Dad: My identity as Qu Dad has been exposed by my daughter

Chapter 204 Everyone is hungry (5000 words)

"Who will be killed?"

"I think it should be the American Ratchett... After all, he asked Poirot to protect him.


"The murderer will undoubtedly be Colonel Arbuthnot or Miss Debenham."

The readers have been attracted by the story.

Ichiro Oda also has many guesses in his mind, but he thinks that things should not be as simple as imagined.

The content of just a few chapters points out the possible victims, and even gives a person with a major suspicion of murder.

This may be a trap of the talking pork elbow.

A trick.

A misleading!

It is well known that the most taboo in detective novels is to throw out all the clues for readers to see. It is clearly written in the "Ten Commandments of Reasoning" that this is a taboo!

So mystery writers must learn to keep people in suspense.

Say half and leave half.

And if it is really as everyone guesses, then there is basically no suspense in this book, and suspense is the key to the success of detective novels.

Except He was going to fool the readers with narrative tricks.

Ichiro Oda couldn't wait to know what happened in the writing.

Su Chen wrote this book "Murder on the Orient Express" very quickly. He uploaded the first part of the content "Facts" directly in the first upload.

In the fourth chapter, during the scream in the dark night, Poirot was awakened by a sound.

The sound was very loud.

Like a groan.

After that, Poirot couldn't sleep well.

The train stopped in a blizzard, and the bell in the carriage kept ringing. He rang the bell and asked the conductor for a bottle of mineral water, and then he glimpsed a woman in scarlet pajamas walking away in the aisle of the carriage.

The next day, his old friend Booker found Poirot and told him that a murder had occurred in the carriage.

The deceased was an American named Ray. Chet!

It was the guy who wanted to pay a lot of money to let Poirot protect him yesterday.

And the situation is very special now.

They were trapped.

There were no police in the car.

And because Booker was a director, he naturally hoped that this matter could be properly handled. So he begged Poirot to investigate the murder.

Poirot agreed.

Seeing this, Ichiro Oda frowned slightly. Well, how come this is a bit like the Blizzard Manor model... Trapped in a place where there is no village in front and no shop behind, and no police can get involved.

But it is completely different from the Blizzard Manor model.

Ichiro Oda felt that at least there was a reference part.

Soon Poirot came to the room where the murder occurred.

He learned from Doctor Constantine that Ray Chet's injuries.

He was stabbed twelve times.

But the wounds were strange.

The twelve stab wounds were deep and shallow, and some were just scratches. The conductor guessed that the murderer was a woman.

But Poirot felt that the method of committing the crime was not very scientific.

The whole case was weird.

First of all, the room was locked. Although the window was open, there was no sign of the murderer leaving.

And with so many stab wounds, it was obviously not suicide.

The exit passages were locked from the inside.

The murderer did not escape from the window.

So how did the murderer leave this compartment?

This is the first puzzle!

Booker told Poirot that no one left the train after their train rushed into the snow.

"The murderer is next to us... and is still on this train!"

"Is it really a murder in a closed room? "Ichiro Oda has already smelled the smell of routine.

At the same time, he was also curious about how the big pig's hoof would unfold this story.

As he expected, the great detective Poirot soon found Ratchett's colleague McQueen for questioning.

McQueen told Poirot that Ratchett had received a threatening letter before.

Afterwards, Poirot and Dr. Constantine returned to the crime scene to examine the body. This time the examination made some new progress.

Constantine found that these wounds should have been added after death.

Some knife wounds showed that the murderer was left-handed, and some knife wounds showed that the murderer was right-handed... Some were heavy and looked like they were from a man's hand, and some were light and looked like a woman's masterpiece.

In addition, Poirot found a pistol under the pillow of the deceased.

The bullet was full.

The doctor picked up the empty cup and smelled it. There was a smell of medicine.

Ratchett was drugged.

So there were no signs of fighting at the scene.

In the subsequent investigation, Poirot found pipe cleaners, matches that had been struck, and embroidered An expensive lady's handkerchief with the letter H and a burnt piece of paper.

On the burnt piece of paper he saw a few words:

Remember Little Daisy Armstrong

From the remaining text, Poirot quickly thought of a major case that happened in the United States: the Armstrong kidnapping case!

And concluded that Ratchett was just a pseudonym for the deceased.

And his real name is: Casetti!

The mastermind of the Armstrong kidnapping case!

And he also used means to escape the punishment of the law.



Poirot immediately had a guess in his mind.

The first part of the content ended here.

So far, the case has become more and more weird, murder in a closed room, strange wounds, pipe cleaners, handkerchiefs...

One mystery after another lingers in the reader's mind.

I can't guess how these strange wounds were caused.

I can't guess whether the murderer is a woman or a man.

So far.

Everything is still in the mist.

"That's it???"

"Oh my...curiosity has just been lifted to the top!! You told me it's gone! ”

“My pants are off! You want me to be messy in the wind?”

“Hurry up and add more!!”


"Can't stop!"

"Rewarded! Update soon!"

The tips and comments have gone crazy.

And the most terrible thing is that his wife Shu Wan is addicted to watching it.

Ever since Su Chen wrote "White Night Journey", and then a lot of mystery novels appeared on Pangu Chinese website, Shu Wan couldn't stop being interested in this genre.

I was following "A Strange Letter" some time ago, and now Su Chen has updated "Murder on the Orient Express", and Shu Wan is even more out of control.

"Husband, I've finished saving the manuscript and reading it. Let's continue writing." Shu Wan locked Su Chen in the workroom.

"You are not allowed to go to bed until you finish writing."

Su Chen has always thought that his wife is the gentle type.

Just found out now.

She is hiding a knife behind her smile.

In addition, the rewards from Pangu Chinese website for prompting updates were so powerful that Su Chen had no choice but to post the manuscript and write the follow-up content at the same time.

Shu Wan became a "reviewer".

So against this background, Su Chen completed the book "Murder on the Orient Express" as quickly as possible!

It took two days!

Well, originally this book was not long...

This speed directly shocked the authors and readers in the circle.

"I'll go, it'll be over so quickly."

"The shiver went away?"

"You can even keep up with the second master at this speed..."

"too fast!"

"Short and weak!"

“One book is shorter than the other!”

"It's a bit short... but the content is really intense!"

"This is so complete that I can't even react..."

The response from readers was overwhelming.

Oda Ichiro was excited after reading the first part, but because of his own "Weird Letter", he also needed to further design and improve the plot.

I haven't watched it for two days.

When he was free and clicked on "Murder on the Orient Express" again, good guy, it was over!

Isn't this too fast?

Let's move on to the long story now.

Are you still thinking about writing short stories?

After sighing, Oda Ichiro sank into the story again.

The structure of the book is surprisingly simple.

Part Two Chapter One Person's Testimony.

Then a summary of the testimony was conducted.

However, after the testimony of twelve suspects, the situation of the case did not become clear.

Instead, an unexpected situation occurred!

Every suspect has an alibi!

Everyone’s alibi!

The complexity of the case exceeded Oda Ichiro's imagination.

"If it were me, how would I plan the subsequent plot? How would I design this complicated murder?"

"What's the answer?"

"Is the murderer really one of these twelve people? Or several of them?"

"Or was the murderer hiding somewhere on the train and then exiting the train in an unexpected way?"

Even Miss Debenham and Colonel Arbuthnot, who laid the groundwork from the very beginning, have solid alibi!

How weird! !

The murderer disappeared out of thin air?

And a man wearing scarlet pajamas was repeatedly seen in the testimony.

Even Poirot himself had seen it.

But the passengers on the train who fit this man's profile were not... He was like a ghost!

The case has made no progress.

At least that's what it seems.

Because everyone has a solid alibi...

"That's right!!!" A thought quickly flashed through Oda Ichiro's mind, "How could I have preconceived ideas? Testimonies! How could I believe these ghost testimonies? Won't the murderer lie? He will definitely lie!"


"Who's lying?"

Thinking of this, Oda Ichiro felt like he was enlightened.

If his guess is correct, Poirot will find out the liar step by step... as long as he finds that person! The whole case has a direction!

Even if the liar is not the murderer.

That must be involved.

Well, by the way, there are also the motives of these people... The person who murdered Ratchett is probably related to the original Armstrong case.

Either a relative or involved.

This could constitute a motive for murder.

Oda Ichiro speculates on the subsequent plot as a professional mystery novelist.

As he expected, Poirot did not believe the testimony and he realized that someone was lying.

After his meticulous exploration and reasoning.

Finally found out who was lying!

But the final result surprised Oda Ichiro!

"It's all lies!"

"Everyone lied!"

Oda Ichiro's voice was trembling, "I guessed the beginning, but not the ending!"


"Absolutely awesome!"

You must know that as a professional mystery novelist and with the title of King of Mystery, Oda Ichiro has not been so immersed in a mystery novel for a long time.

Say something rude!

He can guess the formulas of most mystery novels.

And there are only a few mystery novels that can be written better than his.

Even if it was Dongye's book, sometimes he felt it was nothing more than that.

But this book "Murder on the Orient Express" allowed him to rediscover the excitement and impulse he had as a reader.

I can't wait to see the ending in one breath.

Twelve people!

It's all lies!

And they are all related to the kidnapping case.

Either he is the driver, servant, sister of that family, or he is a friend of the male owner...

They all have a motive for killing!

Later, Oda Ichiro did not dare to speculate on how Big Pig Hoof would write and how Poirot would uncover the truth of this case.

"What a coincidence!"

"All these enemies gathered on the same train, in the same compartment... It's incredible!"

Oda Ichiro suddenly had a strong premonition.

Right now!

There is definitely more than one murderer!

Two people, three people... or more!

The author mentions Colonel Arbuthnot and Miss Debenham at the beginning. Could it be that they conspired to kill Ratchett?

Damn it...

Oda Ichiro felt a chill running down his spine.

If so, this case is perfectly designed.

Well, but Miss Debenham seems quiet and intelligent, and she has the ability to plan such a murder. And there is also a colonel...

Oda Ichiro couldn't help but speculate wildly.

But as you read further.

He found again that "I guessed the beginning but not the ending"!

There is more than one murderer!

Colonel Arbuthnot and Miss Debenham were indeed involved.

But it's more than that!


Eleven of these twelve people were involved in the murder!

And the twelfth person!

It is the conductor who has been ignored!

The entire murder case was completely a well-planned "performance"!

Poirot and Booker were the only spectators.

"Everyone lies! All actors! All murderers!" Oda Ichiro felt his scalp numb, "This is a perfect murder!"

Twelve people each have one sword.

Each other plays different roles and plays their own scripts well. If they hadn't met Poirot, if they hadn't been trapped in this heavy snow.

They can escape smoothly once the train arrives.

If it is written in general terms, all twelve murderers should be brought to justice.

But the ending of the book is handled quite well.

Poirot offers two very different explanations.

One explanation is the one mentioned above.

Another explanation is that there is a murderer other than a passenger hidden in the carriage. After killing the person, he got off the car at the previous stop...

Although the second explanation has many holes.

But because the murdered Ratchett was a heinous criminal, he did not receive the punishment he deserved.

So in the end Booker and others chose to believe in the second explanation.

The twelve murderers will not bear the consequences of their murders.

"My solution has been explained to everyone, and I can withdraw from the case with honor," said Poirot.

The full text also comes to an end here.

Oda Ichiro seemed to have returned to his youth, when he read books eagerly, "What a wonderful story! A wonderful reasoning!"

"Write your alibi to the extreme!"

"I'm so impressed that I'm so impressed."

Oda Ichiro knew how difficult it was to design such an exquisite case, and the presence certificates of the twelve people were flawless.

It's perfect!

Definitely the epitome of alibi.

Excellent writing!

"I have benefited a lot." Ichiro Oda sighed.

He was planning a new book called "Alibi". After reading this book, he was instantly inspired.

As soon as I picked up the pen, I started to enrich my new work "Alibi".

And readers were blown away after reading it.

"I have guessed all the endings! To be honest, I once thought that the murderer was Booker or the conductor...but I didn't expect that there were twelve killers."

"I'm numb."

"All suspects."

"All murderers."

"I am willing to give none of them an Oscar..."

"This is the most exciting mystery novel I have ever read! Bar none!"

"My big pig hoof is really a god."


"Watching it from beginning to end in one go, I even forgot to eat."

"Once you get into the trap, you can't put the book down... As a bad student, I finally realized what it means to not put the book down."

"It would be great if I had this energy in my review."

"Compared with "Murder on the Orient Express", I suddenly felt that "A Strange Letter" by Oda Ichiro was weak... Well, okay! In fact, serial murders are also quite interesting. But "Murder on the Orient Express" I really don't know How to describe it."

"The pinnacle of mystery fiction!"

"And the ending is no longer as disappointing as "White Night Walk". It's very satisfying!"

"If I have to find fault, the only shortcoming of this book is that it is too short! It is not enjoyable!"

"I felt myself shivering! And was gone!"

"Short and weak! Just like Poirot! Little man..."

"Hurry up and write another one."

"Didn't see enough!"

"Let me shiver a little more..."

The comment section is densely packed.

This book has also been discussed and trending.

Nomukkaho, the author of "The Corpse in the Museum", was asked in an interview what he thought of "Murder on the Orient Express".

Her answer was: "A phenomenal masterpiece! A landmark work of mystery fiction! A perfect example of alibi!"

Ichiro Oda also expressed his views on this book on social platforms: "I found the excitement and impulse as a reader!"

Dong Ye also did not hesitate to praise him: "I still need to learn from the talking pig knuckle. It seems that China is not without good mystery writers, but good Chinese mystery writers. This land has not been touched before! The peak is the debut! admire!"

Murder on the Orient Express has far surpassed White Night.

Even though it took only two days to finish.

But it has been on the bestseller list for a long time.

Because people keep coming to see it.

"Although it has been spoiled... I just want to see the legendary villains."

"I never read detective novels. But seeing that everyone has praised it to the sky, I came to take a look."

"Good books are short."

In the following time, the copyright department of Pangu Chinese website has been busy, with hundreds of calls a day about the film and television copyright of Murder on the Orient Express.

The copyright will definitely not be sold by Su Chen.

Such a work must be handed over to his own Starlight Films to shoot.

Fat water should not flow to outsiders.


I made all the money!

After the explosion of Murder on the Orient Express, many writers imitated this writing mode.

And Su Chen was not in a hurry to write a new work.

He had to take a break.

Of course, he was not tired.

It is to give other writers a chance to breathe...

Continuous publication of books can easily suppress the entire online literature community and dampen the enthusiasm of online writers to write.

Listen to this.

Is this human language?

At this tense time, the broadcast time of "A Bite of China" has also been set.

This Friday at 8 o'clock.

That is tomorrow!

After everyone is a villain...

Let the audience be "everyone is hungry" for once.

Thinking of this, Su Chen's mouth corners can't help but slightly rise.

Do you want to write a music work related to food?

Su Chen's mind flashed several songs, such as "As Long as You Are Here" by Chinese Cooking Master, "Kung Pao Chicken" by David Tao, or "Ode to the Millennium Recipe"?


PS: I wonder if everyone will think that "Murder on the Orient Express" is watery if I write it this way? Can you tell me in the book review area? Subsequent adjustments.

?? Ask for a few recommendation votes and monthly tickets.



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