Chapter 0277 - General Feipeng's Submission!!

"You are Long Yang."

Huan Zheng smiled and glanced at Long Yang at this moment.

He felt the powerful and incomparable power hidden in the other party's body, and that power fell into a deep sleep.

Although that force fell into a deep sleep, as long as the other party can fully operate that force, the strength that the other party has will directly surpass him!

"This is in the original plot, if there are no accidents in Long Yang, I am afraid that the entire Jiang country has him as the future king, and it is very likely that he will become a hegemon."

"It's not even impossible to dominate the world."

At this moment, the current Yingzheng looked at the power contained in Long Yang's body and could judge what kind of scene it would cause once the other party awakened that power in his body.

Even if the other party does not completely awaken all the power in his body, even if only a part of it needs to be awakened, then the other party can lead the entire Jiang Kingdom to become one of the overlords in this land.

"It's a pity that the scene in the plot happened."

Ying Zheng's eyes had that deep regret.

"But now, when the time comes, let's take a look at how huge the other party's growth footprint will be when Longyang's fate will change drastically from the original plot!"

Yingzheng had a deep thought in his heart.

At this moment, Long Yang exhaled deeply after listening to what Yingzheng said.

"See this..."

I saw that Long Yang just wanted to say something, but suddenly found that he didn't know what to call Yingzheng.

"See Your Majesty..."

At this moment, King Jiang Guo reminded so carefully.

"Long Yang see Your Majesty."

I saw Long Yang's eyes slowly speaking with a serious look.

Although he didn't know who the other party was, Long Yang could probably tell from the current situation what the entire Jiang Kingdom was in.

Their entire Jiang Kingdom is afraid that it has not been beaten by the enemy, and even the king capital has already fallen.


"Now I ask you, are you willing to serve Daqin?!"

"As long as you can serve Daqin, then your sister, as well as your father and mother-in-law, can survive."

Huan Zheng looked at Long Yang with a smile and said slightly.

Listening to Yingzheng's words, the current King of Jiang Guo had a deep silence in his eyes.

"So, I don't know where Daqin who popped up from to beat down the entire Jiang Kingdom because he saw Wu'er's potential?"

"Want to recruit Wu'er?"

King Jiang Guo's eyes were filled with a sense of confusion.

Before that, he really didn't know what to listen to.

Now, after hearing what Yingzheng said, he can probably understand what the situation is.

The other party saw his son's potential, so he was ready to recruit his son.

"His Royal Highness the Prince, for Jiang Guo."

One after another, the civil and military officials carefully said to Long Yang.

Although they don't know if once Long Yang chooses to submit to Daqin, will these guys survive it?

They don't know, but it doesn't prevent them from making bets.

As long as their prince Longyang submitted to Daqin, then they might be able to survive by then.

In short, in the face of the current situation, one after another civil and military officials said so carefully.

Faced with the current scene, Long Yang asked with that calm opening in his eyes: "I wonder why His Majesty is recruiting me?" "

The current Long Yang said calmly.

Faced with the inquiry from Long Yang, Yingzheng smiled.

"It's simple, I see your potential."

"That's all."

"Now Xu gives you a chance, as long as you can choose to be loyal to Xuan."

"Then your parents and your relatives will definitely not have any accidents!"

"If you can't be loyal to Xuan, then Xu won't just watch you survive."

"I still understand the truth that cutting grass must remove roots."

"Make your choice!"

Yingzheng's tone also changed from the initial smile to the current indifference, if Long Yang really did not choose to submit to him, then he might really likely kill the other party.

No way, the identity of the other party is here!

The other party belongs to the former God Realm God of War!

If he really let the other party escape, especially in this situation where he completely destroyed the entire Jiang Kingdom, would the other party burst into infinite potential?

No one is sure of this.

To avoid this, all he needs to do is simple.

If Long Yang chooses to submit to him, then he will treat the other party kindly.

But if the other party chooses to refuse to submit to him, he will cut the grass and remove the roots!

One does not stay!


Listening to Yingzheng's words, the king of Jiang Guo and the civil and military officials all looked at Long Yang at this moment.

"Knock knock knock..."

All the guys' hearts were beating wildly.

Whether they can survive depends on what kind of choice Long Yang has made.

"Do I still have a choice?"

There was a bitterness in the corners of Long Yang's mouth.

He had no choice at all.

After all, that's where the situation is.

If when he chose to refuse to submit to Daqin, his relatives and friends, and even the ministers who watched him grow up in the entire Jiang Kingdom, would definitely choose to refuse to submit to Daqin.

It is a pity that 213 if he really chooses to refuse to submit to Daqin.

That winning politics will definitely not let them survive.

In this regard, Long Yang said.

Even if he wasn't for himself, he had to think about his friends.

"Long Yang see Your Majesty."

In an instant, I saw Long Yang's eyes say with a respectful opening.


After the ministers heard Long Yang's words, the huge stone suspended in the hearts of all the ministers also fell.


"Then from today onwards, you will be a guard beside Xun."

"Cultivate well in the future."

"At that time, I hope you can hold the side."

Huan Zheng glanced at Long Yang with that expectant gaze.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

In the face of the words from Yingzheng, the current Long Yang replied respectfully.

The words spoken by Huan Zheng were tantamount to telling him that as long as he honestly chose to submit to Daqin and serve Daqin, he would definitely be able to get Daqin's cultivation in the end.

Even being in a high position is not impossible.

"For my sister, for my father, for my mother!"

"I'll definitely come on!"

Long Yang said deeply in his heart.

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