Dad: My identity as Qu Dad has been exposed by my daughter

Chapter 151 This book is worth platinum (6000 words)

The excellence of "Under the Sea" is not how it is sung.

The excellence lies in its lyrics.

Lyrics that move people to tears.

Of course, I am talking about the adapted version of Phoenix Legend.

The original version was sung by "A Durian", and the whole song can be said to be extremely depressing, even a little dark.

A simple comparison of their lyrics will tell you.

A Durian: You said people's ashes should be scattered into the sea

Phoenix Legend: You said people's destination should be back in the sea

A Durian: There is no nostalgia for the world, everything is gone

Phoenix Legend: The world is short-lived, everything is gone

A Durian: Is there anyone who loves you, the world has already abandoned you

Phoenix Legend: Child, please don't forget that there was a gentle voice calling your name

A Durian: Too late, too late, you used to cry with a smile, too late, too late, your trembling arms, too late, too late, no one will salvage you, too late, too late, you obviously hate suffocation

Phoenix Legend: Too late, too late, you used to cry with a smile, too late, too late, I have to sing to you, spring rain and summer cicadas, tomorrow is a good day, autumn wind blows and snowflakes are light, the four seasons cannot be seen under the sea.

There is no harm without comparison.

The original version of "Under the Sea" is depressing.

The Phoenix Legend version is healing.

Netizens joked: The siren wants you to sink, and the phoenix wants you to be reborn.

I originally wanted to jump into the sea after listening to it, but the Phoenix Legend version makes people who jump into the sea want to float to the surface. It is full of warmth, sunshine and hope.

Some people say that the lyrics of the Phoenix Legend version are actually responding to "A Durian".

Don't be so sad.

There is still sunshine in life.

It can illuminate you, warm you, and let you put on a bright smile on your face again.

Life should be positive.

Not pessimistic.

This should be the theme that the Phoenix Legend version wants to express.

Chen Xiaowei's voice is very penetrating and rendering, and Shu Yan's rap dilutes the original heaviness and depression in the melody of the song.

So few people feel depressed after listening to this song.

On the contrary, many people were moved to tears because of the last chorus.

Who has not been sad and confused?

Who has not been depressed and depressed?

All of them!

When some people are sad and confused, they will talk to friends and family to make themselves happy.

Some people will stay alone.

When some people are depressed and depressed, they will actively adjust themselves.

Some people will deny their depression and pessimism because of this.

Because everyone has had such moments, the last sentence "Spring rain and summer cicadas, tomorrow is a good day, autumn wind blows and snowflakes are light, and the four seasons cannot be seen under the sea" will resonate strongly.


No matter how bad the situation is, there are still spring rain and summer cicadas, autumn wind and winter snow in this world, which are such beautiful things in the world.

Tomorrow the weather is very good, the wind is fine and the sun is bright, why not relax and enjoy the warmth of the sun and the freshness of the air?

Close your eyes and take a deep breath.

Everything will be fine.

Don't let yourself sink to the bottom of the sea, where it is dark, cold, and lonely, without the change of seasons and bright sunshine.

Be sure to be happy!

The melody of the song fades away.

The song ends.

The live broadcast room is full of bullet screens.

"The last line: Spring rain, summer cicadas, tomorrow will be a good day. It made me cry."

"I get goosebumps listening to it."

"I feel so warm in my heart."

"The world is beautiful, and life is worth it."

"It's too late, but in fact, everything is still in time."

"It touched my heart."

"I must live well, live hard, and live happily."

"I feel that my life has been redeemed."

"I have had bad thoughts when I was at my lowest point, but after hearing this song, I feel that I can hold on! There must be a beam of light that belongs to me waiting for me, calling me, and then illuminating me and warming me!"

"Do you feel that because of this song, the theme of the whole program has been sublimated?"



What is a good song?

A beautiful melody is definitely indispensable.

But a truly good song, like a good text, can touch a secret corner of your heart and stir up your passionate emotions.

It is like a mirror that allows you to see yourself.

It is like a beam of sunshine that makes your life sunny and bright.

I don't know when the culture of mourning began to become popular, and the word depression seems to be gradually becoming familiar.

People forget to feel the warmth around them, forget to enjoy the afternoon sunshine, forget to smile in the breeze...

In fact, these simple beauties can be obtained by everyone.

As long as,

you just need to feel it!

After the singing stopped, I don’t know how long it took, but warm applause broke out at the scene.

"Miracle Combination, I love you!"

"Wow, Xiaowei’s voice is so nice...I will definitely live well! Even though things are not going well now!"

"I seem to have courage and strength in an instant."

Ding Yingluo was already in tears in the audience.

The king Zhang Ye kept handing her tissues.

"I was moved to tears." Ding Yingluo wiped her tears and said, "This is a song with life force."

"Yes," Zhang Ye said, "It's like a beam of light!"

"It reminds me of the lowest period of my life...It was because of hope that I survived."

The four judges also stood up.

Qiao Jingxuan was the most emotional, wiping the tears from her eyes with a tissue.

Luna hugged her arms, and she seemed to have a gentle light in her eyes at this moment, even though she was always strict.

Gao Huan and Wang Feng applauded.

It can be seen that they were also touched by the song.

After a long time, the four judges sat down.

Ding Yingluo took the stage.

"The lyrics of the song "Under the Sea" are great, very positive and energetic. After listening to it, people are very moved, and their hearts are warm, as if they saw the warm sunshine breaking through the clouds. In terms of conception and pattern, it is far superior to "Dolphin Love". If I vote for the song, I will vote for "Under the Sea". But in terms of singing skills, I vote for "Dolphin Love." Wang Feng cast his vote first.

Ding Yingluo got the first vote.

The atmosphere instantly became tense.

"I disagree. Singing skills should be considered together with expressiveness and rendering power. Although the lyrics of "Under the Sea" are truly touching, the Miracle Group presented it just right, full of emotion, and moved people to tears... This is an ability that transcends any skills! Music is always a tool for expression. I think appeal is more important than skills. So I voted for "Under the Sea"," said Qiao Jingxuan.

"Under the Sea" received one vote, tying with Ding Yingluo.

The third speaker was Gao Huan.

"I agree with Jingxuan's point of view." Gao Huan said, "I vote for the Miracle Group!"

Two to one!

At this time, the audience was already nervous.

Because Luna's last vote will directly determine the result of this game.

If she votes for the Miracle Group!

The Miracle Group will be the champion.

If she votes for Ding Yingluo, then the two will be tied.

According to the rules, if the judges' vote fails to decide the winner, the audience will enter the voting stage.

One thousand audience members voted on the spot.

Nine thousand people were randomly selected in the live broadcast room.

A total of 10,000 people voted.

Ding Yingluo became nervous.

Shu Yan of the Miracle Group held Chen Xiaowei's hand and couldn't help but tighten his grip.

Everyone's eyes were on Luna.

Luna took a deep breath: "I personally like "Under the Sea", which is a very grand work."

"From an emotional perspective, I will vote for this song."

"But this is a competition after all... I have to admit that the dolphin sound displayed by Ding Yingluo is technically impeccable."

"Only children make choices, I want both."

"But the program team insisted that I make a choice... Well, I prefer Ding Yingluo. Of course, it's not that "Under the Sea" is not good, but it's purely based on the singing technique displayed."

"In addition, I think it's too one-sided for the four of us judges to decide the winner? So let's leave it to the audience!"

As she spoke, she pressed the button representing Ding Yingluo.

Two to two!

Boom! !

The audience was immediately excited.

"Ahhhh!! We can vote."

"Sister Na is so good."

"I love Sister Na so much."

The host quickly took control of the situation.

"We have a live voting machine next to each seat, and then we will randomly select 9,000 people from the audience in the live broadcast room. If the voting page pops up in front of your screen, please vote in time."

"If you haven't voted for more than 30 seconds, we will randomly select another audience to vote."

After the host finished speaking, a bar chart representing Ding Yingluo and Miracle appeared on the big screen behind the stage.

It's just that there is no "column" yet.

After all, their votes are still zero




A countdown appeared on the big screen.

When the countdown reached zero.

"Voting begins!" the host ordered.

Then the audience picked up the voting machine.

Voting windows also popped up on the screens of the audience in the live broadcast room.

The bar chart began to slowly "grow taller".

At first, Ding Yingluo was in the lead, then Miracle caught up, and Ding Yingluo surpassed again...

The two chased each other.

The competition was very fierce.



The voting of 10,000 votes ended.

Miracle: 5001 votes!

Ding Yingluo: 4999 votes!

There were only two votes difference!

"Oh my! Oh my! There were only two votes difference!"

"This number of votes is too magical..."

"I thought most people would vote for Miracle, but I didn't expect Ding Yingluo to have so many votes."

Ding Yingluo was also surprised to see such a number of votes.

She is not concerned about winning or losing now.

After all, from the moment she finished singing "Under the Sea", she knew she had no chance.

She just hopes not to lose too badly.

The number of votes should not be too ugly.

In her expectation, it would be ideal to have about a thousand votes less than Miracle.

Two thousand votes less is acceptable.

But I didn't expect it!

It was almost a tie again.

Although she lost!

But she felt inexplicably happy.

Su Chen was not surprised to see such a result.

Phoenix Legend's adaptation of "Under the Sea" is indeed excellent.

The lyrics are very eye-catching and resonant.

After I trained them with the 100-fold Master Amplification, they were able to perform almost perfectly. But singing this song does not require strong skills. It mainly depends on the presentation and release of emotions.

Shu Yan and Chen Xiaowei both did it.

But in terms of the degree of stunning, it is definitely not as stunning and showy as Ding Yingluo's dolphin sound.

Besides, "Dolphin Love" is the work of Luo Qun, a master song.

The quality of the song is certainly not low.

"As expected." Su Chen whispered.

Although the win was not amazing, it was still a win.

Ding Yingluo was not depressed on the stage. Instead, she was very happy with the voting results.

At first, she was afraid of losing.

But now, although she really lost, she felt that she was still honored in defeat.

"Congratulations." Ding Yingluo sincerely congratulated the Miracle Group.

"You are also great." Chen Xiaowei said, "We are just lucky."

Then the two girls hugged each other.

Next was the award ceremony.

The whole audience cheered.

And just when the Miracle Group received the trophy, the system prompt sounded in Su Chen's mind;

"The Miracle Group won the championship thanks to the guidance of the host. The starting teacher award: Yamato language proficiency"

"The reward is being distributed... distributed."

"Congratulations to the host, Yamato language proficiency has been received, do you want to trigger fusion?"


In an instant, a current of enlightenment surged from his mind, and then a new language was injected into Su Chen's memory.

Yamato language!

I have reached the mastery level.

The system rewards Yamato language at this time?

Is it because Yamato will be the first to integrate into the Asian Village in January?

In any case, it is good to master one more language.

Su Chen was very happy.

In the future, I will no longer be able to only know simple Yamedie... Hehe... I can understand everything!

The final of "Music New Generation" has ended here.

The Miracle Group has attracted much attention as the champion, but they insisted not to sign with the company.

So the second place Ding Yingluo has become a hot commodity, and major companies have rushed to offer olive branches.

Although it is the second place, it is definitely the treatment of the first place.

After the show, the song "Under the Sea" also became completely popular.

"This song is not very good... I just listened to it back and forth one or two hundred times."

"Warmth, redemption, nirvana rebirth."

"Buddha said: Let there be light."

In addition, the new way of the Miracle Group's partnership has also been talked about with relish.

"Shu Yan's rap is pretty good."

"Shu Yan and Chen Xiaowei are a great match... what a wonderful chemistry."

"Although it feels a little bit rustic... hahaha, I'm not being disparaging, it really feels a little bit like that, but when they sing, it's really good."

"The lyrics written by Su Dad are amazing. Pattern! This is the pattern!"

"Give me a dozen of such good songs."

At the same time, the five brothers gathered together.

After listening to "Under the Sea" and "Dolphin Love", they also gave their comments.

"Old Luo! Su Chen is really older than you." Li Zongsheng said.

"How can you talk like that?" Luo Qun glared at Li Zongsheng.

Li Zongsheng immediately understood, "Don't get me wrong... I'm talking about the pattern, the pattern!"

"The lyrics are well written, straight to the heart, and strongly resonate. This is where he wins." Huang Zhan drank a small glass of wine.

"It can't be said that we won... We were only ahead by two votes." Lin Xi said, "That doesn't mean anything. But this song "Under the Sea" is really magical, especially the last part... Listen to it again?"

"Listen to it again." Luo Qun took the initiative to press the replay button.


With the end of "Music New Generation", time has quietly come to December.

There is only one month left before Yamato will be the first to join the Asian Village in January.

The whole country of China is busy preparing for the upcoming historic moment.

At the same time, China's Spring Festival is also approaching, and Shu Wan has received an invitation to the Spring Festival Gala.

Although Su Chen did not receive an invitation to perform at the Spring Festival Gala, he received an invitation to write a song.

It was Zhou Ming, the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala, who contacted Su Chen personally.

"This year is the first year of the Blue Star Village Project, so we can call it the first year. Similarly, the Spring Festival Gala will definitely change in terms of region and theme."

"So I was wondering if you could help write a song that depicts the vision of the future... It would be best if it is closely related to China and the Blue Star Village Project."

Su Chen's first reaction after listening to Zhou Ming's description was: singing praises.

Then he thought of the 2008 Olympics on Earth.

"You and Me", "Beijing Welcomes You" and other musical works.

They all have very clear themes.

What Zhou Ming needs should be similar songs.

It's just that these two songs are not suitable, but there is another one that Su Chen thinks is more suitable, that is, "Thousands of Mountains and Rivers" sung by Jay Chou at the opening ceremony.

The theme, style, and style of the song are completely worthy of the Blue Star Village Project.

Why do you say that?

Because "Thousands of Mountains and Rivers" is collected by the National Museum.

And it has also been in space.

Even Jay Chou himself doesn't dare to sing this song easily.

"No problem." Su Chen agreed.

It's a good thing that the song can be on the Spring Festival Gala, and it's also an honor for Su Chen to participate in the Blue Star Village project.

Zhou Ming was relieved when he heard Su Chen agreed, but soon changed the subject: "Mr. Su Chen, although I'm inviting you to write a song, there's something I still need to explain to you."

"You say." Su Chen said on the phone.

"It's like this, while we're looking for you to write a song, we'll also invite Li Zongsheng and other songwriters, and then we'll choose the most suitable song from the songs you've created, so it's very likely..." Zhou Ming paused for a while, then said: "But we'll also pay a certain amount of remuneration."

Su Chen understood what Zhou Ming meant.

It's just that there's a possibility that you won't be selected.

What does it matter?

"Director Zhou, you're so polite. It doesn't matter if you can't be selected. I can still publish it myself. Forget about the remuneration. If this song is selected, it will be treated as a gift to the motherland. If it is not selected, I will recycle the resources and return it. It can be used." Su Chen made it clear.

The two chatted happily on the phone.

We left each other’s WeChat email addresses.

Then hang up.

Later, Li Zongsheng, Luo Qun, Huang Zhan and others also received calls from Zhou Ming to invite him to sing.

However, Su Chen was not in a hurry to send "Thousands of Mountains and Waters" to Zhou Ming. He would wait a few days before talking.

Let’s talk about the smooth launch of the fifth episode of “National Style Ceremony”.

After Su Chen was wildly invited to sing by the audience in the fourth episode, Su Chen didn't go to the scene at all in this episode. At home, I am preparing two works, "The Romance of the Gods" and "The Little Prince."

Although the fifth episode did not include Su Chen, it was still exciting.

Huang Wenshan, Lin Xi, Xiao Shiyilang, Li Zongsheng, gods fight.

In the final random song selection session, Luo Qun and Huang Zhan were selected one after another.

So in the fifth episode, the five guys are finally here!

"Haha, it's really interesting. In the fifth issue, all five guys will appear."

"It's just that Daddy Su is missing... If Daddy Su doesn't advance, this period will be a battle of the gods."

"Isn't it also a battle of gods now?"

The Internet is abuzz with speculation.

It is also worth mentioning that Li Zongsheng won the most popular work for two consecutive issues, and his overall popularity was so high that he was directly promoted to Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea.

After Su Chen,

The second Qu dad to "ascend" to the finals.

After the fifth episode, there are still three final episodes, that is, in the first round of the eighth episode, the "most popular battle" will come to an end.

Thus entering the final "Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea" decisive battle.

Su Chen can still wait for three weeks.

Then it’s time to join the battle between the gods.

Not attending the "National Style Ceremony", Su Chen took advantage of this time to finish writing "The Little Prince", draw the illustrations, and do the layout.

Then I sent it to Cang Hai, the editor of Shanhai Publishing House, using the "Andersen Email".

When Canghai received the manuscript of "The Little Prince", everyone went crazy with joy.

Big Pig Hoof's "Journey to the West" was sent to him on his own initiative.

Andersen's "The Little Prince" was also sent to him on his own initiative.

"How can I be so virtuous?" Canghai couldn't believe that this was true.

Thanks to God’s blessing!

Canghai's colleagues were so envious that they cried.

"Teacher Cang!! You saved the universe in your last life, right?"

"Why has such a good thing never happened to me?"

"Lao Cang...tell me honestly, is there any PY deal with Big Pig Hoof or Andersen?"

"It's the pinnacle of your life... In the past two years, your mother has been very weak in counting money."

Canghai doesn’t know how to explain this.

Maybe this is life!

He already knew that these two vests were Qu's father, Su Chen.

But Qu’s father, Su Chen, why do you prefer me?

I have no contact with him either!

And they're not distant relatives either.

He could only attribute it to the smoke coming out of the ancestral grave.

The publication of "The Little Prince" was definitely not that fast.

You also need to apply for a book number, print, etc. The procedures are cumbersome, but Su Chen doesn't need to worry about these, Canghai will do it beautifully like a tool man.

He just had to sit back and count the money.

The preliminary manuscript of "The Romance of the Gods" is ready.

Like "Journey to the West", he also wrote a vernacular version, after all, this is more suitable for the reading preferences of online readers.

Reading classical Chinese is always convoluted and difficult to understand.

The reading threshold is slightly higher.

He logged into Pangu Chinese website.

Ben was about to create a new book "The Romance of the Gods", but he caught a glimpse of an interesting book on the front page.

"Open Heaven"!

Not only appear on the homepage, but also be promoted on the homepage.

This book also appeared at the top of the new book list, the top recommendation list, and the second bestseller list, second only to "Journey to the West" which topped the bestseller list.

The author is called "North, South, East and West".

The author's name is a bit sloppy.

Driven by some kind of curiosity, Su Chen clicked on this book called "Opening the Sky".

I have read two chapters and the content is simply amazing!

You must know that Su Chen has been "educated" by various online novels on Earth for a long time. He has read many excellent works, but this "Opening the Sky" is definitely unique.

The writing is majestic and majestic.

It's a thrilling read.

The literary quality revealed between the lines is not something ordinary people can write.

The theme is ancient mythology!

With the Pangu gods as the background, the "Tianmai" system of the ancient gods was constructed. In the Tianmai system, the descendants of Pangu are called the "Kaitian" clan!

However, after the War of the Gods, the Kaitian clan became increasingly lonely.

There was actually the danger of genocide.

The story begins with the Kaitian clan and leads to a magnificent mythological epic...

Even Su Chen exclaimed "masterpiece" after watching it!

On the Pangu Chinese website, this book "Opening the Sky" has become extremely popular.

And this North, South, East and West... is actually just a lv1 author.

The entire internet writing community exploded.

"A magnificent mythological epic!"

"It makes my blood boil! I can't stop!"

"And the theme is resistance and pioneering!! This reminds me of the period of decline of our nation, and then... I can only say that the author is awesome."

"This kind of writing style is amazing. Even compared with the classical Chinese version of Journey to the West, it still doesn't make any concessions."

"It's more burning than "Journey to the West". Well, that kind of burning is a bit like The Legend of Wukong... I want to be able to hide my eyes from it again."

"The number of words in this book is still small. If it is updated for a while, "Journey to the West" will be finished."

"Too fierce."

"A masterpiece."

"The most important author... seems to be level 1!"

"So which god's vest is it?"

"This writing style is amazing! It's very similar to "Journey to the West", but it clearly surpasses the writing style of "Journey to the West"!"

"Big Pig Hoof hasn't opened a book for so these north, south, east, and west are not Big Pig Hoof's trumpets, right?"

"Damn it!! It's really possible."

"When you get tired of playing with the big size, change to the small size and play."

"What the hell! Do you want the entire website to be dominated by his vest?"

Countless readers have speculated that "north, south, east and west" are the waistcoats of the talking pig knuckle.

This made Su Chen dumbfounded.

"Interesting!" Su Chen was no longer in a hurry to publish the book. Instead, he immersed himself in the world of "Kai Tian" and read the latest chapter from the beginning in one breath.

Have fun!

This book has platinum status.

Su Chen thought in his heart, "Now we have an opponent."

PS: 6500 words. First update delivered. I still owed 2,000 words before, but now I still owe 1,000 words.

PS: I really miss the recommendation tickets and monthly passes in your hands. I can't sleep at night because I think about going crazy... So, please satisfy me? Um? ? ? Use promotion tickets, monthly tickets, and rewards! ! The author updates go crazy! Don't you want to see my crazy batch?

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