Chapter 0272 - A War Stopped, The Army That Unloaded and Returned to the Field!!


The overwhelming army directly began to fill the entire battlefield.

As the overwhelming army filled the entire battlefield, the current fighting armies were directly ended at this moment.

"From now on, you are the people of Daqin, all you need to do is to honestly put down the test instrument in your hand and become your civilians!"

There was a seriousness in Ying Zheng's tone.

For the ordinary soldiers between the two sides, the idea of winning the government is very, very simple.

Although he didn't know which side of the army this belonged to, when his Daqin army arrived in this world, everyone except his Daqin army should honestly be a civilian!

"Obey and obey..."

In an instant, one ordinary person after another nodded trembling after hearing the words from Win Zheng.

In this way, Daqin had just arrived to prevent the outbreak of a war.

"Inform Yu Xu of your current situation."

Looking at these guys, Yingzheng's eyes also said with that calm opening.


After the generals in the armies of both sides heard Victory's words, they nodded respectfully.27

"The current situation is a chaotic war among the countries, and our Li Kingdom and the Yang Kingdom on the opposite side are waging a war."

I saw that the general who was known as Li Guo reported so respectfully.

"Yang Guo, Li Guo, the countries are in chaos."

In an instant, after hearing the words of these two generals, Ying Zheng already had a general understanding of the dynasty he was currently in.

Obviously, this era is in the Spring and Autumn Warring States period.

Isn't the Spring and Autumn Warring States period the era of chaotic wars among all countries?!

Although the current world is different from the world he knows, it can be known according to the words told by Sedum in the plot.

The Jiang Kingdom has been extinct for thousands of years, and with this word alone, we can understand that a thousand years ago was an era of chaos among the nations.

There is no difference from the Spring and Autumn Warring States period they know.

"Since that's the case, then understood."

Ying Zheng nodded lightly.

"You will be ready to honestly unload your armor and return to the field."

"The entire world will be completely ruled by Daqin!"

There was a seriousness in Yingzheng's tone.

In the face of the words from Win Zheng, the current generals of the two sides nodded respectfully.

They didn't dare to have any idea of resisting.

To rebel against Daqin?

Sorry, they are not afraid to give birth to this idea at all.

They were not blind, and the appearance of those soldiers in Daqin looked like they belonged to real cultivators!

As the generals of a country, they still knew about the existence of cultivators, and perhaps those ordinary soldiers would treat the soldiers in Daqin as immortal-level figures.

But in fact, they did not belong to real immortal gods, they belonged to a group of cultivators.

However, it is not unreasonable that this group of cultivators are immortal-level figures from a certain point of view, because they are immortal-god-level figures for ordinary people!

Then now it is dense, at least at a glance, there are less than seven or eight million, and if there is more, I am afraid that there are tens of millions.

In the face of such a huge army of cultivators, is this something they can currently compete with?

I'm sorry, they still want to live.

They didn't want to compete with these cultivators!

Even if the other party did not belong to a cultivator, the number of the other party's dense army was placed here!

The number between the two sides is at most only a hundred thousand, and a hundred thousand against millions or even tens of millions?

That suddenly appeared this existence called Daqin, a person can drown them all with a mouthful of spit.



Surrender is the most correct!


In the face of the obedience of the generals of these two countries, Yingzheng did not hesitate to issue the order to attack: "Pass on the password and launch an attack!" "

"End the troubled times!"

"Daqin needs to unify the entire world in this world!"

"The whole army attacked!"

In an instant, I saw that Yingzheng gave the order to launch a general attack without hesitation.

Their original Great Qin was able to dominate the world, even if they went to another world!

But in the face of this familiar situation, every Daqin general was not afraid at all.


There was a seriousness in the eyes of the corps commanders and the generals after generals.

"Kill kill kill!!"

The overwhelming Great Qin soldiers all began to roar at the sky.


As the order of the victory fell, the army began to attack in the surrounding direction under the leadership of one corps leader after another.

The Praetorian Legion and the Zombie Legion began to protect Win Zheng.

This is not to say that it belongs to the protection of the winning government, this can only be said to belong to the face of the emperor.

"Go, attack in this direction!"

After looking ahead, Huan Zheng ordered without hesitation.


Bai Qi and Zhang Han nodded respectfully.


The overwhelming army began to attack in that direction.

As the overwhelming army attacked in that direction, the two armies left on that battlefield looked at each other.

"Do we need to fight again?"

The general from Yang Guo said inquiringly to the general of Li Guo beside him.

"What do you think we went to 707 for?"

"Or do you think that Yang Guo behind you and Li Guo behind me can compete with this huge army?"

The general from Li Guo asked calmly.


After Yang Guo's general looked at the dense army in the distance, his eyes could only carry that deep helplessness.

"That's definitely not going to be beaten."

Yang Guo's general said with a sigh.

"Since neither of our two countries can defeat this so-called Daqin, then there is no need for us to fight again at this time."

"Let's unload the armor and return to the field."

"Back home."

At this moment, that Li Guo's general shook his head slightly.

As for the army led by him to defect to Daqin, and then reap the reuse of Daqin like this?

Sorry, his eyes were not blind, he saw one general after another in the army of Daqin.

It seems that one after another generals all belong to cultivators.

Anyway, the situation is here, he will definitely not be able to get the reuse of the emperor from the Great Qin.

Since you can't reap the emperor's reuse, let's unload your armor and return to the field!

"Everyone, unload and return to the field!"

"Return home!"

Li Guo's general shouted loudly.

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