Chapter 0252 - Thanos of Daqin!!


"The Nine Realms have been unified?"

The eyes of a certain civilization master in the universe carried an air of incredulity.

"That God King Odin unified the Nine Realms?"

The Lord of Civilization, who had learned this news at present, said with an inquiring look in his eyes.

It's just that in the face of the words of the current lord of civilization, the soldier who is delivering a message at this moment has that heaviness in his eyes

"It's not Asgard's god king Odin who unified the entire Nine Realms."

"It is a force called Daqin that unified the entire Nine Realms, and also defeated Asgard, even Asgard's god king Odin has completely fallen, and the entire Asgard has completely fallen, and the force that unifies the entire Nine Realms is called Daqin, and the soldier just now hurriedly said everything he knew."

Then when the words of the soldier at this moment fell, the eyes of the current lord of civilization were filled with that incredulity.


"Was it unified by a force called Daqin?"

"Even the god king Odin has fallen???

At the same time, the eyes of the current masters of civilization were filled with that incredibleness.

If the nine realms were unified by Asgard, then in the past, at least the most powerful of the nine realms is the strength that belongs to Asgard and even the god king Odin, and it is a powerful existence belonging to the first class in the entire universe.

But the result at the moment?

The one who unified the nine realms did not belong to any civilization they knew, and the one who unified the entire nine realms actually popped up an existence called Daqin out of nowhere, and the most important thing was that the other party completely destroyed the entire Asgard, and the other party also killed the god king Odin.

How can this not shock them?

You know, that's Asgard!

That's Odin, the god king!

"The other party actually died like this???"

At this moment, when that news began to spread throughout the universe, the eyes of one civilization after another who had been violently praised by the god king Olympian were so deep and even incredulous.

The former god king Odin has a title similar to a tyrant in the entire universe, at least the reputation that god king Odin has in the entire universe is not good.

After all, God King Odin has started many wars in the entire universe.

I don't know how many civilizations in the entire universe have been beaten by the god king Odin, and I don't know how many citizens in the entire house universe have been attacked by Asgard like this.

The result at the moment?

Asgard, who attacked them and violently beat them, Odin, was actually destroyed!

Asgard was destroyed, and the god-king Ogong died.

All this was done by an existence called Daqin.

How can this not make many guys in the entire universe feel so incredible for a while?

At the same time, many guys in the entire universe felt incredible for a while.

At the same time, Thanos, who is another overlord in the entire universe, also received this news.


Thanos said to himself.

Obviously, about this big Qin that suddenly appeared in the entire universe, Thanos is very, very curious today.

"Maybe you can visit this Daqin."

The current Thanos said with that thoughtful self-talk in his eyes.

That's right, for Thanos at this moment, in the face of the situation that the Nine Realms are so directly unified by Daqin, Thanos' idea is that he may be able to visit today's Daqin.

"Since he is going to break out in war, then I can completely give him war!"

The current Thanos said to himself.

"Go to the Nine Realms!"

The current Thanos ordered without hesitation.

He was going to meet the Lord of Great Qin for a while.


In the face of the order from Thanos, the captain of the battleship after battleship currently in Thanos' hands replied without hesitation.


The mighty fleet began to advance towards the solar system where Daqin was located.

As the entire universe began to transmit news from Daqin, the current Daqin fleet came to the nearest civilization to the solar system under the leadership of the current victorious government.

"Turn on the Planet Destroyer!"

"Let this civilization taste the power of the Great Qin Planet Annihilation Cannon!"

The current winner ordered calmly.


Soon, one soldier after another soon began to fully open the planetary annihilator cannon so directly.

"Boom boom..."

The terrifying force from the Planetary Annihilator began to attack the civilization ahead of them.

And at the same time that the warship of today's Daqin came outside this civilization, the lord of civilization in that civilization at this moment and all the high-level people in that civilization looked beyond their civilization with that desperate gaze.

"This, this..."

"Isn't this Daqin's fleet?!"

"Why did Daqin's fleet appear here with us?!"

At this moment, the eyes of the current Lord of Civilization carried an unprecedented despair.

Since their civilization is very close to the solar system, they are also neighbors belonging to the Nine Realms 150.

They were the first to receive a terrifying existence from Daqin, so they watched Daqin directly unify the entire Nine Realms.

It was precisely because they watched Daqin unify the entire hotel like this, and even they saw the scene where Daqin went to fight Asgard.

They could clearly understand how terrifying the power that Daqin possessed.

And now?

What is the situation that the battleship from Daqin actually appeared outside their civilization like this?!

Is Daqin going to come and attack them?

In the face of the attack from Daqin, how could they possibly withstand it?!

Just when the lord of this civilization and all the high-level leaders in that civilization felt a deep despair, the planetary annihilation cannon from Daqin also began to bombard this civilization fiercely.


Earth-shattering explosions also began to erupt continuously on this planet.


Just when the planetary annihilator from Daqin began to explode in this civilization, the planet of a civilization also began to explode at this moment.


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