Chapter 0264 - Assistance from Daqin Soldiers!!

"This, this..."

"Why can't I kill the other party with the power I burst out?"

"The other party seems to be completely unafraid of death!"

At this moment, the third elder from the Heavenly God Group had an unprecedented seriousness in his heart at this moment.

He wanted to know the crucial point right now, that is, why the power he erupted could not cause damage to that Bai Qi.

It seems that Bai Qi's pair of bodies are fake, which is more or less incredible for the third elder of the Heavenly God Group.


I saw that the third elder of the Heavenly God Group holding the weapon once again hit Bai Qi fiercely at this moment.

It's just that while the old three of the Heavenly God Group hit Bai Qi fiercely, the power he burst out could only leave shallow traces in Bai Qi's incomparably hard body.


Even the attacks he broke out could only erupt into a wave of sound in Bai Qi's body, no more?

Then it's gone.

"Damn it!"

The third elder of the Heavenly God Group couldn't help but scold.

If the attack he broke out could leave a fierce mark on Bai Qi's body, then he might be able to constantly attack Bai Qi.

However, question 033 is that the attack he broke out was not enough to hurt Bai Qi, which was what really worried the elder of the Celestial God Group.


"I must let you experience my strong strength!"

The third elder of the Heavenly God Group had a firmness in his eyes.

He definitely wanted this guy in the Great Qin to see how powerful the power he possessed was.


As that scream fell, I saw that the third elder of the Heavenly God Group began to burst out his power without hesitation.

"Boom boom..."

Waves of qi visible to the naked eye began to erupt wildly throughout the universe.

As the wave of qi that was visible to the naked eye began to erupt in this river of stars, the current Bai Qi also instantly sensed that the guy opposite him began to really desperately.

"Hehe, even if you burst out the power in your body like this?!"

"Let me see your power!"

Bai Qi's tone had that hint of disdain.

"Kill God Strike!"

A murderous slash containing white will also began to attack the enemy opposite him.


An unprecedented force began to erupt wildly in Bai Qi's body, and at the same time that a powerful and incomparable murderous aura began to erupt wildly in Bai Qi's body, the brows of the many Great Qin Army leaders and the Great Qin generals who were watching from afar frowned slightly.

"Guys, I think we can go and help Trial Anjun!"

Wang Yi said with that serious opening in his tone.

Now from the seriousness that Wang Chong had in his current tone, several legion leaders around him looked at Wang Chong with that doubtful gaze.

"Old General Wang, is there any way to help Trial An Jun?"

One legion leader after another at the moment all looked at Wang Yi at this moment.

"Everyone, in the current battlefield of Your Majesty, we cannot interfere."

"But it doesn't mean that we can't intervene in the battlefield of the Wu'an Army."

"The power we practice is exactly the same as the power that Wu Anjun is cultivating!"

"We all belong to each other to cultivate murderous qi!"

"Since we all belong to each other to cultivate murderous qi, then at this time, we can completely burst out our murderous qi, and then directly transfer this huge and incomparable murderous qi into Wu Anjun's body."

"Then as long as Wu Anjun can accept our murderous aura, I believe that defeating that guy from the Heavenly God Group on the opposite side is still easy."

"As long as Wu Anjun can defeat the guy from the Heavenly God Group on the opposite side, then Wu Anjun can free his hand to help His Majesty."

"Then you say, then didn't our Daqin win this battle?!"

At this moment, Wang Yi said with that deep seriousness in his eyes.

Listening to the words that Wang Chong was currently saying, the other legion leaders all looked at each other like this, and they really felt that there was a very strong truth for what Wang Chong was saying at present.

"This, it seems to be really okay."

Among them, Meng Tian, who was one of the legion leaders, had that recognition in his eyes.

"Then act!"

In an instant, Wang Scissors' eyes looked at the muscles and femoral and said firmly.

"No problem!"


"Then act!"

"Burst out the murderous aura in our bodies!"

As Wang Yi's words fell, the orders of one legion commander after another were transmitted to the ears of the generals below, and the orders of those generals were transmitted to the ears of those officers, and the orders of those officers were transmitted to the ears of all the soldiers.

Soon, the twelve legionnaires in the entire Great Qin began to burst out the murderous aura in their bodies.


That unprecedented huge murderous aura directly began to permeate the bodies of one soldier after another.

Then, at the same time that one soldier after another permeated his body, Nabi Legion Commander also began to extradite the killing vapor that erupted from all the soldiers and began to extradite to the wanxiang that Bai Qi was fighting.

As for Bai Qi, who was fighting with the third elder of the Heavenly God Clan at this moment, he also instantly sensed the murderous aura that erupted from the soldiers of the twelve legions in their Daqin army.

"I have a heart."

Bai Qi said to himself with that smile in the corner of his mouth.

"Then let me use your strength to defeat this guy on the other side!"

Bai Qi's words fell, and the moment Bai Qi's words fell, I saw that Bai Qi did not hesitate to begin to absorb the murderous aura that those soldiers had erupted.


As Bai Qi began to absorb all the murderous aura that existed in the twelve legions, the power in Bai Qi's body was approaching the Tribulation Realm after this strengthening.

"Let you experience the power of the Great Qin Army!"

As Bai Qi's words fell, the power that contained the entire Great Qin army also began to erupt towards the third elder of the Heavenly God Group opposite him.


This blow shocked the entire universe.

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