Chapter 0275 - The Humble Praetorian Guard Commander!!

"This, this..."

In the face of the words from King Jiang Guo, one after another civil and military officials looked at each other.

They all saw the deep confusion in each other's eyes, and it was obvious that they didn't know what kind of situation this was.

Why is this happening today!

Where exactly did that strange army pop from?

They're very, very eager to know now!

"See the king, or shall we choose to surrender?"

When facing the overwhelming army that directly surrounded the entire capital of Jiang Kingdom, he said with that trying tone in the eyes of a civil official in the palace.

Listening to the words of this civil official at this moment, some civil officials loyal to Jiang Guo just looked at the anger and roared: "You traitor of Jiang Country! "

"How can you have this idea?!"

"Jiang Guo's traitor!"

At the same time, I saw an old minister with an angry look in his eyes and shouting at a slightly younger official below.


"We must not surrender!"

"If we all surrender, I'm afraid the entire Jiang Kingdom will be completely finished!"

An urgent voice began to echo directly in the hall.

With that hurried voice just beginning, while the entire hall was echoing so wildly, Yingzheng, who was currently outside the capital of the Jiang Kingdom, looked at this city at this moment, and the current Yingzheng's eyes were so calm.

Even Ying Zheng's eyes looked at the place in the center of the entire city.

"That's Jiang Kingdom's palace, right?"

"It looks like the time period is exactly the same as I know!"

"This is the time period that belongs to Long Yang!"

Ying Zheng said to himself with a deep emotion in his eyes.

If nothing else, just relying on the huge luck that emerged in that palace was not something that an ordinary prince could have.

If that Long Yang just belonged to an ordinary prince, how could he have such great luck?

But what if Long Yang's previous life belonged to the former Celestial God of War Feipeng in this world?

Then this situation is different.

As the reincarnation of Feipeng, the god of war in the Celestial Realm, even if the current Long Yang is just an ordinary prince, even if he has not awakened the memories of his previous life.

But that huge luck will always be with him.

So at this moment, Yingzheng seems that since there is that huge luck in the entire palace of Jiang Country, this is Long Yang, who belongs to the reincarnation of the flying peng that he has in the depths of his memory.

"Knock down the entire royal city!"

Ying Zheng ordered calmly.


Zhang Han, who was on the side, nodded respectfully.

Although there was another legion commander Bai Qi beside them.

But when the victory plus Bai Qi were together, and when these three guys were together like this, it seemed that only he, the leader of the Praetorian Guard, was obeying orders or even going to do things.

No way, it is impossible to just let their majesty personally do it, right?

That's obviously unrealistic.

It is unrealistic to even let Bai start to do it, Bai Qi's identity and strength are there, then the existence that chooses to do it at this time seems to be only Zhang Handan, the commander of the Praetorian Guard Legion.

Although his identity belongs to the real strength in Daqin, his identity also belongs to the real high-ranking existence in Daqin.

It is a pity that Zhang Handan, who was the leader of the Praetorian Guard in front of Bai Qi and Yingzheng, could only honestly choose to lead the army to action.


In an instant, as Zhang Handan's order fell, the mighty army directly began to attack the entire capital of Jiang Kingdom.


Directly, the figures of one soldier after another began to fly directly into the sky in an instant, and then fell so accurately on the city wall one after another, accompanied by the figures of those Daqin soldiers, they began to fall directly above the city wall, as for those Jiang Guo soldiers above the city wall?

I'm sorry, when the soldiers from Jiang Country saw the overwhelming army outside the capital, they had already thrown down their weapons and chose to escape.

It is impossible to compete with the Great Qin, who has at least a million troops, right?

Sorry, impossible things!

In this way, the walls of the capital city of Jiang Kingdom were directly occupied by Daqin, and as the walls began to be occupied by Daqin, one soldier after another began to continuously advance in the direction of the palace.

As for the common people in the capital?

Sorry, they naturally saw those soldiers in Daqin, but when they saw soldiers from Daqin coming in like this, the group of ordinary people in the entire Jiang Kingdom Capital City were completely stunned

"Plop plop..."

One after another, the common people knelt down without hesitation.

In the face of one common man after another kneeling down without hesitation, the Daqin soldiers one after another directly did not bother to take care of these ordinary people.

For the current Daqin soldiers, they have to go to the eight o'clock those ordinary people.

Although it is said that these guys will belong to the common people in the Great Qin they protect in the future, but before that.

What they need to do first needs to take down the entire Jiang Kingdom.

Only when they completely took down the entire Jiang Kingdom did they return to manage the entire territory of Daqin just like that.

Before that, all they needed to do was to knock down the entire Jiang Kingdom first.

And at the same time that the overwhelming Great Qin army began to attack the entire palace of Jiang Country, the King of Jiang Country in the palace also fell into a complete silence.

He now wants to keep the survival of Jiang Country, but the question is when the capital of Jiang Country has been surrounded by at least a million troops, what will they take to contend with?

Even if he wanted to keep their Jiang Kingdom, the question was would the enemy give them that opportunity?


Just when the king of Jiang Kingdom was just about to say something, he saw that there was a burst of uniform footsteps outside the palace.

"Tread, tread..."

The sound came into the ears of everyone in the hall.

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