Chapter 0249 - Forming a Academy of Sciences!!

"You are the scientists who belong on Earth."

Ying Zheng smiled and looked at the group of guys at the moment, and slowly spoke.

In the face of the words from Win Zheng, the eyes of the current group of scientists from the entire earth are so full of unprecedented fear, even if it belongs to the current Tony, at this moment, he looks at the current Lord of Daqin like this, especially when the current Tony looks at the figure of the guy in armor next to the Lord of Daqin, he doesn't know why he always feels a feeling of trepidation.

It was as if the aura emitted by the other party made him feel terrified.

In short, the current Tony felt a wave of unease.

Not to mention Tony at the moment, even the group of guys who are currently on Tony's list feel a deep sense of unease.

They were really afraid of this emperor who could have it from the Great Qin!

Because they all understood that this emperor of the Great Qin could not talk to them about the laws of the earth.

Whether they died, or whether they could live, could only be seen to see if the emperor in Daqin could let them go.

Therefore, the current group of scientists naturally feels more than ever heavy.

In the face of the current winning words, Tony at this moment slowly replied: "See Your Majesty." "

"We are indeed some scientists on Earth."

Tony replied so honestly.

Although he didn't know why Yingzheng asked them that, all he needed to do now was to let Yingzheng know the identity they could use now.

"That's right, Your Majesty."

"We are scientists who belong on Earth."

When Tony's words fell, one scientist after another said with that firm reply in their eyes.

When Yingzheng listened to the words of this group of guys like this at this moment, Yingzheng's eyes also looked at this group of existences with a smile.

"From now on, all you need to do is belong to the Daqin Academy of Sciences."

"What needs to be done is naturally to study some scientific products."

"Other than that, you won't be in any danger to your lives."

Yingzheng smiled and looked at the group of guys at the moment.

Regarding this group of scientists, the idea of winning the government is already clear.

Since most of his group had cultivation academies composed of those cultivators, why couldn't there be an academy composed of these scientists?

Whether they belonged to the Cultivation Academy or the Academy of Sciences, they all belonged to each other to the beings who served him, the Great Qin Emperor.

They are all talented beings with each other.

Since they are both talented beings, it is not the same aspect that this talent between them belongs to each other.

On the one hand, his talent belongs to the cultivation aspect, and on the other hand, the group of scientists in front of him belongs to the current aspect of studying science and technology.

They are not useless beings, and the usefulness they have between them is very high for today's Daqin.

Therefore, Yingzheng is ready to establish a scientific academy and include all the scientists in the entire Daqin into the academy.

When the words of winning the government fell, the eyes of the scientists on the earth brightened slightly.

If nothing else, since the current Lord of Daqin has already entered, he clearly told them that he would not kill them, and also said that he would let them enter this academy of sciences.

At this time, the huge stone that was suspended in the hearts of all of them also completely fell.

If nothing else, since this Great Qin Lord had chosen to let them enter this Academy of Sciences, it meant that they would definitely not have any life danger in the future.

They might even serve this Great Qin Emperor just like that, which would have no opinion at all for the current group of scientists.

"See Your Majesty!"

One scientist after another respectfully saluted Ying Zheng.

All the scientists on the entire planet are thus loyal to this moment.

Perhaps they once said that the existence of allegiance belongs to their country.

But the problem is that now that their country is gone, the only country that exists on the entire earth is the current Daqin, so why can't they, who were originally from one country after another, choose to serve Daqin at this time?

Faced with the allegiance of the current group of scientists, Yingzheng also smiled slightly.

"Okay, let's prepare for the formation of the Academy of Sciences."

"At present, the Academy of Sciences will be established on your earth for the time being, and when you return to the Daqin mainland, you will relocate to the Daqin mainland."

"Before that, make arrangements on Earth."

Huan Zheng looked at the group of guys at this moment, and said slowly.


One scientist after another did not dare to have any opinion.

In this way, the current winning policy directly began to pocket the current group of scientists.

Then Win Zheng set his eyes on the group of mutants on the other side.


While Ying Zheng looked at the group of mutants at this moment, there was a deep thought in his eyes.


As that vast and incomparable force began to explode in Yingzheng's body, I saw that powerful and incomparably magical force directly began to explore the abnormalities in the bodies of those mutants.

In the face of the powerful and incomparable power that erupted from Yingzheng, there was a deep shock in the eyes of the ancient mage who was currently beside Yingzheng.

"Is this the power that belongs to the Lord of Daqin?"

"This force is really powerful."

"It's not something I can compete against."

Ancient Mage had a deep helplessness in his heart.

Although he had long understood that the strength of the Lord of Great Qin was very strong, he really didn't know how powerful the Lord of Great Qin had.

Now, when Win Zheng burst out his strength, the ancient mage understood how powerful the points Won Zheng possessed.

It was a force that surpassed him!

At this moment, Yingzheng began to use the land of divine consciousness to explore the abnormalities in the bodies of those mutants.

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