Dad: My identity as Qu Dad has been exposed by my daughter

Chapter 150 The Sun Will Embrace You (5000 words)

After choosing the song, Su Chen quickly wrote out the lyrics and score. Reading

Shu Yan and Chen Xiaowei were stunned.

Su Chen explained: "I thought of this song when I wrote "Big Fish".

Su Chen guided Shu Yan and Chen Xiaowei to practice the song in the next two days.

After intense practice,

"Music New Generation" also ushered in its championship night.

Before the show started, a large number of viewers had gathered in the live broadcast room, and they were discussing who would win the championship night in the barrage.

The reason they discussed it was that they were curious.

On the other hand, in order to strengthen the interaction with the audience, "Music New Generation" launched the "Champion Guessing" activity in the live broadcast room.

Guide the audience to discuss and vote.

"I'm most optimistic about Ding Yingluo, she invited Zhang Ye to help sing. The lineup is strong."

"How did Ding Yingluo invite Zhang Ye? I'm very curious."

"Don't you know? Zhang Ye is Ding Yingluo's senior, both of them are from Kyoto Conservatory of Music... Ding Yingluo is two years younger. And they are from the same hometown."

"So that's how it is."

"But I think Miracle Group has a greater chance of winning the championship. Although Miracle Group climbed up at the beginning because of Su Dad's help, as the competition progresses, their strength is really strong! I just don't know Who will they find as a guest singer? "

"Will it not be Goddess Shu Wan?"

"Why not? Goddess Shu Wan is Shu Yan's sister... Su Dad! His brother-in-law!"

"Oh my god, if that's the case, wouldn't Miracle be super awesome? You invited Zhang Ye, the king of pop? Okay! I'll invite my sister, the queen of pop! And brother-in-law Qu Dad!! Compare the lineup! Who's more luxurious?"

"Fuck, my DNA moved instantly when you said that."

"Su Dad + Goddess Shu Wan, are you sure they're not here to massacre the novice village?"

The audience in the live broadcast room became more and more excited as they discussed.

There is no doubt that Ding Yingluo and Miracle are the hottest players in this championship night.

Everyone generally believes that.

The champion should be born between them.

And the most uncertain thing at the moment is whether Shu Yan will invite Shu Wan or Su Chen to help sing.

Ding Yingluo was also very nervous in the dressing room.

In fact, she didn't plan to announce the guest singers she invited, because she was also afraid that Shu Yan would invite her sister, which would cause her big trouble.

But somehow the news leaked out.

The whole network exploded for a while.

"What if Shu Yan really invites goddess Shu Wan?" Ding Yingluo was really worried.

"Didn't Shu Wan and Su Dad not come to the rehearsal in the afternoon?" Zhang Ye said, "Little sister, you don't have to worry. Relax your mind, winning or losing is not that important..."

Zhang Ye remembered the experience of competing with Shu Wan.

Often second or third.

Although it is better than Xie Lun's perennial runner-up, but... well, I'm used to it! Winning or losing is really not important!

I didn't become the first, but I lived well, didn't I?

"I know this truth... but I still want to win." Although Ding Yingluo is not tall, she has a strong personality.

The standard she sets for herself is either not to do it or to do the best.

Only the first will be remembered.

What is the second? It is rarely mentioned.

She is different from other singers. Her starting point is very low. She can get to where she is today by working hard.

She needs a chance to stand out.

So she attaches great importance to winning or losing this time.

"We still have a trump card, what are you afraid of?" Zhang Ye comforted, "Don't worry! We can definitely win. Come on!"

"Come on!"

The two cheered each other up.

The show starts at eight o'clock.

At seven fifty.

A low-key Porsche 911 stopped in the parking lot of the studio building, and Su Chen's family of three got out of the car.

Su Chen held his wife with his left hand.

He held Su Xiaoxi with his right hand.

How could the family and friends be absent at the final moment between Shu Yan and Chen Xiaowei?

Take the elevator and enter the studio.

When they arrived, the entire studio was already full of audiences.

With Su Chen and Shu Wan's looks, they are the focus wherever they go, so as soon as they appear, they immediately attract the attention of the audience.

"Fuck! Su Daddy and Shu Wan Goddess!" I don't know who shouted.

Then everyone's eyes gathered at the entrance of the studio.

The whole audience exclaimed immediately.

"Goddess Shu Wan!"

"Su Daddy!"

"Xiao Xi! Ah ah ah!"

The whole audience was boiling.

The director and the cameraman were both frightened by the sudden screams. They looked in the direction of the sound and saw Su Chen's family. Their eyes popped out.

"Fuck!" the director exclaimed.

The Queen and Qu Dad arrived.

This is definitely a hot spot, and it's free. He immediately said on the intercom: "Camera No. 3, Camera No. 3, give the camera to Su Chen and Shu Wan."

"Got it!"

When the camera was pointed in the direction of Su Chen's family.

The director immediately switched the live broadcast to that side.

For a while, the live broadcast room also exploded.

"Dad Su! Goddess Shu Wan!! Is the whole family here?"

"Fuck!! Shu Yan really invited his sister and brother-in-law to help sing?"

"Oh my god!! This final is going to explode."

"So this is essentially a PK between the Queen and the King?"

"Director: This show has deteriorated!"

"Where is the new generation of music? It suddenly became a competition between the King and the Queen!"

"Stop talking...I'm so excited that my legs are weak."

The audience's appetite was whetted to the extreme.

When Shu Yan and Chen Xiaowei noticed that Su Chen and his wife had arrived, they also stepped forward to say hello.

Su Xiaoxi raised her head and looked at Shu Yan: "Uncle, there is me."

"It's uncle's fault," Shu Yan knelt down and picked up Su Xiaoxi, "for neglecting our Xiaoxi."

"Uncle, come on." Su Xiaoxi encouraged Shu Yan.

"no problem."

"If you win the championship, treat me to fried chicken~" There is not a day in Su Xiaoxi's mind where she doesn't pretend to eat.

Su Chen is really worried that she will gain weight when she grows up...

"Okay, please enjoy Xiao Xi's meal."


Su Xiaoxi felt very happy that she had obtained another delicious meal by blackmail. She often did this kind of taking advantage of others.

At this time, the dressing room was backstage.

Ding Yingluo and Zhang Ye had just finished finishing their makeup when they suddenly heard bursts of exclamations.

Su Dad, Su Dad and Shu Wan called Shu Wan.

Ding Yingluo's heart skipped a beat: "Daddy Su and Shu Wan are really here?"

Zhang Ye was not as calm as before, "It seems..."

"What should I do?" What Ding Yingluo was most worried about happened.

I invited a king.

You invite a diva and a music daddy...

Isn't this clear-cut bullying? Woooooooo~

"Don't panic," Zhang Ye said, "Just show us our best condition!"

In fact, Zhang Ye didn't feel confident at this time.

The arrival of Su Chenshu Wan made the audience excited and the players nervous.

Soon the time came to eight o'clock.

The host takes the stage.

The night of championship begins.

The Night of Champions is actually a contest between the top five contestants and the final three, and then the top three contestants determine the top two, and the third runner-up will be chosen first.

Finally, the remaining players compete against each other in pairs.

There is no doubt that only the Miracle Group and Ding Yingluo were left on the final stage.

"Now we invite Miracle Group and Ding Yingluo to draw lots to determine the order of performances." The host said.

The order of performances was soon determined.

Ding Yingluo takes the lead.

Ding Yingluo and Zhang Ye appeared on stage at the same time.

The two looked at each other, their eyes seeming to say: Don't think so much! Go all out! We just work hard. Winning or losing is left to God.

Nod to your music teacher when you're ready.

The intro melody of the song sounded.

Song information also appeared on the big screen behind the stage.

Song title: "Dolphin Lovers"

Lyricist: Luo Qun

Composer: Luo Qun

Vocals: Zhang Ye, Ding Yingluo

Everyone was shocked when they saw the song information.

"Dolphin Lovers? Isn't it obvious? It's a work written specifically for Ding Yingluo's dolphin sound."

"The songwriter! It's actually Luo Qun!! Damn it!! What a great songwriter!"

"Don't tell me that Ding Yingluo still knows Luo Qun?"

"Probably not... Ding Yingluo doesn't have any background. Zhang Ye and Luo Qun have a good relationship. It should be Zhang Ye who asked Luo Lao for help."

"But no matter what... the top singer + the king of singing, this is already a magical lineup. I feel that the pressure of the miracle group is a bit high."

"Isn't this just right? Maybe the miracle group is also a work tailor-made by Su Daddy! Qu Daddy VS Qu Daddy, Queen VS King. Evenly matched!"

"This ultimate PK is getting more and more exciting."

The atmosphere suddenly became intense.

This duel gradually became more intense.

Su Chen also didn't expect that the work performed by Ding Yingluo was actually the work of Luo Qun, a great singer.

Shu Yan and Chen Xiaowei were so shocked that chills ran down their backs.

At first, Shu Yan was very hesitant about asking Su Chen to write songs. It wasn't until he heard that Ding Yingluo had asked Zhang Ye and Zhang Tianwang to help sing that he made up his mind to ask Su Chen.

After all, we are only one step away from the championship.

They don't want to miss it.

Now that he saw Luo Qun writing lyrics and music, Shu Yancai secretly rejoiced in his heart, "Fortunately, I asked my brother-in-law to write songs. Otherwise, life or death in this situation would be unpredictable."

Shu Wan saw Shu Yan's nervousness and asked, "You really don't need your brother-in-law and me to help you sing?"

"No need." Shu Yan shook his head stubbornly, "The songs written by my brother-in-law are great. Xiaowei and I can do it."

"Yeah." Shu Wan just hummed.

Not much to say.

She had already figured out this brother's character.

As expected, Zhang Ye only acted as a support throughout the whole concert, but his support can be called a god-level support.

The coordination was just right, adding color to the greatest extent without taking away Ding Yingluo's limelight at all.

Ding Yingluo is the real protagonist.

She brings her dolphin voice to the extreme.

It makes people feel as if they really heard the cry of dolphins at the beach, which is ethereal and lifts the sky. Zhang Ye is responsible for singing.

The voices of the two are high and low.

It's like two dolphins entangled.

Sometimes he jumps out of the water.

Sometimes it sneaks under the surface of the sea.

Sometimes chasing, sometimes playing, so unhappy!

"Oh my god! It sounds so good. Jue Juezi."

"As expected of King Zhang Tian, ​​the strongest assistant in the world."

"Can you please turn into a dolphin and get married on the spot?"

"I think of "Big Fish"... I can't say it's better than "Big Fish", but it's really nice!!! One sings Kun and the other sings Dolphin... Hahaha! "Dolphin Love" is more cheerful a little."

"They're all so beautiful."

After Ding Yingluo and Zhang Ye finished singing, the judges did not comment immediately.

But it can be seen from the expressions of the judges.

They spoke highly of their performance.

Especially Luna, who has always been strict.

At this moment, a smile appeared on her face and she nodded.

Ding Yingluo also looked at Zhang Ye with gratitude. This time, their performance was better than any time in rehearsal.

This gave Ding Yingluo some confidence.

But when she thought of the powerful lineup of Miracle Group next... she still did not dare to take it lightly.

Bowed and left the stage.

The host said a few simple words, and then smoothly transitioned to Miracle Group.

"Next, we will hand over the stage to the last group of contestants today! Miracle Group!"

After the host's voice fell, there was silence in the audience.

Everyone held their breath.

"Finally here!! Miracle Group + Qu Die and Queen Couple!! It's going to be a blast!"

"To be honest, I haven't heard Su Die and Goddess Shu Wan sing together. That concert was completely Su Die's self-entertainment."


"Waiting for Goddess Shu Wan and Su Die to kill the gods."

The live broadcast room barrage instantly increased.

However, after a while, only Shu Yan and Chen Xiaowei came on stage.

Su Chen and Shu Wan held up the nameplate of Miracle Group below.

Judges: ? ? ?

Audience: ! ! !

"Ah, this... Su Daddy and Shu Wan goddess are just family and friends?"

"They!!! Won't they go on stage to sing?"

"Oh my god!! I've been waiting for so long."

"Shu Yan and Chen Xiaowei are so tough?? They didn't even invite guest singers?"

"Well... maybe they think it's a bit bullying to invite their own queen sister or Qu Daddy brother-in-law."

"But now they are being bullied."

"Oh my god... why do I feel that the Miracle Group is going to fall?"

Originally, everyone's expectations were very high.

With Su Chen and Shu Wan's help, it would not be a problem for the Miracle Group to win the championship in this game.

But no one expected it!!!

These two big guys didn't go on stage.

Ding Yingluo was also very surprised to see this.

However, she did not relax because of this, but felt more stressed, "Brother... Su Daddy and Shu Wan goddess didn't go on stage, why do I feel more nervous?"

"Me too." Zhang Ye couldn't tell why it was like this.

Maybe it's because it's too abnormal!

Soon the melody of the song sounded.

The information of the song they were about to sing appeared on the big screen behind the stage.

Song title: "Under the Sea"

Lyrics: Qilin Talent

Music: Qilin Talent

Singer: Miracle Group

The audience was not surprised that Su Chen wrote the lyrics and composed the music.

After all, Su Chen and Shu Wan were not on stage, and it was unreasonable not to come up with a good song to help Shu Yan.

What really surprised everyone was the song title.

"One is "Dolphin Love" and the other is "Under the Sea". Did Su Dad and Luo Qun discuss this?"

"Did they start arguing from the title of the song?"

"Hahaha, it turns out that Qu Dad and Qu Dad have similar ideas. They both thought of the sea!"

"Under the Sea: I'm bigger than you!"

"Dolphin: What's the use of being big? You're all water!"

"Fuck!! This isn't a car going to kindergarten."

"Under the Sea, Big Fish... Don't you think there's a connection between the two?"

"You mean... a sequel? My god!! The singing of Big Fish is so amazing. Isn't "Under the Sea" also sung by gods?"

The audience seemed to see something.

In "Earth", there are many versions of "Under the Sea".

But the most amazing ones are Sa Dingding's version and Phoenix Legend's version.

Sa Dingding's version is like a sea siren singing, very ethereal. And it's the Donghaiyuan sect song in "Fantasy Westward Journey".

It can be considered to be related to Journey to the West.

And Phoenix Legend's version is more magical.

We must always believe in Phoenix Legend, Zeng Yi's rap is

Phoenix Legend's cover is unprecedentedly popular, with over 20 million video views on Bilibili...

Su Chen chose the Phoenix Legend version.

The style is completely different.

The lyrics have also been changed.

The most important thing is! This is a male-female pairing! Shu Yan and Chen Xiaowei can perform it perfectly.

"The scattered moonlight passes through the clouds

hiding from the crowd

spreading the scales of the sea

the waves wet the white skirt

trying to push you back

the waves sing a lullaby

want to warm you

listen to the depths of the sea

whose wailing is guiding

the soul sinks into silence

no one wakes you up"

Chen Xiaowei's gentle and sad, suppressed and powerful singing voice sounded.

It's like a turbulent undercurrent in the dark seabed in the middle of the night.

The moonlight quietly falls, the sea surface sparkles, the sound of the waves rises and falls, quiet and lonely.

A strong sense of picture is presented in front of the listener.

The combination of the moon and the sea always seems to give people a different kind of beauty and sadness.

"The moon rises from the sea, and the world shares this moment. Lovers complain about the long night, and miss each other all night long."

"The spring river tide reaches the sea level, and the moon rises from the sea with the tide."

At this moment, the artistic conception expressed in the song is similar to these poems.

Sure enough.

Aesthetics can travel through time and space.

The sound of waves came with the song.

However, at this moment, the song suddenly took a 360-degree turn.

Shu Yan sang rap.

"You like the salty smell of the sea breeze

Stepping on the wet gravel

You said that people's home should be back to the sea

You asked me where I would go when I miss you

Is there anyone who loves you

Can the world no longer exist"

He rapped in a deep voice, and it suddenly felt like he had cut off the song.

The difference before and after!

So weird.

"Fuck!! Did I hear that right? This is... rap?"

"Chen Xiaowei's singing has already made me sad... You! It took a lot of effort to brew up the emotions! But it sounds so good."

"Are you sure you won't feel sadder after listening to this rap?"


"Recall it carefully... doesn't it sound like reciting the Great Compassion Mantra?"

"Fuck! You're scaring me to death."

"Hahaha, to be honest, it does look a bit like...but this 'Great Compassion Curse' sounds a bit nice."

"All conditioned phenomena are like bubbles in a dream, like dew or lightning, and should be viewed as such..."

"The barrage must be full of devils. The Diamond Sutra is here!"

It's strange. They are obviously two completely different singing methods, but when they are paired together, they create a wonderful chemical reaction.

While it gives people goosebumps, they can't help but listen to the melody.

"Always smile at cool people

People on the shore all had irrelevant expressions on their faces

A flash in the pan

Everything dissipates into smoke”

Because there are two choruses, the interlude is very short, almost non-existent.

The two people connect seamlessly.

After you sing a verse, I will immediately rap. After you sing a rap, I will immediately sing an ethereal song...

"The scattered moonlight passed through the clouds

Staring at the crowd

our lonely hearts

sometimes like the bottom of the sea

Sadness is not a matter of words

can feel the same

Tears have no sound

But I want to hold you tight

you are important

someone's star

when you're alone

When you say being loved is just a fluke

My child, please don’t forget

There was a gentle voice calling your name

You ask me where the road will lead

The road leads to me waiting for you"

The lyrics are full of depression.

But through the processing of rap singing, it doesn't sound so sad and sad.

This is like human disguise.

Although my heart is filled with loneliness, I still have to show that I am very gregarious and have many friends.

Sing sadness with joy.

Reflect carefully.

The more I listen to it, the more unpleasant it becomes.

When loneliness strikes, we feel like we are sinking to the bottom of the sea. The water pressure is superimposed, and the feeling of heaviness and suffocation makes people fall crazily.

But after this extreme depression.

The song changes again:

"The scattered moonlight passed through the clouds

avoid the crowd

Sneak into the bottom of the sea

There is light looking for you

it wants to warm you

It says you listen, you listen

Someone calls you back”

A beam of light penetrates the thick clouds and shines directly into the sea.

Penetrates thick sea water.

Light up the ocean floor.

Illuminate you.

Don't be sad, there is still light in the world, there is still light in life, and there are still people who want to love you and warm you.

The suppressed emotions surged out.

It's coming menacingly.

"It's too late, it's too late

you laughed and cried

Too late, too late

I want to sing to you too

Spring rain and summer cicada chirping

It will be good weather tomorrow

Autumn wind blows with light snowflakes

You can’t see the four seasons under the sea.”

In the end, Shu Yan and Chen Xiaowei sang together, bringing the whole song to a climax and pushing the emotions and themes contained in the song to its peak.

Like a beam of light!

Shot powerfully into the ocean floor.

Light up the dark sea floor.

The temperature of the sun warms the sea water and warms you!

It rains in spring and cicadas chirp in summer. Tomorrow will be a good day.

The rainy days will pass.

The sun will embrace you.

Please also embrace the sunshine.

After hearing the last part, the audience started sobbing and were moved to tears... That is the power of sunshine, that is the song of life!

Day and night, spring, summer, autumn and winter, year after year, who dares to say that it is like smoke...

PS: Second update, 5,000 words. delivered. I ask for recommendation votes, monthly votes and rewards every day. Some partners may find it annoying. But there is no way, just like life, just like work, even if you are not welcome, you still have to try hard, right? I'm thick-skinned anyway.

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