Chapter 0246 - Great Qin Conquering the World!!

"Lord of Daqin?"

The current Nick Fury looked deeply in the direction of the general battleship, with an unprecedented heaviness in his eyes.

"Destroy all the countries of the entire earth, and the entire earth can only have one word!"

"The entire earth can only be the world of Daqin!"

Victory, who was currently on the Emperor battleship, ordered with such a calm opening.

As for the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang that is also owned in this world?

No, you don't need to watch it anymore.

After all, he had already seen it, and since he had already seen what Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum belonged to, did he need to see it again?

At the very least, it is completely unnecessary for winning politics.

He had gone to see his Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum in the world of the last supergod universe before, and it was purely curiosity.

Now, he can't just visit his tomb all the time, right?

Although it is not his grave, it is his grave that belongs to another world.

Does he have a problem with his head?

Just love visiting your own grave so much?

Therefore, for the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang in this world, the current government directly chose to ignore it.


In an instant, when faced with the order of winning the government, the eyes of the many officers possessed by the Daqin battleships one after another had a seriousness in their eyes.

"Full speed ahead!"

"All the rulers of the entire earth have been solved, and the entire earth has only one voice!"

"That's the voice that belongs to our Daqin!"

One after another, the division commanders on the battleships began to give orders to the many soldiers under them.


One soldier after another had an unprecedented excitement in their eyes

"Boom boom..."

The warships suspended in the sky also began to attack the entire earth continuously.

As one warship after another continued to appear in the sky over one country after another, the soldiers who came from the current battleship began to land on the ground continuously.


One after another, Daqin soldiers dressed in black armor landed directly on the ground

"There, then you are the center of this country!"

At the same time that one Great Qin general after another landed on the ground, they quickly locked onto the true core of this country.


One after another, the Great Qin soldiers soon launched an attack on the heart of this country with weapons in hand.

In the face of the current arrival of these Daqin soldiers, the current rulers and high-ranking people in this country will definitely not allow these alien civilizations to completely unify their entire earth.

They will never allow their rights to be dissipated just like that.


"Be sure to leave all these alien civilizations behind!"

"Let alien civilizations see how powerful our earth is!"


One after another, the generals treated the soldiers in their army like this, and ordered.


In the face of orders from the generals in one country after another, the soldiers in those armies did not hesitate to start attacking the large soldiers who were rushing towards them in front of them.

"Boom boom..."

Tanks began to fire at the Daqin soldiers in the city.


As the tanks began to fire at the large group of soldiers, one after another soldiers began to shoot at the Daqin soldiers with guns in hand.

In the face of the attack of that gun, the eyes of the soldiers from Daqin were so disdainful.

If these things were a little threatened by the time they still belonged to the Great Qin Empire before.

Until now?

That's sorry, they can already ignore the current attack of these bullets and shells, and even the final weapon of mankind, nuclear weapons, is just a little effort for them.

At this time, they were not afraid of the so-called shells and bullets.

"Brush brush brush!"

One after another, the soldiers in the Great Qin Dynasty directly began to carry the swords, combat knives and Fang Tian Painting Halberds in their hands, and just like that, they began to slash at the shells that attacked them one after another.


When the shells were continuously struck by these Daqin soldiers with the weapons in their hands, explosions began to reverberate in midair.

As the sound of explosions began to echo in mid-air, all the people who currently owned in this country completely leaked a state of panic...


"This group of damn ones, they actually dare to fire in the city!"

"This bunch of damn ones!"

In an instant, the civilians of the current country began to curse at their army.

About the power that their planet can use to harm those aliens?

For the common people of many countries on the earth today, this is a joke of the king.

How can the technology of their earthlings be compared with the civilization of the universe?

Then the many countries they have on the earth actually want to launch an attack on the cosmic civilization like this, even if they attack, but they still fire directly in the city, how can this not make them feel so angry?

"You fucking bunch!"


"You fucking trash!"

In an instant, one after another civilians began to curse at the group of soldiers in the army.

The current explosions directly began to shake all the soldiers in the army.

"This, this, this, this is the powerful power that belongs to those alien civilizations?"

When the guys in the army one after another watched the shells and bullets they fired have no effect on the soldiers in the alien civilization at this moment, all the 3.0 guys had a deep fear in their eyes.


One soldier after another couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

While the soldiers from one after another couldn't help but swallow their saliva, the current attack of the soldiers from Daqin also completely fell at this moment

"Boom la la!!"

One after another, the Great Qin soldiers armed with weapons slashed at the soldiers who attacked them.

"Boom la la!!"

As the sound of breaking sounds, unprecedented power began to descend on the tanks and all the soldiers.

"Bump bump..."

In an instant, all the tanks and all those who attacked the Daqin soldiers were completely dead.

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