"Then we can only pray now, but you must now get the agents sent by the Great Jin Empire out of our subjects as soon as possible. In addition, we are going to start a short retreat.

Tsar II spoke to Korodia and the others, and then had a telephone conversation with Adolf, who reminded Adolf that Adolf could also be wary of the Great Jin Empire.

Although Adolf said that there was a need to blockade the pass, in order to win the support of Judah's people, Adolf now unconditionally accepted Judas from all over the world, but in this way, the agents of the Great Jin Empire had an opportunity.

Han Xiyuan also instructed Ge Shunda, hoping that Ge Shunda and others would transfer the plague virus to every piece of land in the Western Continent as soon as possible.

Subsequently, Tsar II also expressed that he could not reach Berlin as promised.

Hearing this, Adolf also expressed his understanding, but in this way, Adolf was a little less confident.

Therefore, after the end of the telephone meeting with Tsar II, he invited Churchill to the telephone meeting.

At the moment, Churchill is in a lot of trouble, and he is still dealing with the pressure of the Great Jin Empire.

Previously, Churchill also wanted to be more firm and not hand over the cultural relics seized by the Eagle Empire, but due to domestic pressure, especially the-for-tat confrontation of former Prime Minister Brent.

This Brent has now become the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Eagle Empire with the help of the Great Jin Empire, and this time, Churchill collapsed.

After all, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the mouth of a country, and the mouth of the Eagle Empire has now been bought by the Great Jin Empire.

Of course, Churchill also tried his best to prevent it, but he couldn't bear it, the queen's attitude, and this resolution, was the result of the national referendum.

After Brent came to power, he actually proposed to establish reasonable diplomatic relations with the Jin Empire, and even formed a faction to form a force, which can now compete with Churchill.

Therefore, Churchill is preparing the content of today's speech, which will be broadcast throughout the Eagle Empire.

"Mr. Churchill, judging from the current situation, we must be on guard against the Great Jin Empire. To prevent the plague from spreading in a large area of our country.

Adolf spoke slowly to Churchill about what Tsar II had just reported.

"This Great Jin Empire is really despicable, but Mr. Adolf, do you have any evidence that the Great Jin Empire has dropped the plague virus on the Tsarist Russian Empire?

Churchill wanted to put the news in his speech he was about to give, but Adolf shook his head over the phone.

"At present, we still have to stabilize the Great Jin Empire, and this is only the speculation of Tsar II, and there is no definite evidence.

Hearing this, Churchill also had a preconceived consideration of whether it was an imaginary concocted by the Tsarist Empire, but he didn't care at all.

"By the way, Mr. Churchill, I hope you can be an intermediary and let me have a telephone conversation with Donald Brown, the president of the American Eagle Empire, so as to strengthen our relationship.

Adolf stated another purpose of the telephone meeting, and Churchill agreed to Adolf's request, and then he went to the palace to report to the Empress of the Eagle Empire.

"Your Majesty, the Great Jin Empire has already dropped the plague virus into the Tsarist Russian Empire, and if we are still wishful thinking at this moment that we can repair relations with the Great Jin Empire, then our Eagle Empire can only face the result of extinction in the end. And we must not surrender. "

At present, the empress of the Eagle Empire is under the lobbying of Brent many times, and she is somewhat paranoid about mending relations with the Great Jin Empire.

Even for this reason, she personally ordered Churchill to release de Gaulle and others and hand them over safely to the soldiers of the Great Jin Empire.

The reason why she thought this way was, in part, hostile to the German Empire.

"Your Majesty, if we surrender, then what will greet us will be the ruin of the country and the destruction of the family, which can be traced back to the history of the Great Jin Empire.

Seeing that the empress still didn't say a word, Churchill cited the story of the historical development of the Great Jin Empire, once faced with the invasion of foreign enemies, it would unite and rise, and finally destroy all foreign enemies, which highly magnified the threat of the Great Jin Empire.

Hearing Churchill's words, the Empress shook her head impatiently, because Churchill was obviously stealing concepts.

She believes in her bones that the current Eagle Empire has handed over all the concession areas that have seized the Great Jin Empire, and the interests in Southeast Asia have also been given up to the Great Jin Empire.

At this moment, at the request of the Great Jin Empire, the seized cultural relics were returned, and they were handed over to de Gaulle, so the empress naively believed that there was no hatred between the Eagle Empire and the Great Jin Empire at all.

In fact, in the new history textbooks of the Great Jin Empire, the Eagle Empire was previously the gate of the Qing Dynasty, and then carried out several opium wars, but there are also some comments on this matter.

After all, it was the first time for the Eagle Empire to make the Qing Dynasty realize the dangers of closing the country to the outside world, although it was forced to open the country, but after all, it was to learn from the outside and seek development.

Although there is a little benefit, the hatred of the family and the country can never be forgotten, and the domestic of the Great Jin Empire has also begun to follow the example of the Tsarist Russian Empire and begin to develop some worship ideas.

Among them, the most meteoric are the royalists, these people constantly inculcate Han Hee-won's ruling ideas to the people, and they learn Han Hee-won's speech habits and speeches.

Moreover, Han Xiyuan did not carry out some cultural bans, and even now many movies that have just been released have clips describing Han Xiyuan, and even Han Xiyuan himself acted in a few scenes.

This enlightened cultural environment, in a short period of time, all walks of life in the Great Jin Empire bloomed and a hundred schools of thought contended.

Secondly, Han Xiyuan also attaches great importance to the development of sports, and he even sets strict requirements for the proportion of sports in the examination.

Moreover, he also greatly advocated cultural self-confidence, for which he independently opened the title of master of Chinese studies, of which Gu Hongming was the leader.

He spoke highly of this person in his previous life, after all, this person can be called the first master of modern Chinese studies, he was born in Nanyang, studied in the West, but after he finished learning foreign knowledge, he found that Chinese culture is the first in the world.

Therefore, appointing Gu Hongming is the best choice.

Of course, Han Xiyuan still abolished the classical Chinese and promoted the Chinese and vernacular languages, but retained the classical Chinese part of the text, which is also to inherit the wisdom of the ancients.

At the same time, Han Hee-won eliminated the study of English from the discipline because he did not think it was necessary to learn English.

However, this policy was adopted less than three months before a group of scholars found out and revised it.

At present, due to the strength of the Great Jin Empire, some surrounding countries, even the Western Continent, and even the New World, have opened the study of Chinese language, and many Confucius Institutes have been set up.

To a certain extent, this shows the cultural superiority of the Great Jin Empire, and even the current Huaxia language is the second largest language system in the world.

However, at present, after all, the English of the Eagle Empire ranks first, and many famous theories in modern times are all written in English.

Of course, these are not the most important reasons, but the most important reason is a kind of class antagonism.

These scholars pointed out that if English is removed from the subject, the majority of scholars will not be able to learn English, and other wealthy students will inevitably choose to continue studying.

This remark also made Han Xiyuan listen to it, in his previous life, he was not good at English, so in this life, he denounced the abolition, but he still forgot the current situation of the country.

As a result, Han Hee-won revised the policy to reduce the proportion of English in the subject, but did not eliminate it.

"I have not stopped your policy from being pursued, but at the same time, I want to leave a way back for our royal family. Churchill

was still tirelessly persuading the empress in front of him, but the empress couldn't listen to it anymore, but directly said this rebuttal, which made Churchill sigh, he knew that he could not persuade the empress in front of him, so he could only withdraw from the palace and go to the place where he was going to have a meeting.

In the car, Secretary General Gooddal spoke slowly to Churchill.

"Yuan Xiansheng, the mood of the people in the country is very low at the moment, and the surrender of the Bron is here to make his speech. Are we going to think about getting rid of this person?".

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