Chapter 0274 - The Beginning to Destroy a Country!!

"Maybe you can walk out of the hall and see what's really going on outside."

A calm voice began to sound in this piece of heaven and earth, and in the face of that word that resounded throughout this entire world, the eyes of King Yang Guo and the civil and military officials who were currently in the hall were all with a trace of confusion.


One after another, the guys had incredible looks in their eyes.

Obviously, at the moment, they all feel that this looks like a fake.

But they seemed to hear that word in their ears, and the most important thing was that the civil and military officials in the hall looked at each other, and they all found that it seemed as if they had all heard this word.

"Big King, or us?"

A general spoke with a trembling tone.


I saw the king of Yang Kingdom swallow saliva slightly.

"Walk around, go out and see."

As King Yang Guo's trembling words fell slightly, at this moment, under the leadership of King Yang Guo, the figures of civil and military officials in the hall began to tremble and tremble outside the hall.

When the Great King of Yang Kingdom and the figures of the civil and military officials appeared outside the main hall.763 they saw that the entire capital of Yang Kingdom had been occupied by strange armies wearing black armor one after another.

Even the palace already had one unknown army after another.

"This, this..."

King Yang Guo's eyes had a hint of confusion and even incredulity.

Who will tell him? Is this true?

"Could it be that the widow is dreaming?"

"The widow hasn't woken up yet?"

When King Yang looked at the current scene, his eyes were so confused.

In other words, did he belong to not waking up?

Why did he feel as if he saw something that couldn't happen.

"Great King, it seems that our Yang Kingdom is really occupied."

One of the civil servants had a deep tremor in his eyes.

He can clearly realize whether this belongs to reality or a nightmare, this is the real reality!

"See Shangxian!"

In an instant, I saw that the civil official's eyes immediately bowed down with a deep fear.

"See Shangxian!"

At the same time that the civil official knelt down like this, the current civil and military officials and the Yang Kingdom King also saw Meng Tian appear in the sky like this.

"So this is the Yang Kingdom that the immortals destroyed?"

King Yang Guo's eyes carried a deep despair.

He never thought that their Yang Kingdom would be destroyed so directly.

Most importantly, their Yang Kingdom was actually destroyed by a group of immortals

"From now on, this is the territory that belongs to Daqin!"

At this moment, Meng Tian looked at the king of this country and those civil and military officials at this moment, and then ordered with a calm gaze.

For the king of this country and those civil and military officials, the current handling plan for Meng Tian is very simple.

How far to roll, how far!

"From now on, get out of the palace!"

I saw Meng Tian order to the group of guys he had in his field of vision.

"Obey, obey, obey."

Listening to the words from Meng Tian, King Yang and the civil and military officials from one after another immediately called each other, and then fled out of the palace.

When the Yang Kingdom was destroyed like this, the current Yingzheng led the zombie army and the Praetorian Guard Legion to the current so-called Jiang Min.

"Jiang Guo."

At this moment, when Yingzheng learned that the name of the country they were stepping on now was Jiang Guo, his eyes were so full of deep thought.

"If it's actually Jiang Guo, then there should be Longyang in this country, right?"

At the same time, Yingzheng's eyes were so filled with that unprecedented curiosity.

If the current time is the time period that belongs to what he knows, then it seems that this country really seems to have the Longyang he knows.

"Full speed ahead!"

"Knock down the entire Jiang Kingdom as fast as possible!"

In an instant, Yingzheng did not hesitate to issue the order to launch a general attack, regardless of whether this country had the Long Yang in his memory, but he only needed to know now.

At present, Daqin needs to unify the entire world!


As Zhang Han's words fell, the mighty army began to attack in the direction of Jiang Guo.


The overwhelming armies of the two major legions rushed towards Jiang Guo at this moment like wolves and tigers.

At the same time that the two legions that were like wolves and tigers began to rush towards Jiang Country, the generals in the city after city in Jiang Country all looked at the Daqin army rushing towards them with that forced gaze.

The city lords in that city after city all carried an incredible gaze.

"Where did this army come from?"

One after another, the city lords had a sense of confusion in their eyes.

They would love to know where this army came from!

But no one is destined to answer their doubts.


In the face of the overwhelming Daqin army, the city lords in the Jiang kingdom and the many generals in that city, when facing the attack from the Daqin army, they chose to surrender without hesitation.

"We surrender!"

The white flag symbolizing surrender began to fly over one city after another.

As the white flag symbolizing surrender began to fly in the sky above one city after another, the black dragon flag of Daqin began to fly continuously in the sky above one city after another.


While the black dragon flag symbolizing Daqin began to fly in the sky above one city after another, the mighty Daqin army arrived at the capital of today's Jiang Kingdom at the fastest speed.

"What happened?!"

"Where did this army jump from???"

King Jiang Guo questioned the Wen Wu Hundred Officials with a look of confusion in his eyes.

He said that he could be regarded as belonging to a generation of benevolent kings on weekdays, but this unknown army had already penetrated under their capital, and he did not need to have mercy at this time.

He only has one idea now!

That's how to resist this strange army!

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