Han Xiyuan had already learned at this moment that the number of casualties in each regiment had been reduced by nearly half to 5,667 on Han Xiyuan's side after yesterday's bombing by Fusang Army fighters and today's positional defense, and most of the soldiers killed were prisoners of war who were rescued from Tilanqiao.

In this case, although Han Xiyuan understood, he still had some pain.

"Commander, I suggest that we still stick to Jishou Mountain.

Han Xiyuan just asked Zhou Xinghui and the others in front of him about the next countermeasures, and he told everyone in front of him that as long as they waited until seven days later, the battle situation would take a turn for the better.

"Regiment Commander, I also agree with Battalion Commander Zhou's countermeasures. At present, our army has gone through a long-distance attack and is fighting non-stop, and if it breaks through again. I'm afraid that our army won't be able to hold Jianning at all, and it will be exhausted to death. Moreover, the troops of the Fuso Army surrounded and intercepted us all the way, and we couldn't shake off this big tail at all.

Zhao Hanmin also agreed with Zhou Xinghui's suggestion.

Then, Han Xiyuan looked at Li Longjie on the side, and Li Longjie also spoke slowly.

"Commander, I also agree with the suggestion to stick to Jishou Mountain. Jishou Mountain is the best defensive position in this area. Moreover, I also agree with Battalion Commander Zhao's idea that instead of being divided and annihilated by the Fusang Army, it is better for us to stick to Jishou Mountain and wait for the turning point in seven days.

After hearing this, Han Xiyuan nodded slightly.

At present, the weapons in his system warehouse can definitely support their troops to hold on to Jishou Mountain.

It can also help them break through, but after breaking through, they can only choose to enter the Huzhou boundary, and when they enter the Huzhou boundary, they still have to find an area as a position.

Instead of being chased and beaten constantly, it is better to stick to Jishou Mountain.

"Well, then order the soldiers of each regiment to arrange some minefields in front of the positions and strengthen the positions while the Fuso Army has not yet attacked. We need to be prepared to hold out for seven days.

After Han Xiyuan gave the order, he asked these officers to go down and arranged for the soldiers to bury the pot and cook rice, and they had not eaten a decent meal in the past few days.

And Tani Komaki and Kamikawa Kiyuki also decided to drop poison gas bombs on the position of Jishou Mountain on the battlefield tomorrow.

At eight o'clock in the morning of the next day, the commander-in-chief of the 5th Army of Fuso, Yamakawa Yugu, also ordered a comprehensive encirclement and annihilation battle against the army of the 70,000 Great Cadres of the Republic of China on the Jiangyin line, and the envoy Song Ziwu sent by Jiang Zhiqing successfully reached Fusang State last night, and now he has arrived at Anli Kurosawa, the prime minister of Fuso State.

"Mr. Song, I heard that you came this time to bring good news to my Fusang country.

Amway Kurosawa spoke fluent Daqian and had a pinch of mustache on his lips.

"Your Excellency Kurosawa, I have come this time to discuss the peaceful settlement of the dispute with the Fuso Kingdom on behalf of the Republic of China. Previously, the shooting and killing of your country's officers in the magic capital, our great cadres and the Republic of China have brought the murderer to justice. In addition, as compensation, the Republic of China is willing to dismantle the forts in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and the number of troops will be reduced by more than half. Although

Song Ziwu is a gesture of peace, he does not seem so humble.

And the incident he refers to when the Fuso State shot and killed the officers of the Fusang Kingdom, that is, in order to start a war, the Fuso Kingdom let the soldiers go to the airport of the Demon Capital to carry out unprovoked provocations, and the garrison of the Demon Capital, when they could not bear it, shot back.

The meaning of the second half of Song Ziwu's words is that the Republic of China is willing to cede Jiangsu, Zhejiang Province and the Demon Capital to Fusang State.

"Mr. Song, you don't seem to know much about the battle situation, I am willing to interpret one or two for Mr. Song. At present, our Fusang army has taken all the Jiangsu-Zhejiang provinces, Anhuai provinces, and Xijiang provinces of the Republic of China. In a few days, the army will be under the city of Jianning. Therefore, does Mr. Song think that one Jiangsu, Zhejiang and the Demon Capital can calm the anger of my Fusang Army?

"Your Excellency Kurosawa, do you really want to carry out the war to the end? I have 40,000 people in the Republic of China, and if the war is fought to the last moment, I think you will not be able to get any benefit from Fusang Country. Song

Ziwu didn't expect that Fusang's appetite was so big, and he wanted to swallow Anhuai Province, Xijiang Province, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province directly in one go.

However, when he came, Jiang Zhiqing also instructed him that these occupied areas could be ceded to Fusang State, but Song Ziwu was still a little unwilling.

"Mr. Song, do you really want to let the army of my Fusang Army set foot on your national capital, so that Mr. Song will come to his senses? Moreover, it is Mr. Song who has come to sue for peace, not my Fusang Kingdom who wants to end this war.

Amway Kurosawa spoke slowly, with a very tough attitude.

"Retaining Jianning City is the last bottom line of my Great Cadre Republic of China. In addition, you must hand over Jiang Weijing.

Song Ziwu sighed, he realized that the matter was tricky, and he could only take a step back.

According to Jiang Zhiqing's original plan, even Jianning could give up.

"Mr. Song, at present, we Fusang State are making conditions to you, not you, the Great Qianguo and the Republic of China, are making demands on us.

Amway Kurosawa completely lost patience, and he directly threw Song Ziwu a document.

The content of this document is that the Republic of China must unconditionally cede Anhuai Province, Jiangsu, Zhejiang Province, and Xijiang Province, and in addition, it must respect Fusang as its suzerain.

Song Ziwu could barely accept the former land cession clause, but the later respect for Fusang as the suzerainty was a disguised bow to Fusang State, which was unacceptable to Song Ziwu, and he got up directly.

"Your Excellency Kurosawa, I think I still have to go back and ask my Majesty the Emperor of the Great Dry Republic of China, and I think Your Excellency Kurosawa can think carefully about it and hand over Jiang Weijing. Farewell!"

After Song Ziwu finished speaking, he left here.

Amway Kurosawa looked at Song Ziwu's departing figure, turned his head and shouted to the adjutant on the side.

"Send a telegram to the commander-in-chief of the Fifth Army, Yamakawa Yugu, and ask him to step up his attack plan on Jianning City, and if necessary, launch a massacre in Jianning City. To these fools of the Republic of China, ring the alarm bell.

Amway Kurosawa thinks that Song Ziwu, who has just come, doesn't understand the current situation at all, and it seems very stupid to talk to him.

Moreover, he will definitely not hand over Jiang Jingwei, he is ready to support Jiang Jingwei and establish a great free state in Anhuai Province, Xijiang Province, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces, as well as in the Qianzhong region.

Song Ziwu, who returned to his residence, directly slammed his fist on the wooden table and spoke to Fu Boxu, the accompanying diplomat in front of him.

"Fusang is really arrogant, if you agree to these demands. I'm afraid that when we return to China, we will fall into the same fate as the three traitors. "

The three traitors that Song Ziwu said were the post-war meetings held by the major empires on the Western continent on behalf of the Great Qian.

Thirty years ago, the Western Continent, the Eagle Empire, the Silver Wolf Empire, the French Empire, the German Empire, the Bear Empire, and the declining Austro-Hungarian Empire started a war.

The final result ended with the victory of the Eagle Empire, the Silver Wolf Empire, the French Empire, and the Barbarian Bear Empire.

The Great Qian Republic joined the camp of the Eagle Empire and attended as victors, but it was treated unfairly, and the ministers who signed on behalf of the three representatives were besieged by the people and nailed to the pillar of shame when they returned to China.

"Uncle Guo, let's ask Your Majesty! The current situation seems that Fusang Country will not give up.

Fu Boxu gave a suggestion, and Song Ziwu could only nod and ordered someone to send a message to Jiang Zhiqing, who was far away in Sichuan and Chongqing Province.

At this moment, Jiang Zhiqing is transferring the army, he is ready to give up Jianning City, and although he is not sure to hold the territory after Jianning, he still has to transfer the army to defend.

He even appointed Chen Tumu, the head of his Five Tiger Generals, to command the defensive battle.

"These Qiu Ba bastards are really lions with big mouths.

Jiang Zhiqing received the telegram, scolded loudly, and then handed the telegram to Chen Tumu, who was standing.

Chen Tumu took the telegram and looked at Jiang Zhiqing as he spoke.

"Your Majesty, the minister believes that the war situation has not reached an irreparable situation, the main force of our defense army is still there, and the King of Gui and the King of Anhui still have nearly a million troops in their hands, with these forces, although it is impossible to recover the occupied area, but there is no big problem in holding the current territory.

Chen Tumu had already heard the news that Jiang Zhiqing had sent Song Ziwu to Fusang Kingdom, so he also wanted to meet him early.

"Good minister, I naturally understand this truth, but the Fusang Kingdom wants to support my rebellious brother, and there is no shortage of his former ministers in the court. Moreover, King Gui and King Anhui have also separated from me over the years. I really don't want the country to fall into decline.

Jiang Zhiqing still didn't have the determination to resist at this moment.

"Your Majesty, at this moment, when the country is at stake, King Gui and King Wan will definitely not fall to Fusang Kingdom. And at this moment, Your Majesty can hold high the banner of resistance in order to win the support of the people. Therefore, the minister believes that he is still calling his uncle back to China.

Chen Tumu's words fell, he looked up and saw Jiang Zhiqing's expression, which was not very good-looking, so he didn't dare to speak again.

"Liangchen, the position on the front line will be handed over to you. I'm tired, you can stand down!" Jiang

Zhiqing waved his hand and motioned for Chen Tumu to retreat.

Subsequently, he summoned Dai Liming again, instructed Dai Liming to send some more men to protect Song Ziwu's safety, and then sent a telegram to Song Ziwu, telling him to fight for it, so that Fusang gave up the idea of supporting Jiang Weijing.

On this basis, it is appropriate to continue the joint talks with Fuso.

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