Chapter 0279 - Strong Life Force, Descendants of Nuwa!!

With the establishment of today's Anti-Qin Alliance, the lord of Great Qin from this moment, Yingzheng, looked into the distance with a puzzled gaze.

"This life force."


At this moment, Ying Zheng looked at the majestic life force in the distance with a puzzled gaze.

"Bai Qi, did you notice it?"

Ying Zheng said to Bai Qi inquiringly with a sense of doubt.

In the face of the words from Yingzheng, Bai Qi at this moment naturally replied with that calm tone: "See Your Majesty." "

"There is an unprecedented life force in the distance!"

"I believe that the other party is either particularly strong, or it belongs to the other party is a little special."

When Bai Qi sensed the extremely strong life force coming from afar, Bai Qi's eyes also had a sense of surprise.

Since Bai Qi is dead, he already belongs to a corpse to some extent.

Therefore, at this moment, Bai Qi is more easily perceptible about the life force, so when the strong life force comes from afar, Bai Qi naturally carries that doubt.

"Go, go and see what is the situation of this 273 life force."

There was a curiosity in Ying Zheng's eyes.

In this world of the Six Realms with the Eight Scriptures, an existence with such a powerful life force can arouse his curiosity.


Soon, the mighty army began to advance as fast as possible into the distance.

It is in the place where Yingzheng and Bai Qi have sensed a strong life force.

The current woman began to heal one ordinary person after another.

"Thank you fairy!"

"Thank you, thank you fairy..."

In an instant, after facing the healing of this woman at this moment, all the common people had an unprecedented gratitude in their eyes.

"It's okay, it's my obligation to wait."

"You are here to recuperate your wounds in peace."

The current woman had a firmness in her eyes.

"Thank you fairy!"

Listening to the woman's words, the eyes of the surrounding people replied with gratitude.

If it weren't for this woman's healing, I'm afraid they would have died on the way to escape.

Just as the woman healed a common man, she slowly got up and said to the other woman beside her, "Holy sister, what is going on here?" "

"How come there are so many refugees all of a sudden?"

The current woman asked with a puzzled tone.


"It's a lot easier said than that."

"Zizhi, everything is because of the emergence of a Great Qin in the whole world today."

The current Saint Aunt shook her head slightly.


"Is it because of this Daqin that there are so many refugees?"

Listening to the words from the Holy Aunt, Zixuan's eyes now had that anger in them.

In the current Zizhi view, that so-called Daqin has caused so many refugees to appear in the world today, then that Daqin definitely belongs to an evil existence!

As soon as he thought of this, Zi's eyes carried that anger.

"It can be said to be, but strictly speaking, the other party can also be regarded as wanting to completely prevent the emergence of such refugees."

"As long as the other party succeeds, then the whole world may have less refugees."

After the Holy Aunt on the side looked at Zixuan, who was in a state of anger in her eyes, she slowly spoke.

"Daqin wants to unify the entire world!"

"Today's wars of the princes of the world."

"There are many, many refugees every moment."

"All this is indeed purely because the world needs a new hegemon today."

"The original overlord Great Zhou Dynasty is no longer working."

"The Great Zhou Dynasty can no longer suppress the ambitions of those princely states."

"So the princely states fell into a scuffle."

"And today's Daqin was born."

"I'm afraid the other party wants to dominate the whole world!"

"It will also replace the position of the former Great Zhou Dynasty."

At this moment, the Holy Aunt began to speak her understanding slightly.

Facing the words from the Holy Aunt, Zixuan's eyes were filled with that deep doubt.

"Wouldn't that create many, many refugees?"

"Why do you have to start a war?"

"You see, the other side started a war, which ended up leading to the emergence of so many refugees."

Zixuan's eyes had a hint of incomprehension.

Obviously, the kind-hearted Zizhi did not understand why he had to start a war.

If there were no war, there wouldn't be so many refugees at all, right?


In the face of Zixuan's incomprehension, the current Saint Aunt could only sigh helplessly

"War is still needed."

"Just like Daqin at this moment, Daqin wants to join all the princely states under the whole world through war!"

"As long as Daqin succeeds, it means that there will never be such a war again!"

"Therefore, as long as Daqin can truly unify the princely states, there will never be such refugees because of war again."

"I rather hope that Daqin can succeed in dominating the world."

The Holy Aunt shook her head slightly.

At the moment when the current Holy Aunt's words fell, an unquestionable tone began to appear in this world at this moment: "Not bad! "

"It seems that you can understand the war very clearly."

"Although there are many, many refugees because of the war, if you don't start this war!"

"I'm afraid there will always be such refugees."

"Only a more powerful empire has emerged, and this even more powerful empire has unified all the princely states!"

"Then there will be no more war!"

"Your understanding is very satisfactory."

The words from Yingzheng just reached the ears of Sheng Gu and Zixuan.


In an instant, the words facing Ying Zheng fell.

The current Saint Aunt and the purple eyes at this moment looked into the distance with an unprecedented solemnity.


As they looked into the distance, the mighty Great Qin army also began to appear in their field of vision.

"That, that's the Great Qin Army!"

After some ordinary people saw the soldiers in the two major legions in the distance, those ordinary people couldn't help but exclaim.

They knew this army, this was the army of Daqin!!

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