Chapter 0256 - Lord of Titans See the Great Qin Heavenly Emperor!!


I saw that the fleet from Daqin came to the door like this.

After the Daqin fleet came to the door like this, as for the current lord of the magnetic civilization and the high-level of the magnetic civilization facing the Daqin fleet at this moment, all the guys in the entire civilization looked in the direction of the sky with that heavy and even desperate gaze.

If nothing else, simply because the current situation is here.

The army of their magnetic civilization was completely destroyed!

When the fleet accompanying their magnetic civilization has been completely destroyed, what power does their magnetic civilization have to compete with today's Daqin fleet?

They don't have the strength to fight at all.

In this way, the high-level of the magnetic civilization could only watch with a despair as the Daqin fleet came to the sky above their civilization.


In this way, the lord of civilization from the magnetic civilization and all the high-level people in his civilization could only honestly choose to surrender.

Because there is only one way for them to go, they have no choice but to go.

"We chose to surrender."

The Lord of Civilization from the Magnetic Civilization said so honestly to Ying Zheng, who was in the Great Qin fleet.

When Yingzheng, who was in the Emperor battleship, received the news from the magnetic civilization, Yingzheng's eyes carried that deep calm gaze.

"Accept their surrender!"

At this moment, Yingzheng's eyes were so calm with that.

If nothing else, in the face of this group of guys who chose to surrender.

For today's Daqin, there is no harm at all.

Since there was no harm at all for today's Daqin, why couldn't he accept the support of this group of guys?

Is it possible to completely wipe out this group of guys?

That was completely inconsistent with the idea of winning the government, because he was more or less curious about these civilizations that naturally controlled magnetism.

"Magneto, from now on, you will belong to the Governor of the Magnetic Planet!"

"I hope to see that you have something to study and pass on to Xuan."

"Don't live up to your expectations."

Ying Zheng looked at Magneto at this moment with that calm gaze, as the most powerful Magneto on the planet, then he was naturally sent to the magnetic civilization to be a governor.

As for whether Magneto dares to resist?

I'm sorry, if Magneto dares to resist, the face of Magneto will be an overwhelming attack from the Great Qin fleet.

Do you really think that the strength that Daqin possesses is very weak?

The strength that Daqin possessed was definitely beyond Magneto's imagination.

As long as Magneto is honest, there will be no accidents for Magneto at that time.

But if the other party dares to betray Daqin, then winning the government will definitely make the other party understand what is the anger that belongs to the emperor.


In the eyes of the Magneto behind Yingzheng, he looked at the magnetic civilization at this moment with a curious gaze.

For this civilization that was born to control magnetism, Magneto was naturally very curious, after all, who let him himself be an existence who controlled magnetism.

"The rest continue to attack the entire universe!"

Looking at the conquered magnetic civilization, the winning government at this moment was so big to wave.


The mighty fleet thus began to attack the entire universe.

At the same time that the mighty army launched an attack in the entire universe, the fleet currently from Daqin began to stop in the entire universe, because in front of the Daqin fleet, there was a fleet led by Thanos that stopped in front of Daqin at this moment.


Ying Zheng looked at the Thanos fleet in front of him with that calm gaze in his eyes.

For Thanos' sudden visit, although Yingzheng said that he felt that curiosity, he did not feel any panic.

Thanos is just that, his strength is enough to deal with all crises.

If he really wants to fight, then he will definitely let Thanos understand what belongs to the wrath of the king.

"Is this the fleet that belongs to Daqin?"

When the captains of the fleet after fleet that Thanos had on the battleship looked so deeply at the current Daqin fleet, all the guys had a deep seriousness in their eyes, and the news that these days, the Daqin fleet began to capture one civilization after another in the entire universe has long been transmitted throughout the universe.

All the guys in the entire universe knew that Daqin Tian was an aggressive civilization.

I don't know how many civilizations have been conquered by Daqin just like that.

Then the entire universe felt a burst of panic, and as the current host of the entire universe, Thanos, the group of soldiers under his hands were naturally also informed by this news.

And at this moment, Thanos looked so deeply at the Daqin fleet he had in front of him.

"Is this the fleet that belongs to Daqin?"

"The strength of the soldiers in that fleet is actually so strong!"

When the current Thanos looked at the Daqin fleet one after another, he was all aware of the powerful force in that Daqin fleet.

In other words, the strength of those soldiers is not weak!

If the strength of a Daqin soldier is nothing in front of Thanos, but if the strength of the tens of millions of troops in the Daqin fleet is so strong, then the 4.0 power that converges together is different.

Thanos felt a deep seriousness in his eyes.

"There are also three existences whose strength is at the top of the entire universe!"

After Thanos sensed the three powerful beings in the Emperor battleship, he immediately sensed a deep seriousness.

"Sure enough, it is worthy of the Great Qin that can set off a bloody storm in the entire universe, and with this power alone, it can already make the entire house have to pay attention to Thanos, and look at this Great Qin fleet with that heavy look in his eyes"

"Thanos, the lord of the Titan civilization, come to see!"

Thanos' words spread into the current Emperor battleship.

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