Chapter 0269 - The Prince of Great Qin Who Became an Official of One of the Parents!!

"It's very simple about your next fate."

"You guys are going to participate in the imperial examination next."

"See what abilities you have, ready to serve Daqin."

"At that time, you will be placed in one post after another."

"Of course, if any of you are talented in military affairs, you can also arrange to join the army."

The current winner said slowly.

"If you have any talents, you can also discover all your own talents."

"As the prince of Daqin, all you need to do is to be an example!"

I saw Yingzheng slowly speaking to the guys one after another.

In the face of the words from Win Zheng, at this moment, the eyes of one guy after another were so deeply complicated.

Well, although they all knew that their father was ready to arrange them, they really didn't know how their father should arrange them.

But now, when they listened to what their father had said, they still felt a burst of confusion.

In other words, from today onwards, all they need to do is to serve the entire Great Qin?

They need to join the military, or 860, who will join the civilian camp, or discover their respective talents.

For this prince after another, they still felt more or less incredible.

Facing the incredulity in the eyes of that prince after another, there was also that calm in the tone of winning the government.

"As the sons of Xuan, all you need to do is set an example!"

"At the same time, due to the special status of you, as long as you can go to various places to serve as officials, as long as you can honestly be responsible for the local people."

"There will be no accidents in the entire Daqin people."

"What you represent next in the people belongs to the entire Daqin!"

The current Win Zheng looked at his sons with a serious look on his face.

For this group of guys at this moment, Yingzheng has already figured out how to deal with them.

If they go to various places to serve as officials, then their superiors absolutely do not dare to despise this group of guys.

You must know that this group of guys belongs to the prince of Daqin!

Who dares to squeeze this group of guys?!

All they need to do is be honest and become a parent.

Don't worry that they don't have a backstage or the like, because their backstage belongs to him, the Lord of Daqin!

They didn't have to fear all the threats at all, because if anyone dared to threaten them, then the existence of those who threatened these princes would face the attack from Wang Dazuo Jinyiwei.

Don't look at Jinyiwei, it seems that he doesn't have any reputation, but as an organization hidden in Daqin, Jinyiwei's strength is definitely beyond his strength.

After all, this belongs to the Lord of Great Qin personally set up by the Lord of Great Qin, and in addition to Winning Zheng, I am afraid that there is really no guy who can understand how powerful Jinyiwei is.

If this group of Great Qin princes joined the army like this, then at least their strength could be even stronger.

As the princes of the Great Qin, they really need a strong strength.

Otherwise, at that time, all the cultural relics and officials in the entire court may look down on this group of Daqin princes, after all, they represent the entire Daqin, but their strength is so weak, how can it work?

Even if they are not willing to join the civilian or military ranks, then they can choose to go to the civilian population to discover their respective talents.

Even if the other party may be like the carpenter emperor of the Ming Dynasty, who likes all kinds of craftsmanship, or likes business, or likes to practice medicine!

They have this talent, and the winning government belongs to absolute support!

As long as the other party really has this talent!

And at this moment, after hearing what their father and emperor said, all the guys looked at each other.

For the many princes of Daqin today, it seems that they will need to travel to various places to serve as officials from today onwards.

As for joining the army just like that?

Sorry, they are also pampered existences.

If they are allowed to suffer in the army like this, I am afraid that no one can really accept it.

Therefore, going to the private sector to become a parent official has become their choice.

"Father, we are willing to become a parent official."

One after another Great Qin princes replied so honestly, and while accompanying the Great Qin princes one after another who replied so honestly, the current Yingzheng also warned him at this moment: "Although what you need to do next is to become a parent official!" "

"But if you let Xu know that you have become a soil emperor in the area under your jurisdiction."

"Even if you don't care about the life and death of those ordinary people in your jurisdiction, then don't blame you for being cruel to you then."

"At that time, the Jin Yiwei will spy on you!"

At this moment, Yingzheng said lightly.

In the face of the words from Win Zheng, the current princes one after another will be nodded.

"Obey the order, Father Emperor, we will definitely not do anything illegal and undisciplined, at this moment, the many princes of Daqin replied so honestly."

Their father and emperor had clearly explained to them that if they really dared to do something illegal and undisciplined, what awaited them would be a member from the Jinyiwei.

They didn't want to have a lower impression in their father's heart.

Although they cannot become the future emperor of Daqin, it does not mean that they are willing to give up the position of prince.

Who is willing to give up this position and identity of the Prince of Great Qin?

I'm sorry, but there's really no guy willing to give up.

So they prepare for the next thing that they will be their parents in one place after another.

Facing the firmness and seriousness in the eyes of these princes, Yingzheng at this moment slowly replied: "Do it, and then you will represent the absolute justice of one region after another!" "

"You represent Daqin, you represent Xuan!"

Winning the government is to make up his mind to the many princes one after another.


One after another, the princes began to reply honestly.

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