Chapter 0251 - The Great Qin Heavenly Court that Provoked the Cosmic War!!

As the warships led by Ying Zheng returned to the Heavenly Court, the generals of Daqin who had previously led their fleets to attack other regions also returned to the Heavenly Court at this moment.

"See Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty Saint Ann!"

One after another, the legion commanders paid homage to Ying Zheng so respectfully.

As one legion leader after another and one general after another paid homage to the winning government, the current victory slowly spoke.

"Say, what's going on with the other interfaces?"

"Did something happen?"

Ying Zheng asked so calmly.

Although he knew that the god kings from the other interfaces would definitely not dare to have any small means, after all, what if they really wanted to fight to the death like this?

This thing is not afraid of 10,000, just in case.

So at this moment, Yingzheng directly looked at these current legion leaders.

In the face of Yingzheng's inquiry, one legion leader after another replied respectfully: "Tell Your Majesty, the seven major interfaces have honestly chosen to surrender. "

"They don't have any intention of resisting at all."

Listening to the words of the generals one after another, Yingzheng's eyes carried a sense of satisfaction.

At present, the eyes of the ancient mage beside Ying Zheng were so filled with that deep silence.

"I didn't expect that the Nine Realms would be so unified."

The eyes of the ancient mage carried that deep emotion.

Although he had already seen the scene in the timeline, when this situation was really in front of him at this moment, he still felt a burst of silence.

This Great Qin from other worlds is simply too powerful, and it can even be said that it is a little too strong.

"The whole universe is in danger."

"The entire universe believes that it will be ruled by Daqin as I expected, and the current ancient mage thought secretly in his heart with that silence in his eyes."

According to what he had predicted, after Daqin unified the Nine Realms, he targeted the entire universe.

And the next universe will also fall into a war.

Then, when the next universe will fall into such a war, Daqin will completely unify the entire universe with the speed of thunder to calm the endless war.

At the same time that the current ancient mage sighed slightly, the current victorious government began to sit on the throne of the former god king Odin, and look at the generals below one after another.


"It's time for Daqin to start attacking the entire universe!"

In the face of the words of winning the government, this vast and powerful force directly began to spread towards this week centered on the winning government.

At present, the many generals in the hall exuded the terrifying aura in the face of the victory government, and all the generals had a deep heaviness in their eyes.

"Your Majesty's strength is strong again!"

The eyes of one legion leader after another all carried that deep emotion.

If nothing else, just relying on the powerful strength that Winzheng possessed at this moment already made them feel a deep heaviness.

Unexpectedly, the strength of their majesty has actually become stronger again, which is natural for the current group of guys, which will naturally make them feel a trace of emotion, after all, the strength of Winning Zheng is increasing every moment, and the strength they feel now belongs to the strength of Winning Zheng after unifying the entire Nine Realms.

However, just when the current legion commander and those generals felt a deep sigh, they also shouted with absolute confidence at this moment: "Obey! "

In an instant, one after another generals replied with that firmness in their eyes.

Before their majesties possessed such great strength, at the same time, the power they possessed belonged to a powerful group of beings in the entire universe.

Of course, the most important thing is the confidence given to them by the soldiers they have in Daqin!

The strength of those twelve legions is no joke.

Although they don't know what level of strength is in the current universe, they can probably understand what level of strength in this universe belongs to through the strength of Asgard.

They can only say that although the strength of this Nine Realms and this Asgard can really be compared with their Great Qin, their large group is stronger than this one Asgard and the Nine Realms...

So since they Daqin can directly beat Asgard at this moment like this, then for many civilizations in the entire universe in the future?

Sorry, for the many guys from Daqin, they have absolute confidence!

They Daqin can definitely directly knock down the entire universe!

Just like the universe in the previous world, their Daqin descended into the entire universe like that day's soldiers, and then completely defeated the civilization one by one.

"The whole army attacked!"

"Except for some soldiers who remained in the current Nine Realms, all the remaining soldiers followed Xu to attack the entire universe!"

There is a seriousness in the eyes of the current winner.

"Kill kill kill!!"

One legion commander after another, as well as those generals, had a deep excitement in their eyes.

They are finally going to attack the entire universe now!


That earth-shattering murderous aura began to erupt in the current Divine King Temple.

As that terrifying earth-shattering murderous aura began to erupt in the hall of the former god king Odin, the so-called god king hall at the same time.

Some of the aborigines from Asgard took a deep look at the powerful aura that erupted in the temple of the god king.

Their 3.6 eyes all carried a deep heaviness.

Loki, who was once the second prince of Asgard, also looked at the soldiers from Daqin with envy in his eyes.

Especially when he looked at the powerful force that erupted from the temple of the god king, he was wondering if this power belonged to him, then they Asgard would not be destroyed just like that, then he could get the approval of his dead father?

And at this moment, Loki's eyes were filled with that deep admiration, and the news that the Nine Realms were unified by a so-called Great Qin also began to spread to the entire universe.

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