In order to deal with the plague that came next, Han Xiyuan sent to negotiate with Jiang Zhiqing, Xue Renming, and the envoys of the king of Yunnan, and the representatives of the three forces have been invited to Jianning City.

Jianning, the companion capital of the Republic of China, was already taken by Han Xiyuan at the beginning of the war.

This time, Jiang Zhiqing sent Dai Liming and Zheng Quming as representatives, Xue Renming sent Ai Yinghong as representatives, and the king of Yunnan sent Yi Jinhua as representatives.

Han Xiyuan sent Zhou Xinghui to come in person.

On the first of May, several people gathered.

"Gentlemen, we are here for peace. My Great Jin Empire is willing to make the greatest concession this time.

Zhou Xinghui said, asking the secretary general on the side to hand a document to everyone in front of him.

In this document, the conditions given are quite reasonable.

All three parties can be compared to the King of Min, and they can get the fiefs of two cities, while they can keep a brigade of self-defense troops.

However, none of the three parties can interfere in domestic affairs.

After reading this document, everyone looked at each other, and then said that they needed to go back to report and could not further discuss this document for the time being.

At present, the attitude of the three parties is also hesitant, which depends on the attitude of the US Eagle Empire.

The three parties are currently speculating about the attitude of the U.S. Eagle Empire, and on the one hand, the U.S. Eagle Empire is afraid that if there is an open war with the Great Jin Empire, if the Great Jin Empire drops destructive weapons on them, it will be the biggest pain for the U.S. Eagle Empire.

Moreover, Brown Jr. hopes to be re-elected for the next term, so naturally he will not sit idly by and watch such things happen.

But on the other hand, Xiao Brown formulated the Demon Dragon Plan, if the Demon Dragon Plan is successful, it will inevitably drag down the Great Jin Empire, and for the American Eagle Empire, Jiang Zhiqing's forces have his original value.

At present, Han Xiyuan has ordered a truce and actively hopes to resolve the dispute peacefully.

This kind of behavior, in the eyes of Jiang Zhiqing and others, may be a sign of weakness by Han Xiyuan, indicating that their defense plan is successful.

Moreover, although Han Xiyuan had a destructive-level weapon in his hand, there was no way to carry out a destructive-level blow to their territory, which would inevitably cause dissatisfaction among the countrymen.

In the midst of such a trade-off, Jiang Zhiqing and others sent envoys to participate in this so-called peace talks.

As a result, the peace talks did not go smoothly, and even dragged on until the outbreak of the plague, and no results were discussed.

However, this meeting still laid a certain foundation for the peaceful reunification that followed.

At the same time, a secret meeting was being held in the Eagle Empire, between Churchill, the head of the Eagle Empire, and Brown Jr., the president of the Eagle Empire.

The Eagle Empire adopts a constitutional monarchy, and although the Eagle Empire does not adopt this form of government, most of the population of the Eagle Empire comes from the Western Continent, and they still have a certain respect for the Empress of the Eagle Empire.

"Mr. President, at present, the German Empire has captured the entire territory of the Franco-Prussian Empire, and the Great Jin Empire, an ally of the German Empire, is also constantly attacking. Since ancient times, there has been a truth that the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. If so, at this moment, your Eagle Empire will not come forward to mediate, or assist my Eagle Empire. In that near future, you, the Eagle Empire, will face the siege of the two empires. At that point, you, the Eagle Empire, will regret this decision immensely. Churchill

reluctantly spoke, before that, he had sternly informed Little Brown of the current crisis in the world situation.

However, this little Brown did not waver.

He naturally knew that Brown Jr. was for the upcoming election.

"Mr. Churchill, the German Empire has ceased to fight. And the Great Jin Empire's operations were only for peaceful reunification. And if we, the U.S. Eagle Empire, come forward to mediate at this moment, it will inevitably end up with a reason to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. We, the American Eagle Empire, have always advocated world peace.

Little Brown shook his head.

These remarks completely angered Churchill, who stood up and left the White House directly.

And on the road outside the White House, he met a middle-aged man.

"Mr. Churchill, I'm Donald Trump, the leader of the Republican Party, and you didn't get an answer from Mr. Brown Jr. I can assure you that I will make your plan come true. This

person is Trump Brown, and he has his right hand outstretched.

"Are you the Trump Brown who is going to run against Little Brown?" Churchill

looked Trump Brown up and down, he had long heard that the Republican Party had a strong and scheming leader.

"The German Empire should not rise, he can only live in the center of the Western continent, as for the Great Jin Empire. He could only stay in the Far East.

Trump Brown made his attitude clear in a word, and Churchill smiled and stretched out his left hand.

"Mr. Trump Brown, I didn't expect to meet a confidant in a foreign country. "

Glad to meet you, my friend Churchill. Trump

Brown stepped forward and hugged Churchill.

Since then, the two have known each other, and the two have since become an iron triangle with de Gaulle.

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