Chapter 0278 - The Anti-Qin Alliance is Born!!


"The whole army obeys the order and continues to attack!"

"Bring the entire world under the rule of Daqin as quickly as possible!"

At the same time, Yingzheng also did not hesitate to go down at this moment.

Since Long Yangdu had chosen to submit to him, he could also continue to attack his path.


In an instant, Zhang Han, who was beside him, nodded respectfully.

"Except for some soldiers who stayed behind in Jiang Country, the other soldiers followed Xu and continued to set off!"

As Zheng's words fell, the mighty army began to leave, and Jiang Guo, who was at this moment, continued to attack in their direction.

"It looks like the whole world is likely to change dramatically."

"It is even very likely that the whole world will be truly and completely unified!"

At this moment, the current King of Jiang Guo looked so deeply at the departure of the Great Qin army at this moment.

There was an unprecedented solemnity in his eyes.

He is also the king of Jiang Guo, who belongs to the Eight Classics of Zheng'er, although it is not anymore, at least he was before.

His eyes are still there.

He could clearly understand what level these Daqin soldiers were at in the entire world today.

This is definitely at the top of the class.

"Alas, I hope the other party can treat Long Yang well."

The current King of Jiang Guo could only shake his head helplessly.

And at this moment, when the current Daqin army began to attack the entire world.

The mighty army of Daqin began to destroy one country after another.

As one country after another was destroyed one after another, the remaining countries in the entire world knew that there was a big news.

And the most important thing is that the Daqin army has tens of millions of people!

At the same time, the armor theft and weapons of the soldiers in the Daqin army are also first-class and excellent.

In the face of the current situation, the entire world was completely shaken.

As the whole world fell into a shock, as the current Zhou Tianzi's eyes at this moment carried that calm.

"It looks like the country that will replace the Great Zhou is about to appear."

Zhou Tianzi shook his head slightly.

Regarding such a huge Great Qin that appeared in the entire world, it can only be said that Zhou Tianzi felt incredible although he said.

But he had more or less anticipated what would happen next.

To put it bluntly, this suddenly appeared Great Qin will replace the status of Great Zhou.

Faced with this situation at this moment, Zhou Tianzi could only say that he had already expected it.

Without this so-called big money, there will be another so-called big Song Da Zhao or what kind of big Wu and so on in the future.

In short, the current Great Zhou has completely decayed, and with the decay of the Great Zhou, there will naturally be a more powerful existence to replace the status of the former Great Zhou, and this existence that can replace the status of the Great Zhou has appeared.

The other party's name is Daqin!


"I think we say join forces to fight Daqin!"

"If we don't solve this Daqin completely soon, I'm afraid that this Daqin is likely to solve us by then!"

The Great King from the current Wei Kingdom spoke with a serious tone.

Facing the words from the Great King of the Wei Kingdom, the Great King of the Dangguo spoke with a calm tone:!

"I think so."

King Zhao, who was in the middle of the border, said calmly.

As King Zhao's words fell, King Wu also expressed his opinion at this moment: "No problem. "

"Then join forces together and form an anti-alliance!"

"We must not let Daqin continue to develop!"

"Let Daqin continue to fight like this, I'm afraid Daqin can completely destroy us by then!"

King Wu's eyes carried a heaviness.

They belong to some of the most powerful countries in the world at the time.

In the face of that increasingly powerful Great Qin, in the face of that Great Qin, almost half a Great Zhou has been unified.

At that time, they naturally need to unite.

In the group of many princely kings, a great king of Xu Kingdom calmly spoke at this moment: "In other words, shall we bring the Son of Heaven here?" "

"Do you want to conquer Daqin by the order of the Son of Heaven, or?"

The Great King of Xu Kingdom said with that doubtful tone.

In the face of the words from the Great King of the Xu Kingdom, the current Great King of the Wei Kingdom replied with a hint of disdain: "Do you think there is still this necessary at present?" "

As King Wei's words fell, King Sun Guo on the side smiled and said, "It is no longer the era that belongs to the Son of Heaven!" "

"We no longer need to rely on the power of the Son of Heaven."

"At this time, we ourselves already have the power of our authority!"

"We can completely form an anti-Qin alliance, and we don't need the permission of the Son of Heaven at all."

"What is he now?"

"He belongs to a Son of Heaven only when we acknowledge each other, but when we don't recognize each other, what is the other party?"

The current King of Sun Guo had a hint of disdain in his eyes.

"That's right, that's very true!"

"What is the Son of Heaven now?"

"If we do not recognize each other, then the other party does not belong to the Son of Heaven."

King Wu on the side also nodded in approval.

Obviously, today's Son of Heaven has completely lost its former prestige in their eyes.

If the former Great Zhou Dynasty was still in its heyday, they would not dare to have this idea at all.

But it's different now.

Today's Great Zhou Dynasty has decayed to such a point, do they still need to obey the orders of the Great Zhou Dynasty at this time?

I'm sorry, if they obeyed the orders of the Great Zhou Chao Tianzi, they would not have developed to this extent at all.

It is precisely because they chose to ignore the orders of the Son of Heaven that the nation they lead has this formidable power today!

"Okay, then just ignore the Son of Heaven and make up."

"Then let the five of us form an anti-Qin alliance!"

At the same time, King Xu Guo's eyes carried a seriousness.


"Anti-Qin Alliance, established!"

The Great Kings of the Five Kingdoms all said with a serious look in their eyes.

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