held in the hands of Thor.

In the face of the thunder power from the bucket, it hit the Quake in the hands of the current Thor God Thor fiercely, and the power in the Quake began to explode in full force.


This area centered on Thor was completely transformed into a sea of thunder and lightning, and when that powerful force began to spread out in the direction of Thor centered on Thor, Zhang Han, who was currently the leader of the Praetorian Guard, frowned slightly.


With the moment Zhang Han moved his hand, an even more powerful spatial force directly began to imprison the thunder god Thor who turned into thunder and sea salt in it.


Just as Zhang Wei began to imprison Thor God Thor fiercely, the power of thunder from Thor in his body also began to collide with the Thor Hammer he held in his hand, and finally sent out a series of earth-shattering explosions.

In the face of that terrifying earth-shattering explosion, the zombies from the zombie army detected a deep danger in that terrifying force.

All the zombies in the zombie army have detected an unprecedented crisis in the terrifying thunder power.

"This, danger!"

One zombie after another had a deep fear in their eyes.

Although the strength of these zombies is very strong, the identity of these zombies is also here.

Therefore, while the thunder power from Thor broke out in such a comprehensive way, the power of thunder that he erupted could naturally cause restraint to these zombies.

But fortunately, the current existence of fighting Thor does not come from the guys in the zombie army, and all the battles with Thor belong to the generals in the Guards Legion.

That's all human beings who belong to the Eight Classics!

Therefore, for the powerful force that Thor erupted, although they all sensed the horror, they did not have any sense of restraint.


"Is this the power of that so-called Thor?"

"Sure enough, it is worthy of the title of the God of Thor."

One after another, the Great Qin generals looked at Thor, the god of thunder who had completely turned into the ocean, and their eyes were filled with a deep shock.

Although they look down on Thor, the god of thunder, they also have to admit that Thor, the god of thunder, will not be called Thor.

At least the thunder power that thunder God T erupted, they recognized.

"Asgard was destroyed."

At this moment, in the face of Thor, the god of thunder who chose to self-detonate without hesitation at this moment, the eyes of the ancient mage who was currently in the battleship of the victorious emperor were filled with a deep emotion...

Although he is not interested in this Thor God Thor, after all, this Thor God Thor is also an existence he is familiar with.

The other party is the great prince who belongs to the god king Odin, but the other party is now dead like this.

The most important thing is that the other party can be regarded as Asgard's last hope, but alas.

Asgar's last flame of hope has also begun to be extinguished.

In the face of Thor's death, Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the desert, looked deeply at the mutant legions that were constantly being slaughtered, and at the god of thunder, Thor, who incarnated into the ocean of thunder, but the god of Asgard who died...

Nick Fury's eyes carried a deep heaviness and a deep despair.

He looked at the soldiers in black armor, and the current Nick Fury also looked at the sky, which was generally more obvious than other warships.

The other party should be the chief of this Great Qin.

In this regard, the current Nick Fury took a deep look at the Imperial battleship.

"The earth is finished..."

"Earth is about to be ruled by alien civilizations."

Nick Fury's eyes carried an unprecedented heaviness.

At this time, no matter how arrogant he was, he had to admit the problem he was currently facing.

That is, the strength from the Great Qin can definitely unify the entire earth, and their last hope on the earth, the mutant legion trained by the Thunder God of Asgard, is now constantly being slaughtered.

At this time, do they still have the power to resist on Earth?

Their earth has lost all the strength to resist.

In this regard, the eyes of those guys after another carried a deep heaviness.

Soon, as for the soldiers in Daqin, they directly began to slaughter all the mutants in those mutant legions.

"See Your Majesty!"

"Mission accomplished!"

One after another, the generals respectfully bowed their hands to the direction of the Emperor's war.

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