On the way back to the Four New Bank, Han Xiyuan directly opened the silver treasure chest he had just obtained.

【Drop! Congratulations on getting the T-26 light tank card. 【

Drop! Congratulations on getting the Intermediate Warrior Card. 【

Drop! Congratulations on getting the Leopard Medium Tank card. 【

Drop! Congratulations on getting the Bismarck-class battleship card. Han

Xiyuan did not hesitate and directly used the four cards.

Naturally, three new products have been added to the system store.

T-26 light tank (unit price is 100 Chinese dollars, limited to 10 units per month.) Leopard

medium tank (unit price is 100 Chinese coins, limited to 10 units per month.)

Bismarck-class battleships (unit price 10,000 Chinese dollars, limited to three per year.

Han Hee-won, who drove the T-26 light tank and the Leopard medium tank, was pleased, and the heavy Tiger heavy tank that could be purchased before could still fight normally in the magic capital, which was relatively well built on the road.

However, after all, Han Xiyuan is going to retreat to Jianning, and this Tiger heavy tank is relatively insufficient, and the error rate of the Tiger tank is too high, and it is known for repairing a pack of cigarettes for a day.

And the T-26 light tank and the Leopard medium tank directly compensated for the current war needs.

In addition, Han Xiyuan also saw something limited to purchase for the first time--- Bismarck-class dreadnought battleships.

The world has begun to develop aircraft carriers, but the dreadnought battleships are not too far behind, but Han Xiyuan does not know much about this.

"Battalion commander, Zhao Hanmin reports to you."

Han Xiyuan summoned the mid-level warriors who could be purchased just now, and the two entered the interior of the Four New Bank.

Han Xiyuan soon met Xu Yitian.

Xu Yitian told Han Xiyuan all the words left by Kong Zongren when he left, word by word.

"Brother Boyo, let the brothers of the 88th Division get ready, I have decided to break through from the direction of Hengbei tomorrow and withdraw from the Demon Capital."

After listening to Xu Yitian's words, Han Xiyuan immediately made a judgment.

From Hengbei, you can go all the way south to the first line of defense of the Republic of China (Suzhou, Fushan), and the second line of defense is Wuxi and Jiangyin, and the troops withdrawn from the magic capital are defending these two lines of defense.

And from Hengbei, it is along the retreat route of the former National Defense 87th Division.

"Brother Chen Yuan, is this really ready to break through from the front? Then I'll leave it to the brethren to prepare. "

Tomorrow's breakout battle is bound to be very cruel.

Therefore, Xu Yitian didn't talk much nonsense, and was about to turn around and leave.

"Brother Boyo, the brothers of the 88th Division tomorrow are not the main force of the charge."

"Brother Chen Yuan, what does this mean? Do you want to protect our brothers in the 88th Division?

Xu Yitian turned around and turned around again, and he asked Han Xiyuan incomprehensibly.

"Brother Boyo, no matter what happens in the future, I hope you can trust me."

Han Xiyuan didn't explain too much, he was going to use all the hole cards in his hand tomorrow, he wanted to show in front of the people of the Republic of China, and defeat the enemy head-on, only such a war can inspire the people.

"Brother Chen Yuan, I obey your orders."

When Xu Yitian heard Han Xiyuan's words, he stopped asking.

Then, Han Xiyuan walked to the first floor and entered the tunnel.

He summoned all the three middle-level warriors of Zhou Xinghui, and when he had just walked out of the Four New Bank and went to meet Yuori Kanaya, he had almost explored all the terrain in front of the Four New Bank.

Therefore, he is currently using a knife to roughly draw a topographical map of the ground and then speak.

"Zhou Xinghui, on the other side of the tunnel, did you send soldiers to check?"

"Report to the battalion commander, that end of the tunnel has been blocked and cannot be excavated at this time."

Zhou Xinghui opened his mouth to report.

"Well, that's good."

Han Xiyuan nodded, and then spoke.

"Tomorrow morning, I will summon another two thousand six hundred junior warriors, and each of you will command one thousand two hundred warriors."

Two thousand six hundred, plus the one thousand people summoned by Han Xiyuan at the moment, exactly reached three thousand six hundred.

Han Xiyuan spoke to the three people in front of him, Han Xiyuan was not ready to summon all the junior warriors.

Because, at present, the front of the Four New Bank can accommodate up to a few thousand people, and it is not easy to equip these junior fighters with corresponding weapons and equipment in a short period of time.

To the greatest extent, the three people in front of them can complete the operational command of these 1,200 people in a short period of time.

"Yes, Battalion Commander."

The three shouted in unison.

After Han Xiyuan finished speaking, he asked Li Longjie and Zhao Hanmin in front of him to go down to prepare, and ordered Zhou Xinghui to gather the soldiers on the first floor at the entrance of the tunnel, and he walked directly to the deepest part of the tunnel.

He first summoned the weapons in the system's warehouse.

Twenty MG34 general-purpose machine guns, four hundred MP40 submachine guns, four hundred Sauer M38H pistols, thirty GrW34 mortars, eight hundred Mauser 98k rifles, and the bullets that were given by the system when purchasing these weapons, were all summoned by Han Hee-won.

And one by one, the junior soldiers, under the command of Han Xiyuan, carried all these weapons out.

These weapons directly occupied the space on the first floor where items could be placed, and Han Xiyuan still didn't stop.

He summoned some more rice and flour, and he prepared to use the last water source of the Four New Bank to give the soldiers a full meal.

After all, the next step is a long run, and if you want to eat a full meal, you really don't know when you will have to wait.

It's 0:00 a.m.

The people on the other side of the Suzhou Creek dozed off and looked at the Four New Bank, which became the belief in their hearts at this moment.

Of course, more people are asleep.

"Is it cooking smoke? The fragrance of steamed buns? "

Look at the defenders of the Four New Banks cooking."

The people on the other side of the Suzhou Creek were now swept away from their sluggishness, and they knew that the defenders of the Four New Bank had not eaten at all in the past few days.

They also tried to throw some food inside the Four New Bank, but the patrol officers in the Prussian Concession stopped them.

At this moment, seeing these heroes burying the pot and cooking, they couldn't help but get excited.

Inside the four new banks.

"Brother Boyo."

Xu Yitian naturally smelled the fragrance of steamed buns and walked down, Han Xiyuan handed over a fragrant steamed bun and handed over a bowl of rice porridge.

"At present, there are not enough steamers and bowls, so I can only grieve the brothers, eat in batches, and wait a little longer."

Han Xiyuan opened his mouth and said, Xu Yitian took a bite of the steamed bun, he hadn't eaten for three days, and the taste of the steamed bun was better than all the food at this moment.

And the brothers of the 88th Division were all classified by Han Xiyuan as the first batch of troops to eat.

"Brother Chen Yuan, tomorrow your name will spread throughout the entire national capital, and even the people of the major empires will be shocked by your deeds."

Xu Yitian took a sip of rice porridge, and he looked at Han Xiyuan.

When Han Xiyuan heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little dumbfounded.

Xu Yitian explained to him that he had just been on the roof of the Four New Bank and saw the roof of the casino opposite, where there were several personnel from the military command, waving flags here.

The content of the flag is very clear, that is, it demands that the defenders of the Four New Bank withdraw to the Prussian Concession, and even mentions Han Xiyuan by name.

He guessed it had something to do with today's press corps.

ps:At present, readers can also pick out typos.,I hope readers can help pick it out.,Thank you readers.,There's another chapter later.。

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