Chapter 0271 - Great Qin Goes on a Campaign, See Immortal!!

"See Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, Saint Ann!!"

In an instant, in the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, one after another civil and military officials respectfully paid homage to the winning government sitting above the imperial throne.

In the face of the visit from the civil and military officials, the current Yingzheng's eyes are looking at the cultural relics and officials below with that calm gaze.

"All Love Qing flat!"

As that word fell, one after another civil and military officials stood straight and straight.

All the civil and military officials set their eyes on the front.

Facing the civil and military officials from this moment, the current Ying Zheng also calmly said: "In this century-old plan, everyone loves Qing!" "

"How's it going?!"

At this moment, Ying Zheng said lightly with that calm gaze.

In this hundred-year plan, Yingzheng wanted to know if there was anything else in the entire Great Qin Heavenly Court that had not been taken care of.

In the face of the words from Win Zheng, one after another civil and military officials replied so respectfully at this moment: "See Your Majesty, the Hundred Year Plan is perfectly implemented!" "

As those words fell, the current winner also nodded with satisfaction at this moment.

"Very good, since Daqin's centennial plan is perfectly implemented!"

"Then it's time for Daqin to set his sights on other worlds!"

"Daqin also needs to start attacking other worlds later!"

There was a seriousness in Ying Zheng's eyes.

When there was an unprecedented seriousness in Ying Zheng's eyes, the eyes of the civil and military officials also lit up slightly at this moment.

For those civil officials, as long as their Great Qin knocks down the next world, then their Great Qin can definitely become stronger.

For that martial artist after another, if they Daqin began to attack other worlds like this, it would mean that their army could make meritorious achievements!

This is definitely good news for the guys in the military.

Therefore, for the current civil and military officials, for the situation that they need to attack other worlds next, all the guys are very, very looking forward to it.

When the civil and military officials all felt the deep expectation, the current victorious government also calmly said: "Rectify the armament and war!" "

"The world we need to go to next is a more dangerous world"

"Even in this world, there is a world where there are real legendary immortal gods!"

"And what we need to do next is to completely beat down the whole world!"

"The twelve legions are all dispatched!"

Ying Zheng's eyes carried that unprecedented solemnity.

The world they need to attack next is not an ordinary world, and the world they need to attack next is a world that contains the existence of true immortal gods.

Therefore, in the face of the current world, what they need to do is naturally to start bursting out all the power in the entire Daqin!

Because only after they burst out all their strength, they have the hope to face the next world.

And not to be counterattacked by that world.


In an instant, listening to the order given by Yingzheng, one legion leader after another and one general after another replied with a serious tone in their eyes.

"Go and get moving!"

Ying Zheng waved his hand lightly.


One corps commander after another and one general after another wore that serious tone.

Soon, under the leadership of Win Zheng, the mighty army came to the world that they said they needed to attack.


In this way, the overwhelming army began to enter the current Immortal Sword World through the blue space door, and entered the battlefield where the victory was fighting.


In the face of the battlefield where the battle was taking place, the current victory in his eyes was so full of doubt.

"It seems that this world is in the war phase, so what stage does this belong to?"

"It must have belonged to before the plot began."

When Zheng looked at the battlefield where the armies of the two sides were fighting, he immediately judged what era this really belonged to...

Because this is not the era when the plot began!

The world he is in now belongs to the world where Sedum exists.

But in that era, there was no war at all, and what appeared in his field of vision now belonged to the battlefield.

At the same time that the current Ying Zheng led the mighty army to appear on this battlefield, the generals in the armies of both sides on that battlefield all looked at the dark blue space gate that appeared on the battlefield with a blinded gaze

"This, this..."


In an instant, the ordinary soldiers in the armies of both sides began to bow down with trembling eyes.

"Plop plop..."

On the battlefields on both sides, one ordinary soldier after another knelt down without hesitation.

"O immortals!"

"See the Immortals!"

One soldier after another began to kowtow to Ying Zheng and the others.

While facing the soldiers one after another who began to kowtow and bow down, the generals in the armies of both sides looked at Yingzheng and the others with hesitant eyes.

Obviously, for the winning government that suddenly appeared in the battlefield, the most important thing is that the winning government appeared in the way very wrong.

Even the generals on both sides who belonged to the well-informed were so puzzled.

"Could it be that it is really a god for Wan?"

Just when the generals on both sides felt a 3.3 burst of doubts, Yingzheng at this moment frowned and looked at this battlefield.


At the same time that one soldier after another was kowtowing to the victorious government, the mighty Daqin army also completely descended on this world at this moment.


When the overwhelming Great Qin army appeared in this world, this scene completely stunned the generals on both sides who were currently in the battlefield.

"This and this, immortal!"

The generals on both sides did not hesitate to kowtow to Yingzheng and the others at this moment.


Wherever Ying Zheng's eyes got, he kowtow.

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