Dad: My identity as Qu Dad has been exposed by my daughter

Chapter 217: The Seventh Steel Company, Serving the Country with Loyalty

""Soldier Assault" was completed so quickly? What a speed. ReadМ"

"It was shot much faster than "Blade"... It's only been more than three months, right? Are you sure it's not a bad movie?"

"We can always trust the squirting squid."

"Please play."

After "Soldier Assault" was completed, netizens clamored for it to be played.

They all really want to see how this military-themed drama brought about by Su Chen goes.

The military drama craze has been around for a long time.

Everyone has finished watching the available military dramas on the market, and there is a drama shortage.

It's in dire need of a high-quality military drama to fill the gap.

Therefore, "Soldier Assault" has always attracted much attention.

It's just that it's just the finalization stage now, and there will be post-production and editing later, but it doesn't mean that the entire drama can be broadcast online.

It will take some time.

But publicity can be put on the agenda.

Geng Bo produced a short promotional video.

It's not so much a promotional video as it is a famous scene from "Soldier Assault".

He cut out the scene of Ma Xiaoshuai's joining the company and posted it online as a promotional video.

Before that, he thought about asking Su Chen to help write a promotional song.

Because this paragraph is enough to shock people.

As soon as the promotional video came out, the whole internet went crazy.

Veteran Lei Bing has been out of the army for five years. Although his body has declined, his heart is still full of nostalgia and gratitude for his twelve-year military career.

Therefore, he is also looking forward to the drama "Soldier Assault".

He likes to watch military themes.

Because of that military uniform!

It once carried twelve years of his youth and life.

These twelve years have allowed him to truly grow from a skinny boy into an upright man.


Let him realize the weight of the word man.

He clicked on the promotional video as soon as it was released.

The unique melody of "Soldier Assault" sounded.

With his twelve years of experience in the military, he could tell at a glance that what was in the picture was the ceremony for joining the company.

On the two red flags like the west, there are the words "Tiger Steel Seventh Company" written on them.

The soldiers wore crisp military uniforms.

The body is as straight as a spear, the eyes are as sharp as a sword, and the hard contours of the face show their iron will and masculine nature.

The entrance ceremony officially began.

Xu Sanduo and Wu Liuyi came out.

Xu Sanduo: "Ma Xiaoshuai! How many people are there in the Seventh Steel Company?"

Ma Xiaoshuai: "The Seventh Steel Company has a history of fifty-seven years! In the fifty-seven years of history, five thousand people have become members of the Seventh Steel Company!"

Wu Liuyi: "Ma Xiaoshuai! How many soldiers are you in the 7th Steel Company?"

Ma Xiaoshuai: "I am the 5,000th soldier of Steel Company 7! I am proud of myself! I am proud of the 4,999 soldiers before me."

Xu Sanduo: "Ma Xiaoshuai! Do you remember the seniors of the Seventh Steel Company who sacrificed their lives for the country?"

Ma Xiaoshuai: "I remember the 1,104 seniors of the Seventh Steel Company who sacrificed their lives for the country."

"Ma Xiaoshuai! When the battle comes to the last man, will you have the courage to carry this company flag?"

"I am the 5,000th soldier of the 7th Steel Company. I have the courage to carry this company flag. I have the courage to be the first to die in battle!"

"Ma Xiaoshuai! Do you have the courage to sacrifice for your comrades?"

"They are my brothers! I would die for my brothers!"

"Ma Xiaoshuai! No matter who he is! Whether he is a general or a private! As long as he was a member of the Seventh Steel Company, you have the right to let him remember the seniors of the Seventh Steel Company!"

"I will ask him to remember the seniors of the Seventh Steel Company! I will also remember every word I said today!"

"Ma Xiaoshuai! Now recite this song without music with us! The seniors who can sing this song have all died gloriously! Now, only the soldiers of Gang 7th Company are left to recite this song! We hope ! We hope you can! We hope you hear the singing of five thousand throats!"

"A thunderbolt, ready!"

"A thunderbolt and a sword, a group of tigers and the Seventh Company of Steel! A man of iron will and iron blood, protecting the country and homeland with iron blood! The sound of killing scares the enemy's courage, and the reputation of being victorious in every battle is passed down..."

There is no fancy editing in the promotional video, there is only this one scene in the whole process.

But that's enough.

All the cells in Lei Bing's body seemed to be restless at this moment. He remembered his own ceremony of joining the company, which was also so iron-clad.

He was ready to die for his country at any time.

He also remembers every senior who sacrificed his life for the country.

He stood up and performed a solemn military salute.

Although he is now retired.

But once you join the army!

Army for life!

The blood in the body is boiling crazily.

"This is what a soldier is! This is what a soldier is!" Tears filled his eyes.

Just this clip made him feel like he had found the feeling he had in the army, the long-lost feeling, "This drama!! I will definitely watch it!"

It's not just him.

At this moment, netizens all over the Internet were excited.

"Seeing that makes my blood boil."

"Remembering when I was a soldier... I will never forget that precious experience."

"Every word is sonorous and powerful! This is the soul of the military! Because of this clip, I can't wait to watch the whole drama."

"Soldier Assault captures the essence of the military genre."

"Oh my God, I'm crying. I have an urge to join the army."

"Every word is powerful."

"Salute to the ancestors who sacrificed their lives for the country! Salute to all the soldiers who are serving the motherland!! They are the role models of our generation! The backbone of our generation!"

"Men should be self-reliant!"

"I suspect that the squid that sprays water is a soldier... otherwise I can't write this feeling."

"I think so too."

"Ten thousand people wrote in blood to ask for online broadcast."

"Ten thousand people wrote in blood +1"

It's a blast! !

It's a blast!

Just because of a promotional video, "Soldier Assault" has once again topped the hot search list. Not only that, even the three words "Steel 7th Company" have become popular.

The popularity of "Soldier Assault" has reached an extremely terrifying level.

"According to this progress, "Soldier Assault" will be broadcast next month at the latest? Should my drama be postponed?"

"It's necessary!! I don't want to collide with "Soldier Assault"! We will definitely be the ones who get hurt."


Many dramas that are scheduled to be released recently have changed their broadcast plans after seeing the current popularity of "Soldier Assault".

The TV series has not yet been released.

It has already made people panic.

All the major platforms and TV stations also rushed to contact Geng Bo, thinking about getting the copyright of this drama.

Geng Bo and Duo Yu were very busy.

Of course, due to the high popularity, "Soldier Assault" also won as many resources as possible.

Su Chen didn't have to worry about these things at all, Duo Yu could handle it very well.

He watched the promotional video sent by Geng Bo.

This guy is really good at marketing.

Throwing out the most spiritual core and the most exciting clips in the whole drama, who can resist this?

At the same time, he also noticed that many people in the comments brushed the four words "Loyalty to the Country".

"Why not write "Loyalty to the Country"," Su Chen suddenly got inspiration, "This song is quite appropriate with this promotional video."

"I just promised Yu Xueyou to write a song for him, but I haven't written it yet."

"This song is for him to sing."

"Old men can sing with taste."

Su Chen made up his mind and quickly wrote down the lyrics and music, then recorded a simple DEMO and sent it to Yu Xueyou.

Yu Xueyou has been a little depressed recently.

He signed up for "Masked Singer".

He passed the audition, but in the third episode, none of the six teachers lit up for him...

He was ruthlessly eliminated.

He is a veteran superstar.

He was eliminated.

The reason is very simple. He caught a cold that day and his voice was hoarse. He did not perform well...

Fortunately, no one knew about this.

Otherwise, it would be a big embarrassment.

After Yamato joined the cultural exchange program, he suddenly felt a lot more pressure. Newcomers grew up one after another, but he gradually went downhill.

This person!

He can't refuse to admit his age.

Recently, he was polishing his new song, but he was not satisfied with it. Suddenly, he received a new song from Su Chen.

"Loyalty to the Country"!

As soon as he saw the lyrics and music, it was magnificent and he fell in love with it almost instantly.

"Brother Su... You wrote this song for me?" Yu Xueyou didn't dare to believe it.

"Of course. I promised to write a song for you."

"I was just joking at the time..." Yu Xueyou was embarrassed.

"I'm serious." Su Chen said nothing more.

"Why does this song look more and more like the promotional song for "Soldier Assault"? That joining ceremony... I was so excited and moved."

"The inspiration came from this."

With Su Chen's words, Jacky Yu worked overtime to record this song without saying a word, and then released the single.

And wrote on Weibo: "The new single "Loyalty to the Country" has been released! I really like the promotional short film for "Soldier Assault", and I would like to dedicate this song to you."

Jacky Yu hasn't released a new song for a long time.

At first, he released an album a year.

Later, he released a single a year.

Now he may not release a single in two years.

He has entered a semi-retirement state.

On the one hand, Jacky Yu's experience is not as abundant as before, and on the other hand, he has higher requirements for the quality of songs.

This state is a bit like Jay Chou now.

In the past, he released albums very diligently.

Now, it's good, waiting for a prelude after one or two years... Don't you think it's infuriating?

Jacky Yu's fans are now in a period of weakness in "urging for new songs". They haven't urged for a long time, but suddenly Jacky Yu released a new song, which shocked the fans.

"Oh! King Yu finally decided to release a new song."

"Two years and three months... just one song? It must be a new album, right?"

"'Loyalty to the Country'? The song title is quite grand."

"Isn't it the promotional song for 'Soldier Assault'?"

At one time, countless fans flocked to Kuyun Music to listen to "Loyalty to the Country".

Wutong and Jacky Yu can be said to be old acquaintances. When they were young, Jacky Yu was just a first-line singer, and Wutong collaborated with him on an album.

Later, he became a fan of Jacky Yu.

Therefore, they have been waiting for Jacky Yu to release a new work for these years.

But there has been no movement.

"Finally, he is willing to release a song." Wutong put on his headphones and clicked on "Loyalty to the Country".

Perhaps out of professional habit, he would check who wrote the song before listening to it.

Suddenly, he saw Su Chen's name.

"Su Chen again?" Wutong frowned slightly, and his interest increased.

He found that Su Chen was not just a prolific writer.

This guy is everywhere.

Fans obviously didn't expect that this song was written by Su Chen.

"Dad Su actually cooperated with King Yu Tian?"

"It looks like our King Yu Tian is about to usher in his second spring..."

"Uh, why does it sound like you're talking about love at dusk?"

"Hahaha, I'm determined to take Su Yu CP."

"And it seems to be a song written for "Soldier Assault". Dad Su not only takes care of King Yu, but also supports the Squid Squid."

"Look at our father Su's circle of friends!! There are no white people in our dealings."

"Don't say much, hurry up and speak up."

Fans are excited.

Wutong has hit the play button.

The first thing that reached the ears was a rumble of majestic war drums, like thousands of troops galloping in.

"Is this the national style again?" Wutong muttered in his heart.

"Looking north from the mountains and rivers as the wolf smoke rises"

The dragon flag rolls, the horse neighs, the sword air is like frost

My heart is like the vast water of the Yellow River

Who can resist in twenty years?"

The music, arrangement, and lyrics all complement each other. It is majestic and makes people's hearts beat.

Many people will think of "The Sword of the Third Young Master" and Xie Xiaofeng when they hear this song.

Because this is the theme song of the show.

Gu Long has a free and unrestrained voice, and is addicted to alcohol. He writes about martial arts and rivers and lakes, so he regards himself as a knight and the world as a river and lake.

Many people like Jin Yong.

But as far as Su Chen is concerned.

He is more obsessed with Gu Long.

Because the characters in Gu Long's works, whether it is the sword god Xie Xiaofeng, Lu Xiaofeng, or Xiao Li's flying sword Li Xunhuan...

Every character seems to have his own shadow.

"Hateful and mad, the sword is directed towards

How many loyal brothers and sisters are buried in another country?

Why would you die to serve your family and country?

I can't bear to sigh and feel even more speechless and my eyes are filled with blood and tears.

The horse's hoof goes south and people look north

People look north, the grass is green and yellow dust is flying

I am willing to defend the land and restore the borders

Dignified China wants to make the Quartet

Come to congratulate"

Jacky Yu grasped the essence of this song very well, and his voice was more powerful, as if steel had been injected into his voice.

Just like the rumbling sound of drums.

Like the rolling thunder.

As Wutong listened to the song, he seemed to see thousands of troops galloping forward, and the soldiers who defended their homes and country threw their heads and shed their blood.

Sad and majestic, magnificent, sad and desolate!

Especially the last sentence, "The majestic China wants to send congratulations from all over the world," made Wutong's burning passion for home and country burst out.

He clenched his fists.

A sense of pride and excitement filled my heart.

At the same time, the history of oppression and resistance seems to be before our eyes.

Those are tragic martyrs!

We exchanged our lives and blood for today's glory and prosperity.

"I feel like the blood in my body is on fire."

"Ma Xiaoshuai! Do you remember the seniors from the Seventh Steel Company who sacrificed their lives for the country? Daddy Su definitely wrote this song after reading the promotional short!!"

"How many loyal souls of brothers and sisters are buried in a foreign country when they are driven by the madness of hatred, why would they die to serve their country... Salute to the loyal soul of China!"

"We men should strengthen ourselves and serve our country with loyalty!"

"Daddy Su's lyrics and music are masterpieces."

"The writing conveys the momentum of thousands of troops! The song conveys the momentum of thousands of troops!"

"I cried when I heard it."

"Write and recite the entire text silently!"

"The lyrics are great."

"Daddy Su has a bad songwriting syndrome."

"Any sentence you pick out is a perfect sentence for composition..."

"Majestic atmosphere!"

"The momentum is like a rainbow!"

"I remember that period of humiliating history!! We! Serve your country with loyalty! Defend China!"

"Those who offend China will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

"Daddy Su has a dream collaboration with the squirting squid. Please air "Soldier Assault" immediately! I can't bear it anymore."

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