Chapter 0262 - A War That Decides the Universe Belongs!!


In an instant, bursts of explosive sounds began to erupt from the bodies of the members of the three Heavenly God Group.

At the same time that the sound of explosion began to erupt from the members of the three Heavenly God Group, at this moment, Yingzheng and the others also began to use the power in their bodies without hesitation, and then burst towards the members of the three Heavenly God Group.

"Quan Zheng the world!"

In an instant, I saw that Yingzheng did not hesitate to condense the many qi luck possessed in Daqin into his fist, and then launched an attack on the Heavenly God Group boss opposite him without hesitation.


A fist representing Daqin's will attacked the current Heavenly God Group boss fiercely.

As the fist representing the will of the entire Great Qin attacked the boss fiercely, the current boss of the Heavenly God Group could only continue to retreat towards the life side in the face of this powerful and incomparable force at this moment.

"Boom la la!!"

An incomparably powerful force erupted from the body of that Heavenly God Ancestor Boss


A force gathered in the fist of the 27th boss of the Celestial God Clan, and then fiercely bombarded the power that erupted from the victorious government.

In the face of those two fists colliding fiercely, a force that was enough to sweep the entire universe directly began to spread around the two people.

"Click, click..."

In an instant, as this powerful and incomparable force spread wildly throughout the universe, I saw that the space in the area where the two sides of the Win Zheng and the Celestial God Group boss were handed over was also directly exploded at this moment.


As the space in that area was violently exploded, the chaotic aura that exuded in that space also continued to sweep this universe.

However, due to the world barrier possessed in the supergod universe, the power of the Chaotic Qi of Ghana has been reduced a lot, but even so.

The current powerful chaotic aura also began to permeate continuously


As that powerful chaotic aura began to erupt continuously, the current Winning Zheng and the Celestial God Group Boss at the moment chose to ignore it.

If their strength is ordinary, then it is really likely that they will be completely contaminated by the current chaotic qi, and it is even very likely that a major accident will occur.

But now it's different.

At present, whether it belongs to Ying Zheng or the boss of the Heavenly God Group, their strength between each other is completely at the top of the world in this world.

Since their strength between each other is completely at the top of this world, why are they afraid?

At this moment, these two guys directly ignored the powerful and incomparable chaotic qi.

As these two guys ignored the powerful chaotic aura, the current Bai Qi also began to fiercely attack the murderous aura flowing in his body towards the third elder of the Heavenly God Group opposite him.

"Boom la la!!"

That powerful and incomparably murderous aura began to erupt wildly.

As that powerful and incomparably murderous aura began to erupt wildly, the power that Bai Qi possessed at this moment was greatly strengthened, and all the murderous aura in Bai Qi's body also burst out at this moment.

Facing Bai Qi, the murderous aura in his body was after this one burst out in full force.

As the third elder of the Heavenly God Group, he now felt a deep sense of fear.

"This, this..."

When the current third elder of the Heavenly God Group looked at the current Bai Qi like this, especially when he looked at the powerful and incomparably murderous aura that Bai Qi erupted, he really felt a deep fear now.

Because in his opinion, the powerful and incomparably murderous aura that erupted from the current Bai Qi was simply a bit terrifying!

"I'm a member of the Celestial God Group!"

"I belong to the true overlord of the universe!"

"I belong to the Lord of the Universe!"

With the firmness in the eyes of the third elder of the Heavenly God Group, the power in his body also began to constantly fight towards Baiqi.


That bursting sound directly began to erupt wildly throughout the universe.

As the sound of explosions began to erupt wildly throughout the universe, all the guys in the entire universe began to look at the battle between Bai Qi and the third elder of the Celestial God Group.

It should be said that their eyes not only looked at the battle between Bai Qi and the third elder of the Celestial God Group, but they also looked at the battle between the boss of the Celestial God Group who won the political position.


A mad force began to rage throughout the universe.


A strong force began to erupt in the bodies of the ancient mage and Thanos, and when the power of these two guys exploded, they also did not hesitate to hit the second elder of the Celestial God Group.

In the face of the powerful force that erupted from Thanos and the ancient mage, even the second elder of the Celestial God Group could not ignore it so easily.

Because whether Thanos or 333 belong to the ancient mage, they are not ordinary people between them!

They don't belong to any ordinary existence!

The power they possess in the entire universe is itself a truly top-notch existence.

At that time, after these two guys are united with each other like this, the power that erupts between them is very strong.

Even the power that erupted between these two guys can be described as terror.

"Let me see your power!"

Not to be outdone, the second elder of the Celestial God Group erupted towards Thanos and the ancient mage opposite him.



Bursts of explosions began to erupt throughout the universe.

As that sound that was comparable to explosion erupted throughout the universe, all the guys in the entire universe began to look at this star field at this moment.

Whether it is the 30% of the area that is not ruled by Daqin, or the 70% of the area that has been ruled by Daqin.

The eyes of the entire universe are looking to this side of the moment.

Because the battle here determines who will rule the universe in the future.

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