The song "Boy" made Liang Bo popular overnight.


Maybe men were once boys, and this song reminds them of their youthful selves.

Or maybe,

There is still a boy inside every man.

The barrage was full of "Fei Yan".

"Listening to this song while smoking makes me feel better. Erhao!"

"I feel very uncomfortable."

“The boy I once was has grown up… and there’s no going back.”

"Damn!! I'm not crying!"

"I didn't cry either."

"Whoever cries will have a grandson!"

Look, men are so brave.

Someone's eyes were obviously wet.

I have to say that it was smoked...

Worse excuse than a meteorite stuck in your eye.

But the song "Boy" doesn't end here.

Su Chen thinks its ending is the best in the whole song.

If you listen carefully, you will find that the ending actually has the shadow of the prelude of "Bridge of Tears", and can even be said to be the prelude of "Bridge of Tears".

After the emotional catharsis of the second aria.

The mood gradually calmed down with this piano solo.

What follows is gradual acceptance and relief after the pain.

“The ending is amazing!!”

"Ahhh! Father Su, instead of playing the prelude, will he play the ending?"

"listen well."

"It was hard to calm down after hearing the previous section. After hearing the ending, I seemed to suddenly let go."

"Me too, I feel a lot calmer inside."

"How I wish this ending could be played indefinitely."

"Inject soul."

"Soul outro."

Many people involuntarily closed their eyes to enjoy this outro.

The sound of the piano flows freely.

Like a stream, like a breeze at night.

While Su Chen was playing the piano, he turned his eyes to the audience and saw that many male fans had red eyes, some of them were more emotionally sensitive and were even wiping away tears.

It made the fans cry.

Just need some comfort.

Suddenly, the melody played by the fingers on the piano smoothly transitioned to another song.

"Boys Don't Cry."

Music teachers also received this signal, and the accompaniment seamlessly connected and transitioned smoothly.

Song information also appeared on a large screen behind the stage.

Fans cried and laughed when they saw the song title.

"One song "Boys" made people cry, and now another song "Boys Don't Cry" is here to comfort us?"

"I know!! Daddy Su had planned this a long time ago."

"I'm already crying... now tell me not to cry!"

"This man! I love and hate him at the same time."

"The melody sounds very cheerful."

"Boy" is melancholy and sad.

"Boys Don't Cry" is more cheerful in terms of tune.

Just listen to Su Chen's singing sound again.

"Let me describe to you a soul

It has eternal youth

Whenever night falls

will sing softly

It sings a fresh story

People inside smile to each other

Does it have to be like this every night?

for love

Go and trade sobriety.”

The melody is a little more upbeat.

But the more fans listen, the more something is wrong. How can these lyrics be comforting? It's obviously just adding insult to injury and stabbing him in the back.

This funny soul always sings at night.

But there is something sad about singing at night...

In the story of this song, everyone is smiling at each other, but what about in reality? People are getting drunk!

"Boy don't cry

Orphans of a beautiful world

But my heart

my home


where is it my friend

listen quietly

There is a voice saying I love you

close eyes

follow her

Following her is like following hope.”

The taste is getting worse and worse.

Everyone listens to this song with the expectation of being comforted and warmed.

But I finally found out!

This is no comfort.

This is depressing!

"Boy, don't cry...Dad Su, please stop trying to persuade me! The more I try to persuade you, the more ferociously I cry."

"Orphans from the beautiful world... I'm heartbroken! Daddy Su is scolding me. Woo woo woo."

"The song is nice! But please stop singing."

"I thought it was healing! It turned out to be depressing."

"For the sake of being nice...forgive you."

Fans broke their guard.

No one thought that Su Chen was so playful.

And you asked the boy not to cry...but that's how you told the boy not to cry?

“There are uneasy hearts floating over those cities.

She must have danced happily here too

The breeze blows and makes me feel intoxicated

That whirling figure

as bright as the sun

Those boys called Lonely Mom again and again

can love heal

The scars in their hearts

A lonely person





The piano played by Su Chen has long since stopped accompaniment.

He stood up.

Following the rhythm of rock and roll, the more you sing, the higher you get.

But the fans couldn't get excited.

Although the style of music is very relaxing...but the lyrics! It’s really a critical hit.

It also oddly echoes "Boys".

"Boy" mainly sings about love.

And "Boys Don't Cry" seems to go a step further on the basis of love, singing about life and loneliness.

"My legs are shaking to the melody, and my heart is being pricked by the lyrics!"

"Erhu! I really didn't cry."

"Oh my god! You should comfort me well! But you said the boy won't cry, and you still want to give me a slap."

"Is it easy for a boy? You have to experience breakup and loneliness."

"I laugh and cry~~cry and laugh~~"

"Is there a devil upstairs? "囍" is intruding!"

"Haha, Daddy Su, I won't be able to fix it."

"Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry... I wasn't crying at first! Suddenly my defense was broken."

However, Su Chen's "bad fun" is far from over.

"In the Name of the Father" is about men!

How can you only sing about boys?

Suddenly the tune changed again, and after "Boys" and "Boys Don't Cry", "It's Not a Sin for Men to Cry" was sung.

"When I was young

People around me tell me not to cry

after i mature

Say to the mirror that I can’t regret it

Wandering around in a range

The heart keeps reincarnating on the line of life

People sleep with masks on day and night

I'm exhausted"

Su Chen used his musical talent to connect the three songs very smoothly, although the styles are completely different.

But it doesn’t feel out of place at all when skewered.

Instead, because of the sudden change in style,

When connected in series, there is an inexplicable feeling!

"Something's wrong!! These lyrics are so immersive."

"As I matured... I smoothly transitioned from a boy's perspective to a man's perspective."

"I sleep with my mask on day and night, exhausted mentally and physically. Isn't this a true reflection of me?"

"The lyrics of the previous two boys' songs were heartbreaking!! Now this is Ling Chi!"

"Dad Su, you have changed!"

"Don't be so cruel."

Fans feel that the style of painting is gradually becoming distorted.

"Obviously when I'm crying

But I forgot how to shed tears in my eyes

When you clearly regret it

But I forgot how to regret in my heart

The invisible pressure makes me so tired

It's starting to feel a little difficult to breathe.

Start to slowly take off your guard

Slowly regret and shed tears slowly."

Men are so difficult!

As the saying goes, a man never sheds tears easily.

But in today's context of rapid economic development and high-energy involution caused by the Blue Star Village cultural exchange plan, the men of Blue Star China are under greater pressure.

You have to make money first! Work hard to make money! In order to gain a foothold in a certain city.

Then came the pressure to get married.

After getting married, you need to raise children, respect the elderly, and take care of your wife...

Men have reached a certain age!

I really found that I had no one to rely on.

Instead, everyone around you needs to rely on yourself.

"I can't hold myself any longer."

"Although the first two songs were sad, my eyes were red with tears... But this time! They sang into my heart."

"I am so tired from the invisible pressure, and I am beginning to find it a little difficult to breathe. Isn't this what I feel like?"

"I was laid off at the age of 35! The mortgage on my house is about to be cut off... I really don't know what to do."

"My company has also had problems with its cash flow recently."

"My body is broken..."

A group of male compatriots began to complain in the barrage.

The barrage was dense.

These people don't know how long they have been holding it in, and they can't find anyone to talk to. They just take advantage of the fact that no one knows them now, so they can complain wildly in the barrage and release the pressure.

There are more people complaining now.

And next!

Directly let people break their defenses.

"It's not a sin for a man to cry. It's okay to cry."

No matter how strong a person is, he has the right to be tired

If there is only heartbreak behind the smile

Why do you have to be so miserable as a human being?

Men, cry, cry, cry, it's not a sin

Taste the tears of long separation

Even if it rains, it is still beautiful

It's better to seize this opportunity

Pain once”

When Su Chen sang "It's not a sin for a man to cry, it's okay to cry." He deliberately added an angry singing style.

As a result, the power of the entire song is even higher than the original version.

When he sings, cry, cry, cry!

Many male fans couldn't bear it anymore.

Tears streamed down.

The education that Chinese men have received since childhood is: to be a man, you can cut off your head or bleed, but you must never cry!

When a man cries, he is weak and incompetent!

Men must be strong and tough!

These are correct.

But in this way, the pressure accumulated in the men's hearts piles up layer by layer, and eventually they become unable to breathe.

It’s hard to find a place to vent.

Unexpectedly, under Su Chen's three songs "Persuasion", the tears burst out uncontrollably like a dam bursting.

"My husband burst into tears all of a sudden!!! It made me feel really sad to see him."

"I've never dared to cry!! But I really couldn't hold it back when I heard this song."

"Dad Su, you are so good! "Boys" brought back our memories. Then you advised us to "Boys Don't Cry", and finally you told me that it is not a sin for a man to cry...who can bear this?"

"Dad Su: Cry for me!"

"The Trilogy of Singing and Crying Men."

""In the Name of the Father": After you finish crying, be a real man again for me."

Many spectators at the scene visibly cried.

There are thousands of families behind the live broadcast room, and I don’t know how many men secretly wiped away tears.

But in the barrage, many wives stood up to talk about their husbands' hardships, saying that they loved their husbands more after listening to this song.

Su Chen didn't expect that singing a song would promote family harmony in thousands of households.

Shi Rang, Matsumoto Aoka and others didn't expect Su Chen to be so playful.

"Now I know why he is so productive." Shi Rang looked like he saw through everything.

"Why?" Matsumoto Aoka was puzzled.

"When he wrote songs, he always created themes." Shi Rang said, "Looking back now, when he wrote Chinese style songs, that period of time was all Chinese style. Later, when he wrote love songs, that period of time was all love songs. Now he has written "In the Name of the Father", and the next few songs are all related to men..."

Hearing what Shi Rang said, Matsumoto Aoka and Xi Zhilang thought carefully, it seemed to be true.

Then both of them nodded in approval.

"I've learned it." Matsumoto Aoka nodded and said, "I'll try to write like this in the future. Use brainstorming around a theme and let inspiration flow. Why didn't I realize this before?"

"Because we're not talented enough." Xi Zhilang said.

The three of them were serious.

If Su Chen could hear their conversation, he would probably laugh so hard that he couldn't sleep.


I just suddenly thought of it... You don't have to use your imagination like this, right?

And many years later, Su Chen learned about this in a chat with Xi Zhilang...

The third episode of "King of Karaoke" came to an end after Su Chen sang "It's Not a Sin for Men to Cry".

And because of this episode, Su Chen undoubtedly dominated the hot searches or hot topics on various platforms.

"Qian Baidu", "In the Name of the Father", and "Bedtime Stories" are unprecedentedly popular.

In addition, there is a topic on Weibo called "It's Not a Sin for Men to Cry", which has pushed the male issue to the peak of public opinion.

Under this topic, many people have raised the question: Women have this festival and that festival, but what about men? It seems that there are no festivals. Even capital is reluctant to hold discounts on Father's Day.

In the discussion area, there are various "life situations" about men.

Of course, it is not to sell misery.

But through this hot topic, many men have emotional catharsis.

On the Cool Cloud Music Chart.

The top three charts originally occupied by Shi Rang have also changed.

1 "In the Name of the Father"

2 "Ode"

3 "Thousands of Baidu"

4 "December Poems"

5 "Bedtime Stories"

Su Chen occupies three places in the top five of the list.

And the ranking is slightly better.

But that's all.

Although the ranking is like this, fans have different opinions.

Some people say that Su Chen's ranking suppresses Shi Rang, which is a victory.

But more people think that although "In the Name of the Father" is slightly higher than "Ode" in the ranking, they are actually just evenly matched.

It's hard to tell the winner.

Both songs have their own advantages and characteristics.

The lyrics of "Thousands of Times" are amazing, but the composition and arrangement are much inferior to "Twelve Months Poem".

The lyrics, composition and arrangement of "Twelve Months Poem" can be said to be perfect. Although the music of "Thousands of Times" is also good, in comparison, it is...

Su Chen looked at these comments and felt that they were fair.

He didn't say much.

Because he knew very well that this time he was just tied with Shi Rang. Well... he was even slightly inferior.

Because Su Chen couldn't find a work that could resonate with "Loneliness" as strongly as it.

Therefore, in fact,

Su Chen deliberately avoided competing with this song.

And the focus of the PK was on the two songs "Twelve Months Poem" and "Ode".

After reading the comments,

Su Chen opened the Creation Ranking and took a look.

What surprised him was!

His ranking rose!

1 Shi Rang

2 Kirin Talent

3 Matsumoto Aoka



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