In Jishou Mountain, the Fusang Army dropped nearly 50 poison gas bombs, which are also known as mustard gas.

Junior soldiers had a lot of experience with this type of gas bomb, and they used a dagger to cut a piece of fabric from their uniforms, soaked it in water from a pot, and covered their mouths and noses.

Therefore, the gas bomb did not cause any substantial casualties to Han Xiyuan's troops.

And Kamikawa Kiyuki and Tanaya Komaki both received orders.

The first wing of the 30 brigade and the third wing of the 29 brigade were also ready to be transferred, and they have now been transferred back to the frontal battlefield to encircle and annihilate the army of the Republic of China in the Jiangyin area.

Therefore, Shangchuan Muxing and Gu Xiaomu had to send out a wing to cross the Suzhou Creek to take over the position.

Moreover, they also lost the artillery support of the Air Force.

They could only mobilize tank squads and armored vehicle brigades to launch an attack on the positions north of Jishou Mountain.

However, they did not expect at all that their tank squad and armored vehicle brigade were directly destroyed by ZiS-30 self-propelled anti-tank guns, and even Han Xiyuan prevented the counterattack by using ten T-24 light tanks and Leopard medium tanks.

He also personally operated a Tiger heavy tank to launch an attack on the attacking Fusang army, directly reaping a wave of experience.

However, Han Xiyuan quickly retreated, and he still can't show too much strength at the moment, because it will attract more soldiers.

What surprised him was that the Fusang soldiers on the opposite side did not organize any decent attack in the next five days.

When such a situation occurs, it is because Kamikawa Kiyuki and Taniya Komaki have consulted Yamakawa Yugu.

The two of them really can't conquer the position of Jishou Mountain, and the mountains and rivers on the other side are currently winning, and the good news on the front line is one after another.

It was almost two days to encircle and annihilate a full-fledged division.

And after he received the news from Kamikawa Kiyuki and Taniya Komai, he gave the order to surround and wait for reinforcements.

Therefore, the next war was very smooth for Han Xiyuan.

It wasn't until the fifth day that there were some hiccupes.

On the fifth day, the Fifth Army of the Fusang Army completely surrounded and annihilated the army of the Republic of China in the Jiangyin area, so Shanchuan Yugu transferred 30 brigades and regiments to cooperate with the encirclement and annihilation of Han Xiyuan's troops.

In Fusang, Song Ziwu and Amway Kurosawa completely collapsed.

"Mr. Kurosawa, I don't think you are really sincere. Leave. "

Song Ziwu really can't stand Amway Kurosawa's unreasonable demands.

"Mr. Song, I hope that one day, you will not regret what you said today. If you become a prisoner one day, I will not hesitate to make you a man.

Amway Kurosawa also felt that talking to Song Ziwu was too much of a waste of time.

In Jianning City, Tang Zhisheng looked at the sand table in front of him, he had now put the 80,000 troops in Jianning City to Niushou Mountain, Chunhua, Qinglong Mountain, Qixia Mountain, and Wulong Mountain as the main defense line.

Originally, there were 150,000 troops in Jianning City, but after Jiang Zhiqing left, he took away 30,000 national defense troops.

Of the remaining 40,000 troops, 30,000 were put by Tang Zhisheng in Yuhuatai, Purple Mountain, and Shogunate Mountain, and the other 10,000 guarded the inner city of Jianning.

He had a plan at his hand----- the Vulture Project.

The Vulture Plan was a strategy adopted by Jiang Zhiqing's subordinate minister He Yingqi in an attempt to use Jianning City as the grave of the Fusang Army, and the plan was to plant enough explosives to raze Jianning City to the ground.

And Tang Zhisheng is wavering at the moment, he has worked hard to evacuate the people in Jianning City, but it is a pity that he cannot evacuate all of them at present.

This also means that there must be people and Jianning City to accompany the funeral, and more importantly, this move is to chill the soldiers guarding the front line.

Because, the fate of those soldiers is death, and there is no other choice.

"Commander-in-Chief, the Minister has come again to inquire about the progress of the implementation of the Condor Plan.

Tang Zhisheng's chief of staff, Zhao Shenchang, ran over to salute, and then shouted.

When Tang Zhisheng heard this, he directly flipped over the documents on the table, and he kicked the table again.

"Fuck, I forced Lao Tzu to be in a hurry, and Lao Tzu led the crowd to surrender. "

Tang Zhisheng is currently on a ship that is about to sink, and if he carries out the vulture plan, he will take 300,000 people in Jianning City to die.

If so, he would stick to Jianning City, but with these miscellaneous armies in his hands, he couldn't hold it at all.

No matter which option he chooses, he Tang Zhisheng will undoubtedly have to bear the stench for 10,000 years.

"Commander-in-chief, calm your anger!! I think it is not impossible to exchange the lives of hundreds of thousands of people for the elite of hundreds of thousands of Fusang troops. For the sake of this war, we must have sacrifices.

Zhao Shenchang opened his mouth in a low voice, which directly angered Tang Zhisheng, and he directly tugged at Zhao Shenchang's collar.

"Fuck, did you ask the people in the city if they were willing to die? If you had your parents and friends among them, would you still say that in a big way? We soldiers can be ready to sacrifice at any time in order to protect the people, but those people in the city, we are not qualified to decide their life and death.

As Tang Zhisheng spoke, he couldn't suppress his anger, and he couldn't hold it, and there was a minister above him.

"The commander-in-chief, my wife, and my son, arrived in Jianning City yesterday. I, Zhao Shenchang, know that the Condor plan is to drag innocent people to death. However, we had no choice, we had to trade the lives of seven or eight soldiers for one Fuso soldier on the frontal battlefield, and if the Condor plan was successful, then we would exchange one for one. It was enough to turn the war around. The areas we have fallen can be regained again. I, Zhao Shenchang, may not see that day, but I, Zhao Shenchang, am willing to bear the infamy of the ages for this.

Zhao Shenchang tidied up his sleeves, he was also depressed in his heart, but he had no choice.

"Let the respective armies start to implement according to the plan!" At

this moment, Tang Zhisheng had no confidence, and he patted Zhao Shenchang on the shoulder in front of him.

On the seventh day, the Fifth Army of Fusang had advanced to the outermost battlefield of Jianning City.

Attacks are being launched on Niushou Mountain, Chunhua, Qinglong Mountain, Qixia Mountain, and Wulong Mountain.

And Han Xiyuan finally let out a roar.

"Finally, it's December.

He hurriedly looked at the system store, and sure enough, it was refreshed.

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