Chapter 0261 - Battle against the Heavenly God Group!!

"Great Qin Qi Luck!"

In an instant, I saw that the current winning government did not hesitate to fully explode the luck of Daqin.


As the winning government began to erupt from the vast qi luck possessed by the Great Qin, every planet in the entire universe began to be filled with the Great Qin luck, and then all the Great Qin luck in the entire universe also began to pour into the body of the winning government.


Along with that stream of Great Qin Qi luck pouring into Yingzheng's body at this moment, all the creatures in the entire universe turned their gazes to this direction of the battle between Yingzheng and the Heavenly God Group at this moment.


In the face of the powerful force that erupted from the winning government's body, the group of guys who were owned by the current Celestial God Group looked at the current winning government with that confused and even incredulous gaze.

"This, this..."

As the boss of the Celestial God Group, he looked at the current winning government with that incredulous gaze.

If nothing else, just with this powerful luck that broke out from the current winning government, what the current boss of the Celestial God Group saw was that there was all the power of luck from the entire universe behind the winning government.

Of course, it is not all the power of luck that belongs to the entire universe, but it can only be said that the place of luck that broke out by the current winning government occupies 70% of the entire universe.

This is equivalent to being able to mobilize 70% of the power of the entire universe!

That's no small amount!

Even for the current boss of the Celestial God Group, the power that erupted from the winning government was simply terrifying.


That powerful force burst out madly.

At the same time that the powerful and incomparable power burst out madly, the power possessed in Ying Zheng's body was also approaching the realm of tribulation at this moment.

"Boom la la!!"

That powerful and incomparable force began to frantically pervade Yingzheng's body, and as that powerful force began to frantically permeate Yingzheng's body, Yingzheng also began to keep his eyes firmly fixed on the boss of the Celestial God Group opposite him.

"Then let's let you see the power of Xuan!"

There was that calm in Ying Zheng's eyes.

Maybe the strength of the guy opposite him belongs to the realm of the Eight Classics of Zheng'er, but it doesn't matter to Ying Zheng.

If nothing else, it is because he has the absolute confidence to compete with the current boss of the Heavenly God Group.

This confidence stems from the strength within him.

"Boom la la!!"

That incomparably strong force began to ripple like the sea in the body of the winning government.

As that powerful and incomparable force began to ripple like the sea in Ying Zheng's body, Bai Qi on the other side also began to fully explode the power in his body.

"Boom la la!!"

A strong and incomparable force began to pervade madly.

As the power that erupted from Bai Qi's body spread madly, a blood-red murderous aura also began to erupt directly from Bai Qi's body towards the entire cosmic starry sky.

"Roar, roar, roar!!"

In the powerful murderous aura that permeated Bai Qi, it was as if he heard a roar.

"Boom la la!!"

The blood-red murderous aura centered on the white qi is now filled with madness throughout the universe.

With that blood-red murderous aura centered on Bai Qi, now the entire universe pervaded, and the third elder of the Heavenly God Group that Bai Qi needed to fight looked at Bai Qi with that deep and heavy gaze.

"This guy, it's not easy to mess with!"

The current Celestial God Group elder had a heaviness in his eyes.

He sensed the terrifying murderous aura emanating from Bai Qi's body, and he immediately sensed an unprecedented heaviness.

If nothing else, just relying on the huge murderous aura in Bai Qi's body really made him feel a tremble.

Because he sensed an unprecedented crisis in the powerful power exuded by Bai Qi.

At that time, he would naturally feel a little heavy.

Just as the power of Ying Zheng and Bai Qi began to explode in full force, the current Thanos and the ancient mage also began to fully explode the power they had


"Boom la la!!"

In an instant, a powerful force began to erupt in the entire cosmic space, and the powerful force centered on Thanos and the ancient mage began to pervade madly.

Although the current power erupted by Thanos and the ancient mage is not particularly powerful, the power that these two guys have erupted can already shake the current second elder of the Celestial God Group.

"This is an unprecedented rival!"

The three guys from the Tenjin group looked at each other.

They all sensed an unprecedented heaviness in the bodies of the current group of guys.

And now they have understood one thing.

That is at this time, if they don't act quickly, then they may really have a major accident at that time.

In order to avoid this situation, the three guys of the Celestial God Group also did not hesitate to start to burst out the power in their bodies madly.


A powerful force erupted from the bodies of the three guys of the Celestial God Group.

With that powerful and incomparable force beginning to erupt from the three guys of the Celestial God Group, as the remaining 30% of the civilizations in the entire universe, they began to look at the battle between the Celestial God Group and Daqin at this moment, and the remaining 30% of the civilization masters in the entire universe looked at the Celestial God Group with a deep expectant gaze.

They can still understand 4.3 what the Celestial God Group represents.

If the Heavenly God Group is defeated later, then they choose to surrender, because they still want to fight against Daqin with their strength?

This can only be said, isn't this a fool's dream?

Therefore, when the remaining 30% of civilizations in the entire universe now see their gazes as the Celestial God Group, the current Celestial God Group also seems to perceive those eyes in the entire universe.

"Go and die!!"

In an instant, the members of the three Heavenly God Groups did not hesitate to move towards Yingzheng and the others in Daqin.


An exploding sound erupted in the starry river.

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