Chapter 0268 - Summoning the Prince of Great Qin!!

As the entire Great Qin Heavenly Court began to develop continuously, Win Zheng, who was the current lord of the Great Qin Heavenly Court, began to call his many sons over at this moment.

At this moment, Fusu, who was the eldest son of Yingzheng, looked at the younger brothers around him with a sense of doubt.

"In other words, do you know what Father Emperor called us here for?"

The current Fusu said with a puzzled tone to the other princes who were currently inquiring.

It's just that in the face of the doubt contained in the eyes of surrender, the other princes at the moment just glanced at Fusu at this moment.

"Big brother, do you think you don't even know the news, can we still know?"

Hu Hai, who is currently one of the princes, said slowly.

For Hu Hai at this moment, he felt that he was very honest during this time, especially when he had to know the future fate of their Daqin, he was almost scared to death during that time.

Even he hid in his palace, not daring to make any action at all.

First, he was afraid of being beaten to death by his brothers and sisters, and second, he was afraid of being beaten to death by his father.

Even the current Daqin has developed to this extent, but the current Hu Hai still feels a wave of fear.

If nothing else, he was really afraid!

If it weren't for the fact that Yingzheng summoned all the princes in the entire Great Qin Dynasty, then the current group of guys might not have seen Hu Hai.

In the face of the words from Hu Hai, Fusu, who was the eldest son of Yan, had that deep doubt in his eyes at this moment.

"Okay, then we can only see what happens to the father emperor by then."

At this moment, Fusu could only shake his head helplessly.

The situation is here, and it seems that all they need to do is to meet the winners.

Soon, many drought sons from Daqin also appeared in the Lingxue Treasure Hall.

"See Father Emperor!"

In an instant, many of the princes of Daqin, led by Fusu, paid homage to the victorious government so respectfully.

Facing the visit of many princes of Daqin led by Fusu, Yingzheng, who was currently sitting above the throne of heaven and earth, looked at the group of guys at this moment so calmly.

"How much time have we not seen each other?"

There was a nostalgia in Yingzheng's eyes.

Since his system arrived, the entire Great Qin began to operate completely, and he also neglected his group of sons.

After all, what he needs to do belongs to the world of attack, and all he needs to do after the attack is to improve his own strength, where does he have the time to come and reminisce?

What is still in the Great Qin Heavenly Court now, about to start the next hundred years plan.

Then, when this century-old plan was unfolded like this, as the current lord of Daqin, Winzheng was like this, and many sons in the future were all gathered.

"See the emperor, it's been decades."

Fusu, who was the eldest son of Yan, said so honestly.

Of course, this decade refers to belonging to no such big gathering.

Normally, I would see it more or less, but like this, all the houses were summoned, and it was obvious that it belonged to very few.

"It's been more than ten years."

There was a deep emotion in Ying Zheng's eyes.

Regarding his many sons, there is no excessive rejection of Win Zheng.

After all, he has the absolute confidence that these sons of his can make a major change from their original fate.

Even Hu Hai, this guy, develops according to his original fate, Hu Hai is indeed the culprit that led to the demise of the Great Qin Empire.

But he crossed over, especially since he was a child, Hu Hai, this guy really belongs to his son.

Moreover, he would not eat anything like elixirs, so he would have a long time to let the entire Great Qin develop according to his expectations.

Of course, this is an idea that belongs to him, but the guys who come from Daqin are different.

At the very least, the group of guys in Daqin seemed that if it weren't for the help of their majesties from the gods, if it weren't for the fact that their majesty could lead the entire Daqin Empire to one world after another and change the fate of the Daqin Empire.

I'm afraid that at that time, the fate of the entire Great Qin Empire will develop according to what is known from other worlds!

Therefore, in the entire Great Qin, those courtiers who were loyal to the Great Qin were really, very, very disgusted with this guy Hu Hai, and even hated Zhao Gao and Li Si.

If it weren't for the absolute confidence that Yingzheng could completely suppress them, then Yingzheng might really be able to punish Hu Hai for solving Li Si and Zhao Gao.

But now it's different.

He has absolute confidence that he can solve this group of beings.

"Bringing you all together this time is about your future."

At this moment, the current Yingzheng said to his many sons so calmly.

Listening to the words from Yingzheng, the eyes of the many princes of Daqin one after another instantly carried a sense of seriousness.

Although they didn't know how their father should deal with this matter, it did not prevent them from understanding that their future fate would definitely be at stake.

As for the prince of the Great Qin Empire?

Sorry, at this time, as long as the head is not stupid, you can understand that their father will definitely not have any accidents.

Since their father and emperor would not have any accidents, then the title of Prince of Great Qin would definitely not appear.

After all, it is impossible for their father to choose to abdicate in the future (Qian Li's)

It's impossible, so they feel more or less suspicious about the fate they have next.

They used to be very confused, but they didn't have the courage to ask about Win Zheng.

Now, Win Zheng took the initiative to tell the story of the fate they had next.

Facing the nervousness in the eyes of the princes one after another, Yingzheng smiled and relaxed.

"Relax your mind, Xu is not a man-eating tiger."

The current Yingzheng said with a smile.

In the face of the words from Win Zheng, at this moment, one after another children are still ready to listen to Win Zheng's next words with that tense looking mentality.

For this scene at this moment, the current winner can only smile slightly.

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