Chapter 0253 - Launch an Attack on the Magnetic Civilization!!


The planetary annihilator cannon from Daqin began to bombard one planet after another, and at the same time, the planets owned by the current civilization began to be continuously annihilated by Daqin's planetary annihilation cannon.

"Click, click, click!!"

Planet after planet is constantly erupting at this moment.

As the planets continued to erupt, the pillars of civilization and all the high-level people who were currently in this civilization immediately made a decision.


"Hurry up and surrender to Daqin!"

In an instant, the lord of civilization and the high-level people who had in this current civilization now had only this one idea in their minds.

Although I don't know why Daqin attacked them, it can be seen from the fact that Daqin did not hesitate to attack them, Daqin definitely belongs to a very ambitious civilization.

In the face of this wild civilization, they can't just fight it, right?

To resist, you must first have that powerful force!

If there is no great force, how can you resist?


"Didi Didi"

At the same time that Daqin began to destroy the planets, the news from the current Daqin Emperor battleship was transmitted by the civilization ahead.


There was that playful smile on the corner of Ying Zheng's mouth.


This came from the moment when the news transmitted by a civilization in front was finished by the Daqin Emperor battleship, and the shadows from the lord of civilization in that civilization and the high-ranking people in that civilization appeared directly in the Emperor battleship.

"See the Lord of Daqin!"

"Please also ask the Lord of Daqin to stop attacking, we are willing to surrender to Daqin!"

"I am willing to become a part of Daqin!"

In an instant, I saw that the current Lord of Civilization shouted loudly without hesitation.

Facing the moment when the words from the Lord of that civilization and all the high-ranking people in that civilization fell, Yingzheng, who was sitting in the hall of the Imperial Queen Battleship, smiled slightly at this moment.

"After our friendly discussions, Dazuo is ready to receive your civilization."

"You don't have a problem with that, do you?"

Yingzheng said with a smile.

While listening to Yingzheng's words, the corners of the mouths of the lords of civilizations and the high-ranking people in those civilizations who appeared in the virtual space of the Emperor battleship tugged slightly.

Did they have a friendly discussion?

It was purely that it belonged to Daqin, so they launched a crazy attack on their civilization, and they didn't want to destroy it, so they could only honestly turn to Daqin.

Although it is said that after they surrender to Daqin, the position of power they each have will disappear, but at least they can survive, right?

"That's right, after our friendly discussion, our current Malian civilization chose to join Daqin."

The Lord of Malian civilization respectfully bowed to the victorious government.

"Go and receive the Malian civilization!"

"Let Malian civilization be part of the Minister!"

With a wave of his hand, the Great Qin fleet, which was frantically attacking, directly stopped their attack.

As the Great Qin fleet stopped their attack, the lord of civilization on the main planet of Mali civilization and the masters in that civilization instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally stopped attacking."

The eyes of those guys after those guys all had a deep sense of happiness in their eyes.

If they didn't stop attacking soon, they all doubted that the fleet from Daqin would directly hit their main planet just like that.

Then it will be late.

Fortunately, the attack from Daqin directly fell on their civilization at the same time, and they chose to surrender without hesitation.

And most importantly, Daqin accepted the surrender of their civilization, which was a crucial point.

Soon, the mighty fleet began to descend on the planets of the Malian civilization.

As the planets began to be taken over by Daqin, the territory from Daqin expanded another star field in the Marvel Universe.

"Continue to attack the depths of the universe!"

When Daqin unified the Nine Realms and then unified this Malian civilization, Yingzheng continued to order Daqin's warships to attack the entire universe.


The mighty fleet continued to sail towards the entire universe.

But while the mighty fleet is now sailing away in the entire universe, as the once lord of Mali civilization, he looks at the direction of the entire universe with that deep emotion.

"You face the crisis that comes from Malian civilization."

"Daqin, it seems that this is a civilization that really needs the Lord in the entire universe!"

The former lord of Malian civilization shook his head slightly.

If nothing else, with the strength of the current large warships, he can already predict that the entire universe will set off a bloody storm next.

And under that bloody storm, the Great Qin of the Nine Realms and his Mali civilization will definitely begin to unify one civilization after another.

At that time, Daqin Zhi may become one of the real overlords of the entire universe.

In this way, while the warships of Daqin began to leave the confines of the Malian civilization, they soon came beyond the next civilization.

When they appeared outside that civilization, there was a sense of emotion in the eyes of the lord of civilization who came from the current civilization.

"Where exactly did these warships come from?"

"These warships are going to attack, aren't they?"

At this moment, the Lord of Civilization looked at the Daqin battleship with that anger.

He hadn't recognized the identity of the Great Qin Battleship for a while.

He only knew now that someone was provoking their civilization, and the other party's warships had already sailed outside their civilization!

This is obviously to launch an attack on their civilization!


"Completely defeat this civilization that is preparing to invade us!"

"Let the other side try the price of preparing to invade our civilization!"

In an instant, the current lord of this civilization known as the magnetic civilization roared loudly without hesitation.


The high-ranking civilization leaders from the magnetic civilization replied with that firmness in their eyes.

Soon, the mighty battleships of the magnetic civilization began to mobilize continuously.

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