Chapter 0263 - Bai Qi Who Is Not Afraid of Death!!


In an instant, I saw that the current winning government did not hesitate to fully burst out the powerful force in his body.


As Yingzheng began to fully burst out the power in his body, a shadow of the Lingxiao Treasure Hall instantly appeared in the entire universe.

That was the place where the power belonging to the entire Great Qin Heavenly Court was most concentrated!

When the phantom of the Heavenly Court appeared in the entire universe, the boss from the Heavenly God Group was looking at the current Victory with an unprecedented serious gaze at this moment.

"You must not be hit by this!"

In the face of the incomparable force that erupted from the winning government, the boss of the Heavenly God Group carried that deep heaviness in his heart!

If nothing else, just relying on the power contained in this Heavenly Court virtual is really not something he can fight against.

He could detect that in this powerful force contained the will of all living beings.

It's like the will in the entire universe.

In the face of this incomparably powerful force, the current boss of the Heavenly God Group could not resist the will of all living beings, no matter how strong his strength was!

In the face of the powerful and incomparable power that erupted from the Zheng Zheng, the old nature currently from the Heavenly God Group did not dare to contend with it.

"Great cosmic power!"

In the face of the Lingxiao Treasure Hall Shadow that erupted from Win Zheng, the boss of the Heavenly God Group also did not hesitate to fully explode the power in his body.

"Boom la la!!"

It symbolizes that the power of the universe in the Marvel Universe began to be madly erupted by the boss of the Celestial God Group.

He belongs to the most powerful existence in the entire Marvel universe, and he can naturally mobilize the power he has in the entire universe.

Of course, the power he can mobilize at the moment is not particularly powerful, if nothing else, the entire universe has been occupied by Daqin 70%, at this time, he can't even mobilize the power in the area occupied by Daqin, right?

It's impossible, if Daqin belongs to an ordinary civilization, then forget it, but the problem is that Daqin belongs to the Immortal Cultivation Civilization of the Eight Classics!

Moreover, after the piece of territory occupied by Daqin, he absorbed all the power of luck in that territory!

At that time, no matter how powerful the boss from the Heavenly God Group was, he would not be able to occupy and plunder the power in the area occupied by Daqin!

So at this moment, the power that erupted from the boss of the Celestial God Group was not as powerful as he thought.


A force symbolizing the universe began to condense!

As the power that symbolized the universe began to condense wildly, the Lingxue Treasure Hall phantom that erupted from Win Zheng also did not hesitate to burst out towards the Celestial God Clan boss who was looking at him.

"Go and die!!"

As that firm voice fell, an explosive sound began to erupt in that river of stars.

The phantom shadow from the Lingxiao Treasure Hall that erupted from the Winning Zheng directly collided with the power that erupted from the boss of the Heavenly God Group.

With the moment the power possessed by the two sides collided together, the space of the surrounding galaxy was directly hit hard.

"Click, click..."

The space in that galaxy is also constantly shattering.

As the space in that galaxy broke, the eyes of all the guys in the entire universe trembled deeply.

"Is this the strength that the Lord of Great Qin possesses?!"

The group of guys from the entire universe had an unprecedented tremor in their eyes.

Although they all knew that the strength of the emperor from the Great Qin might be unprecedented.

After all, the strength of those soldiers in the entire Great Qin is already so strong, so as the emperor in the Great Qin, how can the strength of the other party be worse?

Although everyone knows that this is the case, how powerful is the power of the emperor in Daqin to win the government?

I am afraid that no one in the entire universe can really know how powerful the power of winning politics is.

Now, the power possessed by Ying Zheng exploded in full force at this moment, and the group of guys in the entire universe who were not occupied by Daqin all looked at the power that erupted from Ying Zheng with an unprecedented shock, even confusion.


There was a heaviness in the eyes of the Lord of One Civilization.

"If that Lord of Great Qin can defeat the boss of the Heavenly God Group, let's choose to surrender."

"There's no chance of surviving anymore."

One civilization lord after another had a heaviness in their eyes.

If nothing else, just by virtue of the power that erupted from the current winning government, they have already felt a deep tremble.

So if Win Zheng really chooses to do something to them, then do they still have a chance to live?

There is no doubt that their civilization will never be able to compete with winning politics.

If this is the case, then why do they keep resisting the law?

So everything about all this depends on whether Win Zheng can defeat the boss of the Tenjin Group next.

As long as Win Zheng can defeat the boss of the Celestial God Group, the remaining 30% of the civilization in the entire universe will choose to surrender without hesitation.

As all the masters of civilization in the entire universe set their sights on this battlefield that would determine the future ownership of the entire universe, in the midst of the battle between Victory and the boss of the Celestial God Clan.

The power possessed between Bai Qi and the third elder of the Heavenly God Group also exploded in full force.

"Boom la la!!"

That unprecedented force began to erupt wildly.

"Go and die!"

"God Killing One Blow!!"

One after another, the attacks condensed by the murderous aura slashed fiercely towards the third elder of the Heavenly God Group.

Every attack looked at the third elder of the Heavenly God Pearl, and the murderous aura in Bai Qi's body began to continuously rush towards the body of the third elder of the Heavenly God Group.

As for the power that erupted from the third elder of the Heavenly God Group, it also hit Bai Qi fiercely, but it did not cause any effect.

Why handsome?

Don't forget the crucial point!

That is, Bai Qi is not a flesh and blood body that belongs to the Eight Classics!

Bai Qi to some extent, he is already a dead existence!

He is not afraid of death!

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