At the moment when Han Xiyuan opened the platinum treasure chest stored in the system warehouse, the foreign minister of the Tsarist Empire, Chernomansky, had already reported the content of the negotiations with Han Xiyuan to Tsar II.

Today's Tsar II stared at the territory of the Tsarist Russian Empire and could not speak for a long time.

Behind him stood the Minister of the Interior, Mohandli, and the Minister of War, Korodia.

"Mohandli, can we expand our army by another million?" the

second emperor asked after a moment's thought.

At present, for the Tsarist Empire, it is imperative to expand the army.

"Your Majesty, according to the current Ministry of Finance, if we expand the army by another one million at this moment, it will be very unfavorable for our Tsarist Empire.

Mohandley shook his head.

Once the army is to be expanded by one million, the Tsarist Empire will inevitably lose one million laborers in a short period of time, and for the sake of this million soldiers, the treasury of the Tsarist Empire will also spend most of the economic development funds.

Therefore, Mohandelli did not approve of Tsar II's plans to expand the army.

"Your Majesty, judging from the current situation on the eastern and western fronts, we may not need to rush to expand our army.

When Korodia heard Mohandley's response, he saw Tsar II with a melancholy face, and he spoke.

"In the future, the German Empire will inevitably take action against our Tsarist Empire. And the situation with Chernomaansky's visit to the Great Jin Empire was not optimistic. Han Xiyuan, the emperor of the Great Jin Empire, had huge ambitions. Even if I want to improve diplomatic relations between the two countries, I have to consider the feelings of the people. "

Tsar II stared at about 250,000 square kilometers west of the Khingan Mountains and the Erguna River, about 100,000 square kilometers south and southwest of Lake Baikal, and about 100,000 square kilometers of Kuye Island.

In this area, nearly a million Tsarist Russians lived.

"Your Majesty, Tsar, need not be so worried. The German Empire, which was currently solving the problems of the Eagle Empire. And the current Eagle Empire will inevitably ask the US Eagle Empire for help. Moreover, the German Empire is currently annexed to the Franco-Prussian Empire, which will take some time to digest. "

Korodia again mentions the war on the Western Continent, but he does not mention anything about the threat to the Great Jin Empire.

After hearing this, Tsar II turned his head to look at Mohandley on the side.

"Your Majesty, about 250,000 square kilometers of land west of the Khingan Mountains and the Erguna River, about 100,000 square kilometers of land south and southwest of Lake Baikal, and about 100,000 square kilometers of the Kuye Island area. We only need to carry out some land exchange policies, which will inevitably be appeased. As for the Great Jin Empire, the only way we have at present is to tolerate it for the time being. "

Mohandley's idea is to hope that the current Tsar II can take the fiefdoms of the royal family and ministers and exchange them with the areas that are about to be ceded out.

Secondly, he also subconsciously expressed that the Great Jin Empire had a destructive-level weapon in its hands.

"When the hell will our Tsarist Empire have such a powerful weapon of destruction.

Tsar II sighed helplessly, he had already sent scientists to Changdao and Qidao in Fusang to take some soil for experiments, and even Tsar II mobilized the spies planted in the Great Jin Empire, trying to get some suspicious areas for the storage of destructive weapons in the Great Jin Empire.

In this way, the Russian Empire could destroy the Great Jin Empire's destructive weapons at the beginning of the war.

However, there are no clues at the moment.

In addition, Tsar II also hoped to repatriate some of the Great Jin people who had studied in the Tsarist Russian Empire and returned to the Great Jin Empire in an attempt to find out the research data of destructive weapons.

And it is not only the Tsarist Empire that is interested in devastating weapons, but also the American Eagle Empire.

Even Adolf, the head of the German Empire, tentatively asked Han Xiyuan if he could get some relevant research data on destructive weapons, but Han Xiyuan also gave an ambiguous answer to this, which can be regarded as a refusal.

"Your Majesty the Tsar, we still move the Great Jin people in our territory to our capital Moscow. At the same time, we want to create three to five ad hoc command systems. There will also be some underground fortresses to be excavated in a short time. "

According to the data that has been transmitted from Nagashima and Sakishima so far, the excavation of some underground forts has a certain protective effect.

Secondly, the relocation of the Great Jin people is also avoided as much as possible, and Han Xiyuan will directly launch a devastating blow to Moscow.

Of course, this is also wishful thinking on the part of Korodia.

After all, Han Xiyuan believes that the development of the country must sacrifice a small part of the interests in order to achieve the development of the overall situation.

As for the creation of three or five ad hoc command systems, that's the worst-case scenario.

"Then we can only compromise temporarily, as for the German Empire, we also have to send representatives to reach a non-aggression pact with the German Empire and the Great Jin Empire, which is our best choice.

After listening to the words of Korodia and Mohandli, Tsar II hesitated for a moment and spoke.

"Your Majesty, history tells us that we will inevitably have the opportunity to rise again. "

Previously, after the end of World War I, the Tsarist Russian Empire was faced with internal and external troubles, but it was also to resist the pressure of reform, so as to promote the great development of the country.

And at this moment, the Tsarist Empire has no internal worries, only external troubles.

"Then call Chernomansky back! We can unconditionally agree to the demands of the Great Jin Empire. But I hope that the Great Jin Empire and its allies can reach a non-aggression clause with us.

Tsar II looked at the land that was about to be ceded with a hint of sadness on his face.

If these regions were divided into the Great Jin Empire, the land area of the Tsarist Russian Empire would be reduced to the second place, and the Great Jin Empire would become the largest in the world.

Unlike the attitude of the Tsarist Empire, Fuso was a case of negotiation between the two parties.

Tojo was born again this time and staged a coup d'état to put Ishihara under house arrest, but because of the explosion of two devastating weapons on Nagashima and Sakishima, the emperor of Fuso Province came forward to release Ishihara.

even summoned the two of them to the palace of Fuso again.

"Your Majesty, the Foreign Minister I sent earlier has reached a rapprochement with the Great Jin Empire. As long as we abandon the Goryeo Dynasty and Southeast Asia, the navy of the Great Jin Empire will be extended to the Fusang Sea Valley.

Ishihara still wants to advocate a peaceful way to solve the problem.

"Your Majesty, now the contradictions between us and the Great Jin Empire are no longer able to be reconciled. If we abandon Southeast Asia and the Goryeo Dynasty, we will once again be confined to the islands. There is no way we can turn over.

Tojo heard Ishihara's attitude towards the Great Jin Empire and directly refuted it.

"Your Majesty, use the land of your ancestors to please the unsatisfying enemy. We'll just be reduced to fish on the chopping board, cut and eaten.

As soon as Ishihara was about to speak, Tojo directly opened his mouth and pressed down.

"Ishihara-kun, isn't the reality of Nagashima and Sakishima this time that has not made you give up, your so-called dream of peace?"

Tojo shouted as he pointed at Ishihara's nose, leaving Ishihara speechless.

"Two, Your Majesty has given up on joint talks with the Great Jin Empire, and at the same time, I hope that the two of you can work together to face the next difficulties. Ozawa

Heilong, the head of the palace, was instructed by the Emperor of Fusang and said to the two people in front of him.

"Follow Your Majesty's teachings.

Tojo spoke first, and Ishihara on the side could only follow behind.

After Ishihara left, Tojo met alone with the emperor of Fuso Province.

"Your Majesty, at present, the minister has successfully advanced the Demon Dragon Plan, and it is expected that it can break out in the entire territory of the Great Jin Empire in June. However, Your Majesty, this plague is extremely contagious, and we in Fuso must also prepare in advance. "

Tojo also realized this time that if he didn't try his best to slow down the attack speed of Han Xiyuan's army, then the Great Jin Empire would inevitably destroy Fusang without hesitation.

Even, the plague he released this time has not yet developed a vaccine, which means that Fuso cannot avoid the possibility of being affected.

"The recent newspapers of the Great Jin Empire have mentioned the topic of plague a lot, is the Great Jin Empire aware of it? If we can't realize the Demon Dragon Plan, you won't be able to live in the world with fake death this time. The

Emperor of Fuso said lightly, and Tojo smiled and nodded, he was very sure that this plan would be realized.

And Ishihara left, it was sent out of the palace by Ozawa Black Dragon himself, and on the way out of the palace, Ozawa Black Dragon opened his mouth to Ishihara in front of him.

"Mr. Ishihara, I think you understand Your Majesty's intentions. Now the defeat is assured, but the royal family of Fuso, as well as the power of His Majesty, must be permanently protected. "

Thank you Ozawa-kun for the reminder.

Hearing Ozawa's words, Ishihara swept away his original depression and left the palace of Fuso Country quickly.

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