The reason why Kanaya Haori wanted to meet the defenders of the Four New Bank was because he received the news that the upper peak of the Great Cadre Republic had issued an order to let the defenders of the Four New Bank retreat.

Of course, he also received an order from Shangfeng, because he did not take the four new banks in three days.

As a result, he faced the result of being demoted and replaced.

However, he was not willing to fail like this, and he was going to command the battle against the four new banks for the last time tomorrow.

Hearing the voice, Han Xiyuan was the first to react.

"Chen Yuan, I don't doubt that you want to stick to the determination of the Four New Bank. However, I must tell you that we have already lost, and it will only be a worthless sacrifice to hold on. Moreover, those people in the Franco-Prussian Concession will not let you stick to the Four New Bank all the time, and it will inevitably let the Franco-Prussian Empire put pressure on our great cadres and the Republic of China.

Han Xiyuan turned around directly, wanting to see this Jingu Yuori, Kong Zongren stopped him from behind and opened his mouth to persuade.

【Drop! Start the main quest and defend Jianning. In

Han Hee-won's mind, a voice suddenly flashed.

【Drop! Side quests are being settled, so please wait a while. 【

Drop! Hold on to the four new banks for 15 days (3 days completed), congratulations on obtaining the silver treasure chest. The

sudden mechanical sound disrupted Han Xiyuan's thoughts, he didn't expect that the original task of sticking to the Four New Bank was actually completed.

"Teacher, retreat to the Franco-Prussian Concession, Brother Boyo and I may be rescued by the authorities, but the soldiers in the building may not be able to. I will not watch my soldiers imprisoned, my men to die in battle, not in humiliation. Teacher, I have decided to break through from the front, if I am lucky enough to get out of Jianning City alive, I hope that my teacher can protect me. Boy, thank you here.

Han Xiyuan saluted Kong Zongren and was about to leave, but at this moment Xu Yitian called Han Xiyuan to stop.

"Brother Chenyuan, ride my white horse!"

Xu Yitian said and ordered Xiao Xichuan to lead the horse.

Han Xiyuan nodded.


Kong Zongren was about to speak, but Xu Yitian immediately spoke.

"Teacher, I am first and foremost a great cadre, and secondly, a soldier. I also think that Brother Chen Yuan is right, when we took over the task of sticking to the Four New Bank, we were not ready to go back alive, and the tablet at home had already been set up.

Xu Yitian was already completely moved by Han Xiyuan's words, and he knew very well the style of the major empires.

Therefore, he was unwilling to retreat, let alone take his subordinates into the tiger's mouth.

"What an army of 800,000 cadres can't do, can you do it with 800 of you? Stupid, how can there be two crazy people among my students?

Kong Zongren's face was a little solemn, and then he patted Xu Yitian on the shoulder.

"If you really do it, evacuate to the area around the Wufu line. There is a provisional 78th Division there, and the division commander Li Kemin is your senior brother, go to him. "

At present, the road from the magic capital to Jianning is divided into two roads, north and south, by the Taihu Lake in the middle.

The north side is composed of the Wufu first-line (Suzhou, Changzhou) position, and the Xicheng (Zhenjiang) first-line position.

To the south are Huzhou, Yixing and Shuyang.

At present, the 300,000 Fusang troops attacking the Demon Capital, except for those who died in battle and those who stayed in the Demon Capital, the other Fuso troops, under the order of the commander-in-chief Matsui Ozawa, made a large detour and surrounded Jianning on all sides.

"Boyo, tell Chen Yuan that he is the most outstanding student that my Kong Zongren has taught in his life."

After Kong Zongren finished speaking, he immediately left here, and he was ready to report to his superiors when he was going back, because the war was tight, and the order from Shangfeng did not reach the Four New Bank.

Ten minutes later.

Han Xiyuan had already ridden on a white horse, and the door of the Four New Bank was slowly opened.

At this moment, it is the best time for those reporters to evacuate, and those reporters are also slowly moving towards the Franco-Prussian Concession under the cover of Xu Yitian and his subordinates.

"Battalion commander, I'll go with you!"

Zhou Xinghui opened his mouth and shouted.

"Get ready, brothers, we're about to fight back."

Han Xiyuan still refused, he could summon thousands of junior fighters at any time, and even he could summon the Tiger heavy tank at any time, so Han Xiyuan was absolutely sure to ensure his safety.

"One of the four new banks came out on a tall horse."

On the other side of the Suzhou Creek, the people who had been observing the Four New Bank got out of their fatigue and immediately looked in the direction of the Four New Bank.

The Heavenly Observatory also filmed this scene at this moment.

"The group of defenders of the Four New Bank really gave me a different feeling, I seemed to see the real German soldiers."

The reporter named Brown in the Sky Observation Group spoke to a friend next to him, he was from the German Republic, a former war correspondent, and he had seen the strength of German soldiers.

"Even if the war is won, it will not help if the people do not wake up. What's more, the current war is being lost so quickly.

Zhao Jimin on the side spoke coldly at the moment, he looked at the people on the bank of the Suzhou River, he always thought that those people were just spectators, not worried about the survival of the country.

And as a literati and writer, he is powerless to change all this at the moment.

"Seeing Yun Changqing's green robe and sitting on the boat; Next to Zhou Cang holding a big knife........"The

platform built on the bank of the Suzhou Creek began to sing at this moment, and this scene was sung by Guan Yunchang alone.

A moment later, Han Hee-won and Haori Kanaya looked at each other from the two rooms.

The two rooms were under the baptism of artillery fire, the ruins and broken walls, and some blood that had not yet dried up was dripping down.

"I'm the commander of the 21st Brigade, Haori Kanaya, dare to ask Your Excellency's name?"

The translator next to Kanetani Haori translated to Han Hee-won.

"Han Xiyuan, commander of the first battalion of the third regiment of the 6th brigade."

Han Xiyuan's words fell, and Yuori Kanaya on the opposite side was a little displeased.

"I thought that your army was a brave and brave army, so I treated your army commander with courtesy, but your army commander did not dare to come, is it because I am afraid of my Fusang army?"

Kanaya Yuori had previously learned that the person who was sticking to the Four New Bank was Xu Yitian, the commander of the 2nd Regiment of the 386th Brigade of the 88th National Defense Division of the Republic of China.

"Commander Xu Yitian is indeed the deputy commander who participated in the operation this time, but I am the commander-in-chief. Also, I shot down your fighter today.

Han Xiyuan was riding on a horse at the moment, straightening his waist, obviously taller than Kanaya Yuori opposite.

The condescending words seem to be reprimanding the subordinates.

"Your Excellency, I have received news that your superiors have given you the order to retreat. And because of the defeat in the battle here, I am about to return to China and be arbitrated by a military tribunal. So I hope we can have a fair fight.

When Kanaya Haori heard that Han Xiyuan was the one who shot down the Type 95 two-seat water reconnaissance plane, he was surprised and admired a little.

"A fair fight?"

Han Xiyuan chuckled lightly and gently patted the white horse under him, and the white horse slowly turned around.

The reason why Han Xiyuan laughed was that he was laughing at the Kanaya Yuori in front of him, and the war between them was not a fair contest from beginning to end.

"Your Excellency, I accept your invitation to fight. Please wash your neck.

Han Xiyuan shouted at Katanu Haori in fluent Fuso language, and then rushed back to the Four New Bank.

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