Chapter 0255 - The Brave and Invincible of the Great Qin Fleet!!

"Then cripple them first!"

As the words of the victorious government fell, the eyes of the mighty soldiers lit up slightly.

Obviously, regarding this order given by their majesty, it was quite tempting for those soldiers.

"Cripple them all!"

In an instant, the eyes of one soldier after another shone slightly.


As the Daqin soldiers on that battleship left without hesitation, and the battleship directly entered the starry sky of the universe to take up arms and fight with the so-called magnetic civilization, the guys from the current magnetic civilization looked at the soldiers in Daqin with such feelings.

"Why can the soldiers of this civilization be in the universe in a vacuum?"

At the same time, the commander from the magnetic civilization looked at the many soldiers in Daqin with a trace of confusion in his eyes.

Not to mention anything else, just with the appearance that these soldiers in Daqin currently have, when they directly stood in the starry sky of the universe without any protection at all, their eyes carried a deep emotion.

However, just when the eyes of many generals in that magnetic civilization were filled with a deep pressure, the soldiers from Daqin did not hesitate to attack with the weapons in their hands.

"Overlord Slash!"

In an instant, one soldier after another took up the weapons in their hands without hesitation and launched an attack on the battleship of the magnetic civilization in front.

"Boom boom..."

A wave of powerful and incomparable power began to erupt from the bodies of the Daqin soldiers, and as that powerful and incomparable power began to erupt from the bodies of the Daqin soldiers, many soldiers from the magnetic civilization just looked at the scene displayed on their battleship with that confused gaze.

"This, this..."

The officers from the many warships owned by the magnetic civilization, after looking at the powerful force displayed on their one of the displays, all the guys had a deep incredulity in their eyes.

"Why is the magnetic force cited by the other party so powerful?"

At this moment, the many officers who had on the current battleship looked at the scene displayed on the display screen in their eyes with an incredible gaze.

"Di Di

That sound explained to them one thing, that is, the power that erupted from those soldiers possessed in Daqin was simply beyond their imagination.


"The other party is not something we can compete with at all!"

In an instant, many military commanders from the current battleship after battleship began to drive their battleship towards the rear without hesitation.

That's right, in the face of a situation they are currently facing, all they need to do now is to lead their warship to start fleeing, because at this time they have already understood one thing.

That is the strength of this cosmic civilization that suddenly popped out of nowhere, and it definitely does not belong to them to compete!

The strength of the current civilization is really beyond their imagination!

Since the power of a civilization is beyond their imagination, then it is impossible for them to die at this time, right?

Therefore, in the face of the current power that erupted from the soldiers of Daqin, the guys in the magnetic civilization at this moment began to prepare for a retreat without hesitation.

"Retreat retreat retreat!!"

In an instant, under the orders of one general after another, the mighty fleet began to prepare to retreat towards the Great Queen.

However, how could the attacks that erupt from the soldiers of Daqin be so easily avoided?

"Boom la la!!"

The overlord slashes that erupted one after another soldiers directly began to erupt towards the battleships.

As the overlord slashes that erupted one after another soldiers frantically diffused towards the battleships, the power that erupted from the soldiers of Daqin directly blasted their battleships in an all-round way.


The sound of earth-shattering explosions directly began to echo wildly.

But the earth-shattering explosions directly began to reverberate wildly throughout the universe, and at the same time, many generals from that magnetic civilization watched the battleships in front of them all explode in the rear...

All the generals had a deep confusion in their eyes.

"This, this..."

For a moment, many generals from the magnetic civilization carried that incredible, and even carried that deep fear.

Soon, the news about the battlefield on the front line was also transmitted to the hands of the civilization master of their magnetic civilization in the first place.

It's just that when the civilization lord of this civilization learned what was happening on the battlefield, his eyes were so incredulous.

"How is that possible?!"

The current Lord of Civilization from the Magnetic Civilization looked at the scene on the battlefield on the front line with that incredulous gaze.

How could they possibly lose?!

"Hurry up and fight back!"

"We must not let this unknown civilization defeat!"

At the same time, the civilization lord from the current magnetic civilization also began to roar loudly and continuously.


Hearing the shouts of the Lord of Civilization from the Magnetic Civilization, the soldiers currently possessed by the Great Qin Heavenly Court also began to attack the battleship in the starry sky of the universe.

"Kill God Strike!"

"Overlord Slash!"

One attack after another began to erupt by one soldier after another.

As one powerful attack after another began to erupt by those soldiers, a vast and incomparable force began to unfold throughout the universe.


That unprecedented force began to rage wildly throughout the universe.

As that unprecedented force began to wreak havoc throughout the universe, as for the battleship of the so-called magnetic civilization?

I'm sorry, there are no warships in this star domain except for the battleships from the Great Qin Heavenly Court.

Oh, and of course, a bunch of cosmic garbage.

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