Chapter 0276 - The Fall of Jiang Country!!


The sound of uniform footsteps began to sound outside the main hall.

At the same time that the sound of uniform footsteps began to sound outside the hall, there was a sense of confusion in the eyes of King Jiang Guo and the civil and military officials in the hall, but then that confusion immediately turned into that deep fear.


One after another, the eyes of the civil and military officials swallowed saliva with that fear.

Obviously, no matter how stupid they are about the situation they are facing today, they can realize who is and what happened.

That is, the strange army that surrounded their Jiang Kingdom capital city had already entered their Jiang Kingdom capital city, and even the other party had already appeared in their palace.

"Big big king."

In an instant, the group of civil and military officials in the hall all looked at the King Jiang Guo sitting above with that fearful gaze.


At this moment, King Jiang Guo's eyes were so filled with that deep helplessness.

As for keeping Jiang Guo's inheritance?

Sorry, if they want to keep the foundation of the frontier country, they first need a large army!

If there is no huge army, then don't talk about protecting Jiang Guo's inheritance.

Because I don't have that ability at all!

Especially when the enemy has already broken into their palace, what do they need to do at this time?

What they need to do at this time is very simple!

At this time, all they need to do is to honestly choose to surrender.


In an instant, one after another civil and military officials nodded respectfully after hearing what they said by King Jiang Guo.

Even the minister who had previously clamored to keep the entire Jiang Kingdom's foundation shut his mouth at this moment.

No way, at this time, if he really dares to say something again to protect Jiang Guo's inheritance, I am afraid that he will be the first to die at that time.

He still wants to live!

Although he is very old, it does not mean that he does not want to live!

Therefore, in the face of the current situation, the old minister of Jiang Guo at this moment followed behind King Jiang Guo so honestly.

"Tread, tread..."

With the sound of footsteps, under the leadership of King Jiang Guo, the figure of the civil and military officials followed closely.

Soon, a group of people led by King Jiang Guo came to the outside of the main hall.

When the group of people led by King Jiang came outside the main hall, they immediately saw that the group of Daqin soldiers in armor had occupied the entire palace.

"These soldiers!"

When they saw those Daqin soldiers, the eyes of the generals of Jiang Guo were filled with incredulity.

Because when they saw the armor that those Daqin soldiers were wearing, they felt incredible.

Holding Fang Tian's halberd, he carried a combat knife around his waist, and at the same time carried a bow and arrow on his back, and even his whole body was wrapped in that armor.

This looks like a real heavily armored infantry!

And the problem is that all the soldiers they see belong to this one!

The current appearance of those Daqin soldiers is completely a piece of equipment that belongs to a general of the Eight Classics of Zheng'er can have.

At the very least, ordinary soldiers are completely unable to possess this equipment, and only high-ranking generals may have the ability and qualifications to equip such theft and weapons.

But now what?

In the past, those ordinary soldiers were actually able to equip this kind of armor and weapons, how could this not make the generals in Jiang Guozhong feel so incredible?

"The forces behind this strange army are absolutely unimaginably large!"

The eyes of the generals after the generals were so heavy with it.

Soon, the figures of Ying Zheng and Bai Qi walked into the palace so calmly.

"Tread, tread..."

Facing the sound of footsteps, as soon as King Jiang entered the civil and military officials, he also looked at the place where the slight sound came from in front of them.

Although they don't know what the identity of the other party is, but they can open the way in this situation, the identity of the other party is absolutely very high in that one force.

"See Your Majesty!!"

In an instant, one soldier after another faced the arrival of Victory, and then immediately fell to one knee...

"Boom la la!!"

The armor on the Daqin soldiers also made that sound because of their movement of kneeling on one knee.

"Your Majesty?"

"Is the other party the head of a certain country?"

At present, King Jiang Guo and the civil and military officials one after another heard the words of those soldiers, and their eyes all had a deep emotion in their eyes.

However, although they all carried a deep sense of confusion, their actions did not have any hesitation.

"See Your Majesty!"

The group of civil and military officials of Jiang State, led by King Jiang Guo, also respectfully paid homage to Yingzheng.

"Plop plop..."

That guy after another knelt down so honestly.

Facing the current King Jiang Guo and the group of civil and military officials kneeling down, Ying Zheng's eyes were filled with that calm opening and said: "King Jiang Guo? "

"Shu is the Lord of Daqin!"

"Call your prince of Jiang Kingdom over."

At this moment, Yingzheng said so calmly.

In the face of the words from Yingzheng, the current King Jiang Guo's eyes were so deeply trembling.

"Obey and obey."

Although King Jiang Guoda did not know what Win Zheng wanted to call his Wang Er to do, King Jiang Guo noticed that there was no killing intent in Win Zheng's words, so there should be no major problem 3.7.

Since there was no major problem, then the current King of Jiang Kingdom naturally honestly called his Wang Er Longyang over.

Soon, when King Jiang's son Long Yang received the order passed on by his father, when he stepped out of his hall and saw that those soldiers who had never seen him had occupied the entire Jiang King Palace, Long Yang's heart instantly suspended a huge stone.

And when those Daqin soldiers saw this Longyang, all the soldiers looked at this Jiang prince at this moment with a deep curiosity in their eyes.

"Tread, tread..."

The sound of footsteps reached the ears of Yingzheng and the others.

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