"Qianbaidu" is a whole song. Google search reading

Every sentence is a poem.

No wonder it is so beautiful!

As soon as "Qingyu'an Yuanxi" came out, the status of this song was instantly raised several levels again.

"Twelve Months Poem" was directly compared.

Li Zongsheng savored "Qingyu'an Yuanxi" and then sighed, "What's wrong with Shi Rang, challenging Su Chen to write a poem? This time! He was defeated!"

"Once the eternal masterpiece came out, let alone "Twelve Months Poem", even "Twelve Years Poem" is not good enough."

"The difference is immediately determined."


Shi Rang was sweating profusely.

He didn't like drinking, but this time he drank a large glass of red wine, and then said: "I really humiliated myself..."

Before "Qianbaidu" or "Qingyu'an Yuanxi", he thought the lyrics of "Twelve Months Poem" were perfect.

He was very satisfied.

He couldn't find any faults.

But after listening to "Qingyu'an Yuanxi", he suddenly didn't want to read his own writings...

His is modern poetry.

The charm and literary quality, or cultural heritage, are not at the same level as "Qingyu'an Yuanxi".

It's like the gap between elementary school students and graduate students.

There's no comparison.

Poetry and songs!

As expected, China is still respected.

"Qingyu'an Yuanxi" made fans call the lyrics of "Qianbaidu" the ceiling of lyrics.

Although Su Chen knew that this was somewhat exaggerated.

But with "Qingyu'an Yuanxi" as the base, it is not surprising that it gives people such an impression.

"You're a poet! Why are you writing songs?"

"It's a dimensionality reduction attack on Shi Rang."

"Too cruel."

"If Su Dad doesn't take action, it's fine! Once he does, it's a critical strike."

"Shi Rang must be confused now! I wrote twelve modern poems! And you replied me... How many ancient poems are these? Let me count them..."


"This is the end of challenging Su Dad."

"Su Dad is serious! The consequences are serious."

"Qian Bai Du" caused quite a stir.

The host was a little incoherent on the stage for a while... It was too shocking! And it was a shock at close range.

She had seen Su Chen drinking and writing hundreds of poems in the video before.

At that time, she was only shocked!

Shout "Awesome!"

But now this man is in front of her, speaking poetry, the shock is incomparable.

Suddenly she felt that Su Chen became taller in front of her.


After coming back to her senses, she praised Su Chen fiercely and admired him in various ways. After a long talk, she turned to the main topic.

"So what is the second song you're going to bring?"

The host's voice fell.

The whole audience fell silent again.

Everyone's eyes fell on Su Chen.

The lyrics of "Thousands of Baidu" are already amazing.

The second song!

What will it be like?

Shi Rang stared at the screen and swallowed.

At this moment, he was more nervous than ever.

"Thousands of Baidu" responded to "December Poems", so would the next song also be a response to Shi Rang's "challenge"?

Under the attention of everyone, Su Chen finally said the name of the song: "Bedtime Story".

The fans began to discuss after hearing the song title.

"Bedtime Story? Hmm... is it a response to "Loneliness"?

"It seems so."

"It feels very strange."

The fans couldn't tell anything just from the song title.

But Su Chen had carefully considered choosing this song.

This song may seem a little unpopular on Earth.

But being unpopular doesn't stop this song from being awesome.

This song still responds to "December Poems"!

However, "Qianbaidu" responded to the lyrics, while "Bedtime Story" responded to the arrangement!

"Bedtime Story" the host asked, "What kind of work is this?"

"Would you listen to it?" Su Chen smiled and did not make his own evaluation.

"Good." The host only said one word and left the stage.

The less information Su Chen revealed, the more curious the fans became.

"Why is this guy keeping it a secret?" Xi Zhilang felt itchy.

"When I saw him smile, I had a bad feeling." Matsumoto Aoka said.

"Yeah." Shi Rang just nodded, didn't say much, and quietly waited for Su Chen's performance.

"Bedtime Story" sounds like a very warm song.

This is the impression Shi Rang got when he heard the title of the song.

In fact, the fans also think so.

"I have a feeling! This song is related to Xiaoxi."

"Father Su finally wrote another song for Xiaoxi."

"I can imagine Father Su telling Xiaoxi a bedtime story by her bed."

"Is there a possibility... this song is like "Once Upon a Time", a big medley and preview of Andersen's fairy tales?"

"Fuck!! It's really possible."

"I'm getting more and more excited! I'm looking forward to it."

The fans' brain circuits are so strange.

From "Bedtime Stories" to the warm daily life between Su Chen and Su Xiaoxi, then from it to "Once Upon a Time", and then to Andersen and Andersen's fairy tales...

If Su Chen knew this, he would tell fans: I'm afraid you will be disappointed.

Soon the spotlight was on Su Chen.

Su Chen became the focus of the whole audience.

The prelude of "Bedtime Stories" also slowly sounded.

The first thing that struck my ears was the whistling of the wind, the chirping of crickets, and the cooing of a baby.

The intro arrangement uses the sound of the music box as the lead instrument.

The sound of music boxes is used in many horror movies to create an eerie atmosphere.

The sound of crickets and wind creates a picture of night in people's minds.

The slow rhythm of the music box highlights the silence of the night.

Through the arrangement of simple instruments and sounds, the gloomy atmosphere of the entire song is rendered in place.

In addition, the intro part of the strings is responsible for the rhythm of the song. The slightly faster rhythm of the strings, combined with the slowness of the music box melody, actually created a different kind of spark.

One fast and one slow.

One piece and one piece of relaxation.

The two are performed alternately, giving people a wonderful listening experience.

"The intro is great!"

"Why do I feel that... the atmosphere in the prelude is a bit weird?"

"Me too! It's like sleeping in a dark room at night."

"It reminds me of "Chapter 7 of Night". Both preludes use musical instruments to create various atmospheres."

Li Zongsheng and others listened carefully.

As professional songwriters, they realized that this song was not simple as soon as the intro started.

"How can he come up with the music box as the main theme? It's amazing." Huang Wenshan praised, "The arrangement is very unique."

"The music box and strings alternately evolve, giving a sense of horror as footsteps approaching in the dark night." Huang Zhan analyzed.

"Bedside horror story?" Lin Xi interjected.

Then the corners of everyone's mouths twitched slightly.

Because their intuition tells them so.

Lin Xi seemed to be right.

Shi Rang savored the arrangement carefully and said: "It seems that this song "Bedside Story" is also directed at "Ode"."

For the piece "Ode", Shi Rang adopted his own unique symphonic arrangement.

In the prelude of "Bedside Story", the music box is used as the main melody instrument, which is Su Chen's innovative part.

In addition, the unique alternating evolution seems to also imply a symphonic arrangement.


Maybe because he was more concerned about it, Shi Rang thought a little too much.

Su Chen took out this song just to respond to the nine-section composition of "December Poetry".

Unexpectedly, Shi Rang would think of it as a challenge to "Ode".

However, not much could be heard from the prelude. Shi Rang sat up straight and listened to the song more seriously than ever before.

Just listen to the end of the intro.

Su Chen started that devilish rap:

"Once upon a time there was an owl

it stands on the roof

A forest behind the roof

The forest is quiet

Quiet piano in the hall

Listen carefully in the attic

Listen carefully ding ding ding

what sound

Sleep well and don't be afraid of hearing about me

Go to sleep and eat an apple when you wake up

There are legends when you are not sleeping

Someone will bite your little finger.”

Rapping Su Chen is professional.

As the song evolves.

The sense of horror foreshadowed by the prelude is gradually revealed through the lyrics.

There is a legend that when you are not sleeping, someone will bite your little finger... This image is scary when you think about it.

In fact, the song "Bedside Story" needs to be listened to together with the music video to make it feel more interesting.

Su Chen believes that "Bedside Story"'s contribution lies in creativity and tribute.

There are many tributes in the mv.

For example, in the scene in "The Exorcist", the little girl turns her head 180 degrees...

A tribute to Munch's "The Scream".

A tribute to Salvador Dali's "The Persistence of Memory."

A tribute to Botticelli's "The Birth of Venus"...

If you watch the MV carefully, you will find countless Easter eggs.

Of course, the Blue Star people definitely don’t know this, but from the lyrics, everyone can still hear the clues.

“What a cool rap!”

“Su dadyyds”

"The tempo is so fast! My ears can't keep up with the series of lyrics."

"Um...don't you think there's something wrong with the lyrics? It has an air of terror!"

"Someone will bite your little finger. Why do I feel like this bedtime story is a bedside horror story?"

"Owl, forest, finger-eating!! This is the dark wind!"

"The very beginning of "Chapter 7 of Night" also had this dark feeling."

Most people are listening to the lyrics, but Shi Rang is listening carefully to the composition and arrangement.

So far, there’s nothing outstanding about the composition and arrangement here.

It can only be said to be above Su Chen's level.

But he knew very well,

Since Su Chen used this song to compete with himself, it was definitely not something he would do lightly.

Keep listening.

"This story continues to turn pages and pages

You continue not to want to sleep but I want to sleep

Then I'm going to open the closet

Go and see who is hiding

Go and see who is hiding

castle card on paper

Luminous three-dimensional rendering

Fantasy bedside stories

So beautiful and admirable

The scene changes instantly

I then cast my magic

come alive and speak

Get ready to start”

The weird atmosphere is still spreading.

Open the wardrobe to see who is hidden inside, the castle card, cast magic... In the weirdness, the songs seem to become interesting.

The distinctive "melody" treatment of the singing part is also unique.

Every four measures is designed with a melody of great contrast, which is so good that you can’t put it down.

The triplet singing is also really amazing.

Divide a tone into three equal parts, and the strong sense of rhythmic dislocation is refreshing.

The musical phrase abandons the concept of succession, transition, and union.

But it keeps turning and turning and changing!

Every phrase!

All seem to be brand new.

This makes the rhythm and changes of the song more complex and rich, from the average sixteenth notes at the beginning to dotted sixteenth notes!

And this kind of dotted sixteenth note gives people a feeling of swing, which makes people want to swing and dance along with the music when they hear it.

This rhythm is often used in blues music.

So the whole song sounds like a strong blues music texture.

This is the unique charm of the piece.

And Su Chen's rap skills in this section also made fans crazy.

At 106 beats per minute, which is an average of 56 seconds, Su Chen sang three-beat sextuplets continuously.

What concept?

To put it bluntly!

Su Chen sang every word of the lyrics in only 09 seconds!

It is not an exaggeration to describe the speed of speaking as a rapid fire.

too fast!

"F*ck!! Is this speed of speech...the speed of light?"

"My brain can't keep up!"

"It doesn't matter whether you can hear the lyrics clearly or not, as long as it sounds good and awesome, that's all."

“The Godfather of Rap!”

"The Godfather of Rap +1"

"The Godfather of Rap +1"

"Dad Su has the appearance of a king!"

"That is why Su Daddy focused on creation!! Otherwise, most singers would be out of work."

"Singers: You sing very well, but please stop singing."

"Hahaha the singers are trembling."

Off the stage, Wang An, Chen Shu, Xie Lun and others looked at each other.

Their eyes seemed to say: It is his job to hire songwriters.

In "Bedside Story", Su Chen showed off her singing skills.


There should be no singer who can resist extreme rap, right?

Soon the song reached its climax.

"We'll count down together when it gets dark and then turn off the lights

Three, two and one enter the colorful dreamland

we are not normal people

How can the game follow the script?

It's dark, come on, turn off the lights

Three two one into the free soul


Go back to childhood and knock on the door.”

To ordinary fans, this section still seems to be in the same style as before, without much change.

But Shi Rang and others frowned.

"Three." Shi Rang said, "It's the third section..."

Shi Rang heard the nuances present in the composition.

He has been trying to understand the creative structure of the song.

But now he still feels like he's only seen the tip of the iceberg.

"Why do I have the same feeling as when I first listened to "Ranbu Chunqiu"?" Matsumoto Aooka also discovered the same thing.

"He won't... play multi-stage composition again, right?" Xichiro felt that he had touched something.

Then the three of them looked at each other and felt something bad!

"December Poems" has twelve verses!

Nine sections of composition!

It deliberately has one more section than the eight-section composition of "Dance of Spring and Autumn".

At this moment, the three of them suddenly realized that the composition of "Bedside Story" was probably a response to the nine-section form of "December Poems"!

When they thought of this, the hearts of the three of them could not help but accelerate.

Take a deep breath.

With some exploration and patience, continue to enjoy the remaining passages.

Then they heard the fourth paragraph!

"Tick-tock-tock suddenly started to swing

old wall clock

A strange smile appears in the antique oil painting

Good witch, bad apple

Who should I tell my wish to?

rotating music box

I pricked up my ears and listened.

This won’t be a dream”

Shi Rang and the three of them looked at each other.

There was a look of horror on all faces.

Because this paragraph confirmed their suspicion!

Su Chen indeed once again used the multi-section composition technique in this song "Bedside Story".

At the end of the fourth paragraph, a loud falcon sound pierced the sky.

Then comes a whole new section.

"Oh~Dream~~jumps instantly

I browse the next world

Full of butterflies (The forest is full of butterflies, and snow is flying outside the window. Who is next to me when I wake up)?

Suddenly the feel of the song changes again.

"This story continues to turn pages and pages.

You continue not to want to sleep with me but want to sleep..."

The subsequent lyrics are basically a repetition of the above lyrics.

But the melody and singing method are still constantly changing, which is amazing!

Shi Rang concentrated his attention.

Listen from beginning to end!

Don't even dare to blink!

Why don’t you dare to blink while listening to music?

Because he was worried about blinking and distracting himself and missing the details of the song.

"Ten...eleven..." He kept counting how many sections there were in this song.

Finally, it was discovered that there were eleven!

For a moment, Shi made the atmosphere between the three people become weird.

"He definitely did it on purpose!" Xizhiro said.

"It's obviously a crazy attack on "December Poems"" Matsumoto Aooka also found his hair standing on end.

Shi Rang didn't know what to say for a while, and finally choked out, "This kid... quite holds a grudge."


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