Tsarist Empire, Moscow.

Tsar II, looking in the direction of the Western Continent at the moment, muttered in his heart.

The research and test explosion of nuclear weapons was very hasty in order to cope with the upcoming meeting.

Although, Korodia and others patted their chests and assured that the test explosion would inevitably end in success, Tsar II was still very worried.

After all, a failure to test the explosion would be a naked joke and would be a great frustration for the allies.

However, the biggest headache for Tsar II now is the current plague in the Russian Empire, and Tsar II has been out of quarantine and is now unharmed.

But three days ago, there was a large area of plague infected people in the territory of the Tsarist Empire.

At first, Tsar II thought that it was only a local spread, so he ordered Korodia and others to take quarantine measures to contain the spread of the plague.

However, contrary to expectations, the plague continued to spread over a large area, and even the soldiers of the army were infected with the plague, which was the greatest panic for Tsar II.

If there are no troops available, then it will not be able to resist the attack of the Great Jin Empire, and if it cannot resist, then the Tsarist Russian Empire will fall.

"Ladies and gentlemen, can the plague in our Tsarist Empire be brought under control?"

the second emperor asked when he saw the others who had just walked in.

Korodia and the others looked at each other, and finally Korodia stood up and reported to Tsar II.

"Your Majesty, now we have nothing to do. Because the spread of the plague this time should be the intention of the Great Jin Empire. The

reason why Korodia made this statement was because he found that the spread of the plague was purposeful and organized.

And the root cause is the entry of a Great Jin person, and his speculation is indeed good.

Han Hee-won had already taken over the original research institute of the Fusang Kingdom in the Goryeo Dynasty, and there were a large number of plague potions in the institute, which were originally going to be destroyed in a centralized manner.

But Han Xiyuan looked at the system task and completed the main task of unifying a continent, and he made a bold decision.

Spread the plague into the territory of the Tsarist Empire, and then drive the forces of the Tsarist Empire out of the current continent as soon as possible, and then complete the main quest.

Thinking of this, Han Xiyuan ordered Ge Shunda to arrange personnel to secretly infiltrate the territory of the Tsarist Russian Empire and carry out a secret drug delivery operation.

"However, your majesty is relieved. Previously, we imitated the Great Jin Empire for the possible plague, built an isolation place, and formulated a reasonable treatment plan based on the current scientific research. Although it is not possible to complete the release of quarantine in a short period of time.

Korodia hurriedly reported.

At present, in terms of plague prevention and control, it is naturally the plan formulated by the Great Jin Empire that is the most accurate.

And with the spread of the plague, antibodies have appeared to a certain extent, such as the American Eagle Empire, which has now appeared, and there are no infected people.

And the scientific research institute of the American Eagle Empire also extracted some blood from their bodies for research.

Secondly, after the plague, herd immunity can occur, such as the narrow country of Fusang, which is about to become the Fusang province of the Great Jin Empire.

Almost everyone in the area is suffering from the plague, but after more than a month of infecting each other, they also have herd immunity.

Therefore, these situations are still relatively optimistic news.

"I hope that as much as possible, it will not affect our soldiers. Hearing

that the plague had been brought under control for the time being, Tsar II breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your Majesty, although we have temporarily controlled it, we still have to be prepared for a large reduction in the number of people in a short period of time.

Glodia sighed at this moment, and spoke a reality that no one wanted to accept.

After the First World War, the Russian Empire had a large attrition, so the Russian Empire put forward numerous plans to support production.

And the children who are born with the support of these programs are now just growing up.

And the plague is the biggest attack group of the elderly and children, after all, the immunity of the two is low, which for the Tsarist Empire, there will inevitably be a significant reduction in population.

"In addition, we unanimously recommend that Your Majesty be asked not to go to the Western Continent in person, but to appoint the Foreign Secretary to do so. At present, we in the Tsarist Russian Empire absolutely cannot afford to have a chaotic situation again. "

The Tsarist Empire, unlike other empires, has always created an ideology of monarch worship.

Under this ideological system, if Tsar II had made a mistake, it would inevitably plunge the Russian Empire into great chaos.

"Then the foreign minister Mohan Deyan stationed in the German Empire will attend this meeting!" Tsar

II was naturally afraid of death, and after he learned that there was no problem with his body, he directly had an in-depth exchange with the two concubines.

Then Tsar II asked again.

"This time, what do you think

of Trump Brown, the new president of the U.S. Eagle Empire?" Tsar II didn't have much affection for the U.S. Eagle Empire, and it was because of Troy that the meeting of the agreement that was originally going to be reached was directly announced.

"Your Majesty, he had close contacts with the Great Jin Empire before. Now we have reached a military alliance with us. Therefore, we believe that as long as the threat of the Great Jin Empire to the American Eagle Empire is guaranteed. Then Trump will be our ally.

Korodia gave an objective view, and so did several others.

"In that case, it seems that we can only reach a temporary agreement with these allies. "

Tsar II clearly knows that there is only the threat of the Great Jin Empire, and if there is no threat from the Great Jin Empire, then the Tsarist Russian Empire will inevitably have to fight a big war with other countries.

This made Tsar II a little exhausted, but he could only be optimistic for the time being.

"Your Majesty, don't worry too much at the moment, after the successful test explosion of our General Monte No. 1, the Great Jin Empire will inevitably be reined in.

Seeing the worry in Tsar II's eyes, Korodia spoke out to comfort him.

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