Mu Hanxue's disgusted eyes turned her eyes at the big villain who was driving, this guy didn't tell her even if he knew that he had touched porcelain, let her be embarrassed, hum, it's too bad, it's necrotic.

"Hehehe, Ma Ma was also deceived. "

Mmmmmmmm, I was scared just now, so I said how could Baba's driving skills hit people. The

two little guys patted their little chests in fear, obviously deceived by the acting skills of the unscrupulous porcelain lady.

Mu Hanxue, "..."These

two little guys are really, maintaining their poopy aura all the time, but... Why are you so envious?

"By the way, when did you know that hateful person touched porcelain.

Tongtong blinked her big eyes for a hundred thousand reasons, she was really super curious.

Meng Meng heard that she was staring at her baba with big eyes, "Yes, baba, Meng Meng also wants to know." "

Hehe, it's actually very simple. Looking

at the two little guys with a doting smile, "I paid attention to her from the beginning, she didn't start to touch porcelain at first, but looked around with thief eyebrows, obviously looking for a target..."


to Ye Xuan's eloquent talk, Mu Hanxue was surprised, this big pig's trotters could still observe so carefully when he sprinkled dog food with the two little guys, is this guy still human.

"Hehe, it turns out that Baba knows everything, it's so powerful, I didn't even notice it.

"Mmmmmmmm Mu

Hanxue, "......."

The two little guys said that she was embarrassed, what is jealousy, obviously your grandfather is still sprinkling dog food, okay, but fortunately, the big soul found out, otherwise it would have been cheap for nothing.

"Then you didn't tell me earlier. Mu

Hanxue, who had a red face, really wanted to strangle the impulse of the big pig's trotters in front of him at this moment, how could this guy be like this.


"I also want to see when our stupid daughter-in-law will wake up.


"Ye Xuan, you're going to die!!" Mu

Hanxue was stunned for a moment, then squeaked and gritted her silver teeth, and almost bit at Ye Xuan.

Crazy, does this guy want to see his own jokes so much, every time he succeeds, Mu Hanxue, Mu Hanxue, can't you have a snack, hey, this guy is his nemesis, he hasn't stopped since he met him, it's really..... Bad fate.

"Giggles, Baba is bullying her mother again.

"Yes, I don't know how many times this is, every time Ma Ma is bullied, you are too stupid."

"Shut up!"

Mu Hanxue listened to the ridicule of the two little guys, and glared at the two little guys fiercely, these two little guys were really damaged by the big soul, how dare they make such fun and ridicule her before, inexplicably Mu Hanxue felt that her status was getting lower and lower, no, even she felt that she had no status.

"You guys are like this, is it really good? "There are three guys with white eyes, the big one can make her angry, and the small one can't even get angry.

"It's obvious that you're too stupid, but Baba found out from the beginning, and you gave the money back to the porcelain.

"That's it, it's not terrible to say stupid, it's terrible to know that it's stupid and don't change it. The

two little guys were chattering and complaining, and Mu Hanxue, who listened to it, was stunned for a moment, these two little guys were instilled with some thoughts by that big soul, was this mouth opened by him.

"I... You...."

It doesn't matter if she was bullied by Ye Xuan's big pig's trotters before, but now she can't even talk about the two little guys."

In a joyful atmosphere, the group soon came to the annual temple fair in Causeway Bay.

"Those who come from the south and go to the north, those who rush to the market, don't miss it. "

Don't hesitate, don't linger, you can't buy a dollar at a loss, you can't be fooled." "

Our store is of good quality and low price, Tong Su is not deceitful, and the fake one pays ten!"

As soon as I came to the temple fair, there was a lot of shouting and selling in my ears, and the smell of fireworks came to my face instantly, although it was noisy, it was difficult to make people feel bored.

There are a variety of shops, some selling snacks, some rings, and some selling all kinds of clothing and toys...

And so on and so forth.

There is only what you can't think of here, and there is nothing that you don't have here, and because of this, every temple fair is crowded, and people from all over the country will come here.

"Wow Sesai, is this a temple fair, Baba's hometown is so interesting.

"Mmmm, it's much more fun than those malls, hee-hee-hee, baba and cute love it here." The

two little ones chattered like a lark that had just flown out of its cage.

"Lots of beautiful clothes and toys. The

voices of the two little guys rang in her ears, looking at Tongtong He Mengmeng who was looking around, Mu Hanxue couldn't help but sigh, she had never been to this kind of place, and the smell of people was more than ten times richer than the environment she lived in.

She prefers this place to her previous living environment.



Soon, the two little guys were attracted by a stall selling pet dogs, looking at the little milk dogs in cages, their eyes were full of little stars.

"Baba Mama, look, those puppies are super cute, much cuter than the puppies in Baba Village. "


Speaking of this, the two little guys were a little lost, but it was Mu Hanxue who showed a bright smile and glanced at Ye Xuan, which made Ye Xuan speechless.

What can he say, who let him go over and leave no dogs, in the face of absolute facts, all explanations seem so powerless.

"Hehe, can I buy one for you to go back.

In order to make up for the loss of the two little guys, he rubbed the heads of the two little ones dotingly, and the eyes of several children on the side of this wave of dog food were full of envy.

They also super want, just.... They don't buy it, the pet puppies in this stall are so expensive, and the cheapest ones cost 1,000 yuan.

"Really da~!"

Hearing that Baba was going to buy one for them, Tongtong and Mengmeng's little faces turned cloudy and sunny, and they were full of joy again.

"Of course, when did Baba cheat on our cutest little princess?

"Hee-hee, poop you're so nice!" Not

surprisingly, a wave of dog food once again invaded Mu Hanxue and the customers and pedestrians around the stall.

Seeing this, the stall owner was smiling as he ate a wave of dog food, "This handsome guy, your two daughters are so cute, buy them a pet as a companion." The

lively-minded stall owner expected the business to come to the door from the conversation, and talked enthusiastically, and this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that judging from the clothing and temperament of Ye Xuan and Mu Hanxue, it is obvious that these two people are not ordinary people, that is, they like the master who is not bad for money.

"Well, which pet do you want, two children? After

saying that, the stall owner launched an offensive against Tongtong and Mengmeng again, and in order to make this business, it was enough to be careful.

"This..... Let's take a look, it's all super cute. "

Ma Ma Ma Ma, which one do you say we want?"

the two little guys pulled Mu Hanxue, tangled back and forth on the pet cages.

"[God-level Imperial Beast Reveal]!"

As soon as his mind moved, he controlled the ability of the Imperial Beast, and immediately a special aura shrouded the many pet cages in the stall.

But as soon as the ability to resist the beast was opened, the pet dogs in the cages on the stall were all boiling.


The noisy dog barking sounded, which scared the surrounding children and parents, although these are pet dogs, they still have offensive power.

"Your Majesty, it's Your Majesty!!" "Your Majesty, choose me, choose me!" "

Elect me, Your Majesty, I'm super easy to feed, and I can live if I give you food

!" "Your Majesty, I'll be coquettish and cute, take me away!"

The sound of chirping instantly rang in Ye Xuan's ears, and his ears were buzzing.

But at this moment, Ye Xuan's eyes fell on a black and white puppy who had just opened his eyes and was obviously born not long ago.

"Woo woo, king..... Choose a mate, and when you grow up, the puppet will help you protect your little master.

Listening to the words of the little milk dog, Ye Xuan's eyes came with a hint of interest, this Erha is smart, protect the little master, tsk, that's it.

However, what Ye Xuan didn't know at this moment was that his decision changed the life of this little Erha, and at the same time, in the near future, he would also personally create an incomparably terrifying and powerful supreme dog king.

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