Chapter 0250 - The Origin of the Mutants!!

"So it is."

It turns out that these so-called mutants are actually like this.

The current winner looks at this problem from the perspective he chooses, and he finds that the reason why these so-called mutants can have this powerful power is purely because these mutants have a force in their bodies.

And this power is the source of why they have this power.

As for where exactly this force came from?

After some exploration, the current Win Zheng immediately learned that this power was purely the hidden power contained in the body of this group of mutants.

It is similar to the power contained in the bloodline.

And the power contained in the body of these current mutants is their current power.

For example, if some mutants' abilities belong to flames, then their ancestors belong to those who have flames.

That's right, the powers they possess in their bodies are purely left over from their ancestral period.

As for the one first mutant apocalypse that ancient Egypt had?

In the current winning government, it seems that it is nothing more than the power of inheriting the ancestors.

But don't forget that the current earth has a name in the current nine realms, that is, the atrium.

Since the earth belongs to one of the nine realms, and the other eight realms other than the earth can have that powerful force, how can people on the earth have no power?

So the ancestors of mutants were the powerful beings that belonged to the earth at that time.

Then they don't know why they were solved like this, most likely it belonged to Asgard.

If nothing else, it can be seen by virtue of Asgard's treatment of the earth as theirs, I am afraid that in ancient times, a battle broke out between the group of humans on the earth and Asgard, and in the end, Asgard won the earth and lost.

Why else would those guys in Asgard take Earth for theirs?

Therefore, the ability of this group of mutants on Earth is purely the inheritance of the power contained in the group of earth humans in ancient times.

"This group of people may be able to become the mainstay of the Great Qin Army."

The current winner took a deep look at this group of guys at the moment, although the current power of these mutants is very weak.

But the current winning government sees that potential in this group of mutants.

After all, these mutants have not undergone any cultivation at present, so how powerful are they after cultivation?

Note that the cultivation referred to here belongs to the cultivation exercises possessed by the Great Qin Heavenly Court.

If the starting point of this group of guys themselves surpassed those soldiers in Daqin, then after they have cultivated, they probably have more power than this group of guys from Daqin.

So the current winning government is very optimistic about this group of mutants.

"At that time, let this group of guys join the Daqin army."

"At that time, it will depend on whether they can catch up with the realm that the current Daqin soldiers have."

"As long as they can successfully catch up, then let them join the army to serve Daqin at that time."

Huan Zheng said slightly to Zhang Wei beside him.

At that time, as long as this group of mutants can catch up with the cultivation speed of those soldiers in the Great Qin army, then he does not recommend letting this group of guys join the army.


Zhang Han, who was on the side, nodded respectfully.

In this way, all the valuable things on the earth at this moment were swept away by Daqin.

When all the valuable things from the earth were swept away by Daqin at this moment, the current winner began to look in the direction of the universe

"It's time for Daqin to start attacking the universe of this world!"

"Let the universe of this world see the power from Daqin!"

There was that seriousness in Yingzheng's eyes.

Since the entire Nine Realms have been completely beaten, all Daqin needs to do is to expand towards the entire universe centered on the entire Nine Realms, and he wants many guys in the entire universe to see the power from Daqin!


In an instant, the words facing the victory fell, and the eyes of the generals one after another were so full of deep excitement.


They can finally go to battle again!

Although they have already experienced a battle just now, for the current generals of Daqin, the battle they have with this group of guys on Earth is not a battle at all...

That is completely a crushing situation, is this a battle?

No, no, no, this is not a battle that belongs to the Eight Classics at all.

Therefore, when these current Daqin generals learned that they needed to attack the entire universe next, all the generals had that deep expectation in their eyes.


As one of Yingzheng's orders fell, except for some of the many Daqin soldiers who remained on the earth to garrison, the remaining warships began to fly towards the entire Daqin Heavenly Court.

Of course, the Great Qin Court belonged to Asgard's territory before.

It's just that it now belongs to the Great Qin Heavenly Court!


The mighty fleet thus began to leave the earth at this moment under the gaze of many humans on the earth.

As the mighty fleet left the entire earth, the humans from the earth looked at the soldiers of the many Great Qin who remained on their earth.

Humans on Earth just looked at each other.

"From today onwards, we will be civilians in the Great Qin."

One after another human beings on Earth discussed each other in this way.

All the guys were looking forward to the fate they said they needed to face next.


From now on, it will belong to their country, and what they need to owe their allegiance to now belongs to the emperor of Daqin.

Although they didn't know the name of the emperor in Daqin, it didn't prevent them from calling Yingzheng the title of the lord of Daqin.

"Long live the Lord of Great Qin!!"

In an instant, one soldier after another shouted loudly.

And when the soldiers of the many Great Qin who were currently remaining on the earth looked at the humans on the earth at this moment, their eyes also carried that deep calm.

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