In the prelude of "In the Name of the Father", in addition to its superb arrangement, the soprano singing is also talked about by many people.

It seems that the chant injects a certain unique quality into the whole song.


I don’t know what the listener’s brain is like.

Someone actually said in the barrage that the soprano was a suona...

"Hahaha, the pitch and timbre are indeed a bit like a suona."

"What would be the effect if it were replaced by a suona?"

"What else can it do? The gang can pay their respects in the cemetery!"

"Damn it!! You described it like that! It really feels like that."

In people's surprise and shock.

After the one-minute and forty-second prelude to "In the Name of the Father," Su Chen finally got into singing mode.

"The cool morning dew

wet black dress

The stone road is foggy

Father is complaining

Helpless realization

It can only be more cruel

Everything is for the road to the church

The lingering fog obscures the intention

Who paces gently and stops

It's too late to cry

The bullet that passes through takes away the temperature.”

The style of "In the Name of the Father" is very special, with retro piano paired with operatic elements, and the melody is out of the ordinary, distinguishing it from almost all pop music on the market.

Be unique.

The singing part is still rapping.

The tempo is slightly faster.

This creates a dark sense of urgency for this piece.

The lyrics focus on the three characters of Heavenly Father, Godfather, and Father, telling the selflessness of Heavenly Father, the helplessness of Godfather, and the compassion of Father.

At the same time, it also highlights the helplessness of growing up from a boy to a man.

No matter Heavenly Father, Godfather, or Father!

They are all mature men.

On the road to growth and maturity, you will always experience helplessness and pain.

"We are all guilty

commit different crimes

I can decide who is right

Who should sleep

The dispute cannot be resolved

in the never-ending night

shut your mouth

the only favor

Anyone who stands in the way is guilty

There is no way out even if you regret it

Judgment in the name of the father

It feels like there is no suitable vocabulary

Like laughing and crying at the same time

Staring at the complete blackness

The tragedy that stops the spread of tragedy makes me intoxicated.”

The heaviness of darkness came oppressively.

Everyone is guilty, committing different sins... The lyrics flow like a confession, then shut up and be silent, accepting the judgment in the name of the Father.

But at this moment, the tune suddenly changed.

"Bow down and kiss my left hand

In exchange for the promise of forgiveness

Old pipe organ in the corner

Accompanied all the time

The black curtain is blown by the wind

The sun penetrates silently

Sprinkle it on the beasts that I have tamed

Shout in silence Shout in silence

Loneliness begins to ferment again

Keep laughing at me

Memories gradually burn

The picture of innocence

appear cruelly tenderly

Time to be vulnerable

Let’s pray together”

This lyric also follows the line "Every one of us is guilty".

It spreads out.

It depicts the pain and helplessness of a man who has transcended the age of innocence.

Facing the night!

He is alone.

Vulnerable at times.

Whenever you are vulnerable, start praying.

The lyrics that follow are like prayers.

"Merciful Father, I have fallen

A country where sin cannot be seen

please forgive my arrogance

No one can say, no one can say

It's so hard to bear

Behind the glory is a loneliness

I can see it when I close my eyes

The picture of that dream

The sky is misty

Father holds my hands

Walk gently

The quiet stone road in the early morning..."

The song enters the interlude.

The most impressive thing in the interlude is the three gunshots!

The sound of gunfire is used in the arrangement, complementing the melody and lyrics.

It once again elevates the dark tone of the entire piece to a whole new level and height.

Looking at the whole song,

In fact, there is another point worth mentioning.

Jay Chou often uses a technique when writing songs!

That is, creating melody in polyphonic form.

This is also the reason why Jay Chou's works are so highly recognizable in the market.

In the second paragraph of "In the Name of the Father", this form of creation is very obvious.

What does polyphonic melody creation mean?

That is to say, in Jay Chou's works, a large number of singing + rap forms are used to create and perform.

Take a sung part, add a rap part, and then merge the two again.

If you listen carefully to the second paragraph of "In the Name of the Father", you can appreciate the wonder of this polyphony.

After listening to the entire song, fans couldn’t stop shouting!

"so hot!!"

"I'm really impressed by this song!"

"I hear a masculine sound in this song! Do you believe it?"

"Behind the glory is a loneliness! I like this lyric the most."

"Those gunshots... I feel like this song is about gangs, right?"

"It should be! The kind that wears a suit and tie...a thug in a suit!"

From the terrifying arrangement of the intro, to the lyrics, to the singing, Su Chen almost perfectly presented the entire song.

Of course the most amazing thing is its arrangement.

The "listening feeling" of this song itself is very shocking.

Coupled with Baibai Pangpang's professional commentary, fans' evaluation of this song is ridiculously high.

Even Li Zongsheng said: "This song is probably the ceiling of the Chinese music scene!"

The teasing in the live broadcast room was even crazier.

"Fuck!! I would like to call Su Dad the godfather of the music world!"

"Su Dad has raised the Chinese music scene to a higher level with his own efforts."

"What godfather of the music world! It's clearly the music world calling him father!"

"Su Dad: This title is well deserved now!"

"You should call me Su Dad in the future."

"Hahaha Su Dad!"

"Hey... good son."

After that, the barrage was full of people calling him father in the music world!!

Su Dad, Su Dad and the like filled the entire live broadcast room.

Shi Rang was speechless for a long time after listening to "In the Name of the Father".

The three works brought by Su Chen in this issue of "King of Karaoke" are not ordinary. The lyrics of "Thousands of Baidu" are superb, and every sentence is a poem.

"Bedside Story" has eleven composers that surpass "December Poem".

Now the arrangement of "In the Name of the Father" is even more comparable to "Ode".

"Almighty genius!" Shi Rang exclaimed.

After listening to three songs, Shi Rang found that Su Chen seemed to have no shortcomings... This is very scary.

Because even if they are at their peak.

Shi Rang, Matsumoto Aoka, and Xi Zhilang, each of them has their own advantages and shortcomings. They are not perfect songwriters.

But Su Chen!

It seems that there is no shortcoming!

Matsumoto Aoka and Xi Zhilang also took a breath of cold air.

"I can't suppress it." Matsumoto Aoka said.

Although they knew before that Su Chen's talent was beyond their control, this feeling became more obvious and stronger after this time.

Su Chen felt very refreshed after singing.

Shu Wan sat in the audience and looked at her husband, her eyes shining.

No matter from which angle you look at it!

This man is so handsome.

It is said that the freshness and mystery of love or marriage will gradually disappear. But in her relationship with Su Chen.

The freshness and mystery did not fade or disappear.

Instead, they became stronger and stronger.

It is more fascinating.

The host came on stage to praise and asked Su Chen how he thought of arranging so many instruments together.

Su Chen just gave a vague answer.

"Why is it named "In the Name of the Father"?" the host asked.

Su Chen explained that it contains concepts such as heavenly father and godfather, as well as prayers and so on.

"In addition, I think this is a song written for men." Su Chen said.

"In the Name of the Father" was written by Jay Chou for his father who doesn't like to talk much.

But in its MV or in the description of the lyrics, you can see the shadow of the movie "The Godfather".

It is a difficult journey for a boy to grow into a man!

Behind the glory is a loneliness.

"A song written for men?" The host showed considerable curiosity.

"Yeah." Su Chen nodded and said, "Every man was once a boy."

As soon as Su Chen said this, the male fans in the live broadcast room resonated deeply.

The barrage increased immediately.

"Every man was once a boy!! I'm so broken."

"Yeah... I was naive, had dreams, and was fearless! I was also that carefree boy. Perhaps, from boy to man! It's called growth."

"I like the boy I used to be! I also like the man now."

"My youth."

"One sentence expresses the feelings of men."

"Men are teenagers until they die."

Male fans think Su Chen has spoken their minds.

They are touched.

Although the word "man" is the highest compliment for men.

But only men know how much pressure and responsibility the word "man" really brings to them!

Men like to sit in the car for a few minutes, smoke a cigarette and go home.

Because there is only this moment, men can be themselves.

When they return home, they are husbands and fathers.

When they are outside, they must play the role of workers.

Behind the glory and happiness is really a loneliness... From a boy to a man, loneliness is a must.

The reason why Su Chen said this is that on the one hand, he really thinks so.

On the other hand, the director had talked to him in advance.

Originally, there would be three songs in one episode, totaling 45 minutes.

In the third episode, because Su Chen sang his own works, this glass house teaching session was directly omitted.

Although the host has added a lot of "interview" content.

But there is still a 20-minute gap in the total time.

In order to ensure that the program content is full and full.

These gaps in time require Su Chen to sing one or two more songs.

Su Chen also readily agreed.

The host also knew that Su Chen was leading the topic in this direction. She said: "Every man was once a boy. You wrote a song for men. Did you also write a work for boys?"

"I really wrote a song called "Boys"," Su Chen said.

The host raised his mouth and pointed the microphone at the audience, "Do you want to listen?"

"Yes!" The fans in the audience said in unison!

The live broadcast room was also densely covered with bullet screens.

"I knew there would be an Easter egg!!"

"Host, please stop talking! Make time for Su Dad to sing two more songs."

"Haha, host, get off the stage!"

"Get off the stage!"


The host looked at the tablet in his hand, and the hot comments extracted by big data.

He didn't dare to stay on the stage for a second.

Before leaving the stage, she still joked, "This is the first time I've been booed off the stage by the audience after being a host for so long. Teacher Su Chen, the stage is now yours."

"If I don't leave, someone will throw eggs at me later."

The audience laughed.

Su Chen had already handed over the score of the prepared work to the program team.

A grand piano was also pushed onto the stage by the staff.

Su Chen sat down in front of the piano.

Instantly, his temperament changed dramatically.

He was like a world-class famous pianist.

His fingers gently played the melody of "Boy" on the keys.


A little sad.

Just like every boy's moment of hesitation.

"Once he and she fell in love unexpectedly

In an age without hesitation

I thought I understood

So I loved happily

A pair of hands tightly unable to let go

The persistence and future in my heart"

As soon as the prelude of "Boy" sounded, many people were attracted by the melody. It was deep, sad, and helpless.

Su Chen deliberately lowered his voice.

To make his singing more magnetic.

It is this magnetism that gives this song a different kind of vicissitudes.

Boy! Youth!

There must be regretful love in it, which was so pure and passionate at that time. But this purity and passion were gradually shattered by reality.

The heart is persistent!

But we must also run towards the future.

It's just that in this future, there is no longer the girl I once loved deeply...

"I can't forget your love

But the ending is hard to change

I couldn't keep you

It's not like he can give you a future to look forward to

Naive boy


Your care has always been with me

Open it in a place where no one is

I want to ask you now

Are you no longer sad

Like the sea lying in the sun

Like the colors painted with heart

Make you smile and be brave"

Did you have such a girl in your boyhood who left a strong and colorful mark in your life?

At that time, I was still a naive boy!

I couldn't give promises, nor the future, I could only watch her leave me.

Then I didn't contact her for a long time.

But I would think of her occasionally.

I want to ask her how she is now... but I find that I no longer have the courage and necessity to ask. Some things, some people, perhaps, should be sealed in memory forever. Let it ferment in the sealed state, and eventually make life more full and mature.

When does a boy become a man?

Maybe when he starts his first love!

Maybe when he breaks up for the first time!

It is also when he gets his first salary!


In short! The transformation from a boy to a man should be completed in an instant.

Su Chen does not think that it takes a long process for a boy to grow into a man! Instead, it often happens in a certain moment.

At that moment, he experienced heart-wrenching pain.

At that moment, he felt powerless and helpless!

At that moment, he might be hysterical!

At that moment, he might cry.

But after that moment!

He lit a cigarette, or poured a glass of wine, and then became very quiet. He began to move forward alone, he began to accompany the silent night alone, he began to work hard in his career, he began to become serious, became less talkative...

He no longer smiled like a fool.

Instead, he carved hard lines on his face.

Let the heart gradually become hard.

"Thinking of you now

Thinking of you every time I hesitate

All regrets are not the future

All love will inevitably be hurt in the end

No need to start over




Now I just hope that the pain will come more painful

Anyway, it can't be started over


The painful emotion reached its peak at the end of this paragraph.

The male fans who listened to the song had mixed feelings in their hearts.


It is the youth of men.

It is also the best memory of men...Although sometimes this memory is painful.

"Silently lit a cigarette."

"I have smoked the fourth one."

"This song consumes too much cigarettes."



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