Chapter 0254: Then Cripple Them!!

"Although I don't know what kind of civilization this belongs to, since you dare to launch an attack on our magnetic civilization, you must be prepared to face the solution of our magnetic civilization!"

The Lord of Civilization from the Magnetic Civilization had that disdain in his eyes.

Perhaps in the current eyes of the master of the magnetic civilization, perhaps the warship from Daqin seems to be quite powerful on the surface.

But for the magnetic civilization, this is different, because the magnetic civilization has a special power.

From these four words of magnetic civilization, it can be concluded that the most important thing in magnetic civilization is the word magnetism.

Then since the most important thing in the magnetic civilization belongs to the word magnetism, it naturally means that the group of guys from Daqin have the power to mobilize magnetic force.

It just so happens that the warships of many civilizations in the entire universe are basically all magnetic.

Magnetism is not an ordinary thing!

Magnetism is the most fundamental thing that belongs to the entire universe.

Therefore, in the face of the current Daqin battleship, although it seems to be very powerful, for the guys in the magnetic civilization, they naturally control the magnetic force, and they can control the Daqin battleship in complete 110.

Maybe they may not be able to control the Daqin warship to riot so completely, but at least they can let the Daqin warship fall into some problem state.

In general, they were not afraid of the warships from Daqin.

And at the same time that the current battleships of the magnetic civilization began to continuously attack in the direction of the Daqin battleship, when the many generals from the Daqin looked at the battleships of the magnetic civilization that they were preparing to sail, the current generals one after another shouted loudly without hesitation

"Knock them all down as fast as you can!"

"Let them understand the strength of our Daqin!"

At this moment, the cold life after another fell like this.

When the orders fell one after another, the planetary annihilation cannons from the Daqin battleship at this moment also began to erupt continuously.

"Boom boom..."

As the planetary annihilation cannons from the Daqin battleship continue to emerge, the powerful and incomparable force also began to erupt wildly on the Daqin battleship, and at the same time, as the powerful and incomparable force was madly condensed on the Daqin War, the group of guys in the magnetic civilization also chose to do it at this juncture: "Let them understand the strength of our magnetic civilization!" "

At the same time, when the lord of civilization from the possession of the magnetic civilization gave the order without hesitation.

One after another, the soldiers in the magnetic civilization also did not hesitate to move against Daqin


In the face of that powerful force, a wonderful force instantly emerged from the group of guys in the current magnetic civilization.

As that wonderful force frantically emerged from the bodies of the soldiers of the magnetic civilization, the current battleship from Dazhuo was also directly affected by the magnetic civilization at this moment.


The battleships that came from the Great Qin possession directly began to shake wildly.

When the battleships began to shake like this throughout the universe, the division commanders on the battleship began to take a look at the ordinary battleship they were on.


"This force."

One after another, all the division commanders in Daqin began to sense the source of power that was currently operating and even affecting the battleship they were riding on.

Soon, they targeted the civilization they needed to attack this time.

"Is this civilization actually able to control our warships?"

At this moment, the eyes of the many officers possessed by the current Great Qin were all filled with that incredulity.

Obviously, regarding the fact that the guys in the current civilization can actually control the Daqin warship, for the guys in the Daqin, this can simply be regarded as an incredible scene.


"It's really interesting."

The eyes of the many officers possessed by that Great Qin were like this, and they looked at the magnetic civilization in front of them with a smile.

Even the victorious government at this moment sees his eyes on this civilization at this moment

"I didn't expect that there was a civilization that mastered magnetism in the entire universe."

"It's incredible!"

The current Win Zheng just looked at the civilization in front of him with that surprised gaze.

Although the strength of the guys in the so-called magnetic civilization in front is not particularly strong.

Even the power they had between them was not as strong as the power of Magneto that he had scavenged.

That's right, on his Daqin battleship, there is a Magneto from the earth, and the mutant ability of Magneto belongs to controlling magnetism.

The result?

In the entire universe, there is actually a civilized race that actually masters the magnetic force.

You must know that magnetism is one of the four basic forces in the entire universe, and if used properly, it is not ordinarily powerful.

Although the strength of the current group of individual guys in this magnetic civilization is not particularly strong, don't forget that they belong to a civilization.

Since they belong to a civilization, the power they have between them can definitely be regarded as extremely strong.

Because the magnetic force they possessed between them could completely fuse together, the final situation was revealed in front of them, and their power between each other could actually affect the Daqin warship.

This is no ordinary existence.

Therefore, at this moment, Yingzheng's eyes are so curious to look at the civilization they need to fight this time.

"Magneto, how sure are you that this civilization that has mastered magnetic power will be able to recover them all?"

The current Magneto directly called Magneto over, and then said inquiringly, in the face of the words from Victory, Magneto's eyes looked at the magnetic civilization in front of him with a solemn look.

"Your Majesty, regarding this so-called magnetic civilization, I can't solve it if I make a move."

"Because the magnetic force generated by their union with each other is not known to be many times stronger than mine."

The current Magneto's eyes said with that embarrassment.

And the current winning government slowly replied at this moment: "Then cripple them first!" "

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